What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 53 Are you worthy enough to bully her? !

The two of them continued shopping in the mall.

Aoki looked at a store selling sportswear and stopped: "Come in with me and have a look. I want to buy a new set of sportswear."

Qiong said nothing and let Aoki Si pull him in.

Tsukasa Aoki doesn’t know what brand of sportswear is good in this world. Anyway, he has never seen anything like Nike or Adidas in his previous life. Fortunately, Aokiji doesn't pick out his clothes, as long as they can wear them and are comfortable.

"How about this suit?" Aoki Si pointed at a black sportswear and looked at Qiong.

Qiong nodded.

"Sir, you have really good taste. This sportswear is a hot item in autumn and is absolutely trendy." The shopping guide added at the right time.

Aokiji smiled and touched the fabric. It was quite loose and thick. It was just right for wearing in autumn and wearing a down jacket in winter. He simply said: "I want to buy clothes in a larger size. I seem to be growing recently."

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll get it for you." The shopping guide took a look at Aoki Tsukasa's height, and then went to get suitable clothes with a good idea.

Aokiji looked at the sportswear he was wearing, which was obviously one size smaller at this time, and looked at Qiong with a rather proud expression: "I have been growing recently, and I am not much different from 1.8 meters."

In his previous life, he was 1.76 meters tall until he was in his mid-twenties. Now he has the opportunity to grow to over 1.8 meters in this life. To be honest, Aokiji is very happy.

This is probably due to the system. After all, it seems unreasonable to have such a strong attribute without a suitable frame.

"You go to the dressing room and try them on." The shopping guide brought a new set of clothes and handed them to Aoki Tsukasa.

Aokiji rubbed Qiong's head and smiled slightly at her: "Wait for me here, I'll go change my clothes."

Qiong hummed and sat on the chair in the shop with the small bag in his arms. For her, the amount of exercise during today's shopping seemed a bit too much.

Aokiji happily walked into the locker room holding his sportswear.

Qiong cringed and hugged her bag tightly, lowered her head, not daring to look at the people coming and going around, like a poor abandoned animal.

"Isn't that Kasugano Qiong?" The laughing voices of several girls suddenly sounded in the distance.

Qiong raised his head suddenly, his eyes filled with disgust and fear.

Not far away, three girls with mature makeup, but no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, pointed happily at Qiong and walked towards her.

"Hey, Kasugano-kun, you actually go out shopping?" A girl with thick foundation and a round hair mocked and walked forward. Regardless of the disgusted eyes of the store clerk, the three of them surrounded Qiong. .

Qiong's fingers grasped the bag tightly, and the fingers turned white because of too much force. He pursed his lips tightly, lowered his head, closed his eyes to cover his frightened eyes, and said nothing.

The girl with the round head laughed unscrupulously at Qiong: "How come you haven't made any progress after so long? I thought you could walk out of the house, and you were better after all. But now it looks like your mental illness hasn't changed at all. Well."

"Sister, you are serious, this is a men's clothing store." A girl with long hair and freckles on her face, but pretending to be coquettish, smiled coldly: "Maybe I have found a boyfriend, and I will go shopping with him. I can’t say for sure about the clothes either.”

"Boyfriend? I don't think he's the godfather, right? He's here to help, right?" The girl with short brown hair said extremely vicious words with a nonchalant smile.

Qiong's thin body trembled slightly, and she retorted in a weak voice: "I didn't."

"Huh?" The girl with the round head bent down and put her ear to her mouth: "Hey, did I say your voice is only this loud?"

The girl with short brown hair saw the small white bag that Qiong was holding tightly, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes. Then, the envy turned into almost vicious jealousy: "You still said that there is no assisted-dating? The bag in your hand is yours Can you afford it? Isn’t your family almost bankrupt because of your heart disease?”

"Why, your father sold you to someone else?" The brown-haired girl reached out and tapped Qiong's forehead: "You take this bag, do you think it's worthy?"

Qiong grabbed the bag tightly, opened his eyes, raised his head, and looked in the direction of the locker room with desperate eyes.

"Why, is your wealthy man changing his clothes?" The girl with a round head covered her mouth, pretending to be surprised: "Oh, if we let him see it and let him know that you are a psychopath, will he still give you money? ?”

The long-haired girl stroked her freckled face and smiled charmingly: "Why don't you give that rich man to a few of us? How do you serve him? Teach me?"

"Her? She probably can't even shout, right? She's like a mute." After the girl with the round head said, the three of them burst out laughing.

"You mute, Male Gobi!" A furious roar sounded from not far away. Aokiji, wearing a black sportswear, strode towards them with a ferocious expression.

The faces of the three girls changed. The bald man in front of them looked extremely fierce. At this moment, he looked like a wild beast that wanted to devour someone. They felt their legs were weak and they couldn't even turn around and run away.

Aokiji suddenly reached out and pushed away the three people surrounding Qiong, not caring that they were three girls. His unrestrained movement caused the three girls to stumble and fall to the ground.

Qiong raised his head and looked at Aoki Si. On his usually cold face, only fear and sadness were left. His eyes were filled with water vapor. Almost the moment he saw Aoki Si, he shed two lines of tears and called out softly with a choked voice. :"manage"

Aokiji felt like his lungs were going to explode. Even if Ishihara Kita attacked him from behind with a wooden sword yesterday, he was never so angry.

"You three, come here!" Aokiji's expression was extremely grim. He looked at the three girls who wanted to leave and yelled loudly: "You think you can run away? You left today, and I will go to your home to find you tomorrow. !”

The three girls stood there with panic on their faces: "Brother, we were wrong."

Aokiji was so angry that he stood in front of Qiong, pointing his finger at the long-haired girl, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly with anger: "What did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything." The long-haired girl no longer dared to mention the words "supportive". At this time, she was so scared that tears came out and she didn't dare to reach out to wipe them. She stood there and swayed as if she wanted to swing.

Aoki Si took a deep breath and resisted the urge to take action. Seeing Qiong lowering his head and sobbing tightly as he clutched the back of his clothes, Aoki Si would never allow these girls to just let it go.

"You didn't say anything?" Aokiji sneered and looked at the girl with the round head and the brown-haired girl: "You two didn't say anything either?"

The brown-haired girl lowered her head without saying a word, while the girl with a round head frowned and pretended to be calm: "We just saw old classmates and caught up with each other."

"Reminiscing about old times?" Aokiji laughed angrily, wondering how a person could be so bad. He narrowed his eyes and almost couldn't help but hit someone.

"Si, let's go home." Qiong was behind him, holding the back of Aoki Si's clothes, his voice weak.

Aokiji turned around in disbelief and saw Qiong lowering his head, not daring to look at him. His heartache and anger were intertwined, making him unable to control his emotions anymore.

"You guys are worthy enough to bully her?" Aokiji suddenly raised his hand and slapped the ball-headed girl on the face, knocking her to the ground.

"Hit someone." There were whispers from people around the store, and the girl who was knocked to the ground screamed in pain and burst into tears.

Seeing those people around him pointing fingers at him, Aokiji shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

The people around him were startled by Aokiji, and for a moment no one dared to speak. Even the ball-headed girl who was crying bitterly on the ground shut her mouth.

Aokiji looked at the timid clerk beside him, daring not to move, and said in a cold voice, "Did you hear what the three of them said to my sister just now?"

The clerk's voice was trembling: "I heard it."

"Give me the exact words and repeat to me what they said." Aokiji gritted his teeth and stared at the three trembling girls sitting on the ground, hugging each other, with a ferocious expression as if they were about to kill someone.

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