What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 54 Never lie about things agreed upon

After the clerk recounted what happened exactly as it was, Aokiji felt chills all over.

How could this world be like this?

Why is a girl who is supposed to be the same age as Hua so vicious?

Don’t they know how hurtful their words are?

Aokiji looked at the three girls who were sitting on the ground and crying silently, looking like victims. His tone was cold: "You are just reminiscing with your old classmates like this? Huh?"

"I was wrong, we were wrong, we never dare again." The long-haired girl cried and said sorry.

"I dress better than you, just to go on a side trip?"

Aokiji's voice became louder and louder.

"Because I was bullied too much by trash like you and didn't dare to speak anymore, so I became mute?"

"Because you're kind, you become a target for being scolded and beaten back?"

Aokiji became more and more angry as he spoke, and his fingers trembling slightly as he pointed at the three girls: "Okay."

"You like to bully people, don't you? If you think you are better than others, you can just ride on other people's heads, right?" Aoki Si stared at the three girls and said word by word: "Now kneel down to me and apologize to Qiong ."

"Whoever doesn't apologize, I will let you know what it feels like to be bullied. Do you understand?" Aokiji stared at them, without any room for change.

The three girls looked at me, and I looked at you, and then looked at the surrounding crowd for help. All they saw were countless excited eyes and mobile phones held high, and some even cheered loudly for Aokiji.

They slowly and desperately knelt down facing Qiong, their voices weak: "I'm sorry, we were wrong."

"Are you mute?" Aokiji imitated the clerk's description, squatted down, and put his ear in front of the girl with a round head: "Hey, is your voice that loud?"

"I'm sorry! We were wrong!" the three girls cried loudly.

Aokiji just stared at them coldly.

"Qiong" Aokiji turned around, looked at Qiong who had already burst into tears, sighed, his originally cold face opened an extremely gentle smile to her, and put his hand gently on her head: "Don't be afraid anymore, you I'm here. I'm hooked up with you and will protect you. Why didn't you know to call me by my name just now, idiot?"

Qiong leaned forward, plunged into Aoki Si's arms, hugged Aoki Si tightly, and cried loudly: "Si Si."

Aokiji only felt that the thin body in his arms was so weak and the crying was so harsh. He sighed, hugged her tightly in his arms, stroked her long silver hair, and gently rubbed her back, From her thin back, Aokiji could even feel Qiong's weak heartbeat in her hand.

Aoki held Qiong in his arms, turned his head, and looked at the three girls who were still kneeling on the spot crying. His voice was cold: "You'd better remember what happened today. Remember it firmly. Remember it for the rest of your life." ."

"After remembering this, if you still want to bully someone, just think about my face." Aokiji stared at the panic eyes of the three girls and said slowly and clearly: "Don't let me see you again. "

"Remember, it was once." Aokiji's eyes widened: "I will tell you what a real bully is, remember?"

The three girls nodded repeatedly, wiping away tears and said, "Remember."

"Whether you want revenge or whatever you want, come at me." Aokiji said with a cold face: "Go back and tell those who bullied Qiong with you, don't let me know that you dare to bully her again. In the past I don’t want to talk about it anymore, but please remember it for me in the future. She has a brother named Aokiji.”

"Remember? Wuyang High School, Aoki Si!" Aoki Si's eyes were fierce and serious.

The three girls cried and nodded: "Remember."

"Get lost." Aokiji cursed coldly, not wanting to waste another second for them.

The three girls staggered to their feet, covered their faces and turned away.

Aokiji looked at Qiong who was still crying in his arms and sighed: "Qiong, they are leaving."

Qiong is still crying, as if he wants to cry all the tears he has held back for more than ten years.

Aokiji looked at the crowd of people watching and holding up their mobile phones to record the video, with a cold face: "When she needs help, do you just hold up your mobile phones and watch the fun? Can't you have someone who can help her when she needs help? , say a word? What else do you want to take pictures of? Ah? You are the only ones who can’t take a picture of yourselves with your mobile phone to see if you are still feeling warm in your heart? Ah?"

The angry questioning made the onlookers put down their mobile phones in a tacit understanding. No one dared to speak out against the fierce man in front of them. Under his glare, they dispersed in twos and threes. Discussions inevitably continued, but they were carefully lowered. volume.

"Why is he so fierce? He looks like a bad boy at first glance."

"Don't look at how he is pretending to be indignant now. He might be bullying others behind his back."

"I mean, he doesn't look like a good person."

Discussions inevitably reached Aoki Si's ears.

Aokiji felt chilled by this cold reality.

I don't want to blend in reluctantly.

He may never be a beacon in his life, lighting the way for others.

He may not be able to become a hero in his life and save people in danger.

But all he can do is protect the people he loves, use his fists and teeth, and give the people he cherishes and cherishes a bright reality - as long as he is alive, he wants to do this.

Aokiji couldn't write articles that would alert the world, nor could he sing songs that touched people. He only had heavier and heavier fists, and a body that became more and more resistant to beatings.

Bad boy?

I just want to be a bad boy, a bad boy who beats up bastards!

No matter whether you agree with me or not, or how you view me, I will live without any regrets, and that’s enough!

For the first time, Aokiji was so clear about his goals in this life, and for the first time in a true sense, he calmly accepted his so-called "bad boy" title.

The blood that had never been felt before became more and more intense along with the chilling cry in his arms.

"Qiong, I won't be afraid anymore." Aokiji put his chin on Qiong's small head, slowly closed his eyes, and patted Qiong's back gently with his palm.

It wasn't until Qiong couldn't cry anymore, and only silent sobbing remained, that Aokiji stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on her face, looked tenderly at her eyes that were red from crying, and smiled softly: "I'm still afraid. ?"

Qiong looked at Aoki Si, and his crying gradually stopped. He stretched out his hand to wipe his tears, looked into Aoki Si's eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm not afraid anymore."

"Si" Qiong raised his head, his red eyes full of prayer: "Will you dislike me like them?"

"Never." Aokiji gave an extremely firm reply.

"." The tears on Qiong's always cold face had not yet been completely wiped away. The tears slid down the bridge of her small and upright nose to the corners of her mouth. Her lips moved, and finally she turned thousands of words into a piece of speech that had never been seen before. With a bright smile: "Thank you, Si. Thank you."

"Idiot. You don't have to say thank you to me in the future." Aokiji hugged her and saw that she was smiling extremely happily even though there were tears on her face. He smiled with satisfaction: "I promised to protect you for the rest of my life. "

"I, Aokiji, never lie about what I promised."


ps: Recently, the update is after 12 o'clock in the evening and the update is at 12 noon. By the way, please give me a vote, I love you~

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