What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 52 Photo stickers and bags

"Photo stickers!" Si Aoki pulled Qiong into the mall. When he saw the photo sticker machine placed beside him, his eyes lit up: "Qiong, let's take pictures too, okay?"

Qiong looked at Aokiji and nodded hesitantly, his heart pounding: It is said on the Internet that photoshoots are only for couples.

Aokiji didn't know those twists and turns, and he didn't care about what others said. He saw a couple in front of him laughing and walking out of the photo sticker machine, and he hurriedly took Qiong's hand and walked in.

"Wow, are there any beauty effects?" Aokiji put in a coin and looked at the machine showing his and Qiong's faces, with some interesting beauty effects. He smiled and clicked a few times casually. , just to see that his and Qiong's faces turned into funny bun faces.

"Quick, come closer." Aokiji looked at Qiong standing in the corner of the machine, looking somewhat reluctant, and grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side.

"Si" Qiong looked at the screen. Si Aoki's face was swollen like a pig's head, and there was a very obvious red blush effect on his face. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "So ugly."

Aokiji smiled nonchalantly: "The same goes for Qiong!"

Qiong's face was also made chubby by the machine's special effects, and the blush effect on her face made her expressionless look look funny.

"No." Before Qiong could remember to stop him, Aokiji pressed the shooting button, and the funny look of the two of them was saved.

Seeing that Qiong seemed a little unhappy, Aokiji hurriedly changed to other beauty effects.

Finally, with Qiong's expressionless expression on his face, Aokiji finished taking ten photo albums - only the last one was the most realistic one without any special effects. Although most of them were Aoki Si with expressive expressions and Qiong with a cold face, Aoki Si still felt very satisfied.

Looking at the twenty funny stickers that were printed out, Aokiji stretched out his hand and divided them into two parts, so that each person had exactly ten pictures.

Qiong looked at Aoki Si and himself in the photo who were messed up by the beauty special effects. He sighed, but didn't say much. He just silently folded it up and held it in his hand.

Aokiji blinked: "Qiong, let me hold it for you first."

Qiong shook his head and didn't explain much. He just silently stretched out his other free hand and held Aoki Si's big hand again.

Aokiji smiled softly, stuffed his share into his trouser pocket, and continued to take Qiong around the mall.

A silver-white, compact women's shoulder bag caught Aoki Tsukasa's attention.

Qiong seems to like wearing white dresses, and there is no room to put anything.

"Do you like this bag?"

Qiong Wenyan took a look at the small silver-white satchel. The bag didn't have any gorgeous embellishments, it was just simple and pure white. To be honest, she really liked this design.


Qiong glanced at the price tag under the bag: 17,999 yuan.

So expensive

"I don't like it." Qiong started softly and looked away.

Aokiji squinted his eyes to see everything, smiled, and looked at the shopping guide: "Can this bag be cheaper?"

"Sir, this bag is already the last one. Our target is the lowest price." The shopping guide talked eloquently about how precious and beautiful this bag is, and how much discount the price has been. Aokiji knew in his heart that most of this was It's nonsense. If you really negotiate the price, it can be cheaper, but he didn't say anything more and simply nodded: "Then buy it."

He took out the money from his wallet and handed it to the shopping guide. He waved his hand to reject the shopping guide who was about to pack. Aokiji took the bag and handed it directly to Qiong: "Put the sticker in! It hurts to hold it in your hand. Fool."

Qiong puffed up his mouth slightly and took the white packet. He didn't say anything, but he snorted in his heart: You are the idiot.

She put the bag on her shoulder with a cold face, opened the zipper, and put the sticker in her palm inside.

I already said I didn't like it. Qiong was a little angry when he saw Aoki Si staring at him and smiling.

Seeing Qiong's expression not very good, but holding the little bag tightly, Aokiji secretly smiled, holding her hand to continue shopping, but found that Qiong pulled him slightly, and still stood there, staring. He looked a little unhappy in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Aokiji tilted his head.

Qiong's voice was a little dissatisfied: "Don't do this next time."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Aokiji made an apologetic expression and looked at her with a smile: "I won't do this next time."

Qiong knew at a glance that he didn't take his words to heart. He let go of Aoki Si's hand and stood there, looking straight at Aoki Si.

Looking at her look, Aokiji raised his eyebrows helplessly: "What's wrong?"

Qiong still didn't speak, and his two big watery eyes looked at Aoki Si expressionlessly.

Aokiji had no choice but to surrender, came to her and touched her head: "Okay. I won't do this next time. If you don't like it, I won't buy it next time."


Qiong avoided the hand touching his head, his expression still a little unhappy.

Aokiji sighed and said seriously: "I know what you are thinking. You don't have to think so much. It is natural for my brother to buy things for his sister. There is nothing wrong with it."

"I make a lot of money, you don't have to worry about these things." Aokiji smiled confidently: "I can make tens of thousands of yuan every day now, so buying you a bag is nothing."

Qiong lowered his head, his voice a little muffled: "Do you make money by being beaten?"

Aokiji blinked, feeling a little funny: "Who told you?"

"Teruhashi's heart is beautiful." Qiong stared at his bag, feeling a little blocked in his heart.

I asked Kotomi Teruhashi about Aokiji. She originally planned to keep it in her stomach, but now she still said it.

Aokiji squatted down so that she could see his eyes even if she lowered her head: "Don't listen to her nonsense, there is probably something wrong with her brain. I am here to practice boxing, and practicing boxing is not about getting beaten. Do you understand?"

"." Qiong's eyes told Aokiji that she didn't believe it.

Aokiji could only say seriously: "It's true. I originally wanted to be a sparring partner there, but the director thought I was very talented and signed a boxer contract with me. If I train there, I'll get money." , I just need to participate in a competition in the name of sponsoring the boxing gym in two months. Now in the fight club, I beat others. How can others dare to beat me? Whoever dares to beat me will be the first to be beaten. The gym manager will not let him go. Our curator is more vicious than me."

"The contract is still at home, waiting for Uncle Kasugano to come back and sign it. If you don't believe it, I will show it to you when I get home tonight." After Aokiji finished speaking, Qiongcai raised his head, his expression seemed a little surprised.

"Really?" Qiong looked at Aoki Si's expression and felt that he was not lying.

Aokiji nodded with a smile: "I can make back the money for a bag in one day, so you don't have to bear the burden. I'm just here to buy something today. If I was really short of money, I wouldn't take you shopping. That’s it. I’ll be happy as long as you take care of yourself, don’t worry about me.”

Qiong tilted his head and Xiafei said with both cheeks, "I don't care about you."

"Yes, yes, yes." Aoki Si rubbed her little head. Seeing that she didn't move away anymore, knowing that the matter was over, he stretched out his hand to hold Qiong again, and she no longer resisted and allowed Aoki Si to pull him away. .

Qiong blushed, thinking of the last time Teruhashi Summi had a pleasant conversation with Aokiji at home, and also remembered that Aokiji had just said that there was probably something wrong with Teruhashi Sumimi's brain, and for some reason, she felt a sudden burst of joy in her heart.

Let’s not tell Teruhashi the truth about Shinmei, and let her continue to misunderstand Aokiji. It’s best to stay as far away from Aokiji as possible!

Qiong looked at Aoki Si pulling her, and occasionally lowering his head to look at her with a gentle smile. An idea came to her mind that even surprised her: if she and Aoki Si could repeat this day forever, what would happen? How good?

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