Qiong hugged Aokiji's arm tightly, his usually cold face, his eyes swollen from crying were full of joy.

"Claw machine driver!" Qiong pointed at the claw machine in the mall with a bright smile.

After crying once, she seemed to have washed away all her grievances and sadness with her tears. Just holding Aokiji's arm, she felt that she had nothing to be afraid of, and she no longer shrank as before. He even took the initiative to take Aokiji around the mall.

Seeing her happy look, Aokiji certainly wouldn't say no. He let her grab him and came to the claw machine, put in the coins, Qiong excitedly operated the machine, but failed to catch anything three times in a row. Come.

She raised her head and looked at Aoki Si with pitiful eyes: "Si"

Aokiji rubbed her little head, stretched out his hand, and controlled the machine to catch the doll with a serious look on his face.

Perhaps due to luck, Aokiji was able to grab a black rabbit doll out of the machine just once.

Qiong couldn't wait to pick up the black rabbit doll from under the machine, and held it in his arms with an extremely happy expression: "Thank you."

Aokiji smiled softly: "Do you like it?"

"Yes!" Qiong nodded, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and his twin ponytails swayed like two silver ribbons.

"Qiong, let's go have barbecue!" Aokiji glanced at the time, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

Qiong held the rabbit with a small bag in one hand, and hooked Aoki Si's arm with the other hand, so that his whole body was hanging on Aoki Si: "Yeah!"

She may still be a little arrogant, but her dependence and love for Aokiji no longer need to be expressed in words.

The two walked out of the mall. Aokiji found a famous barbecue restaurant based on the navigation on his mobile phone, and sat in a small booth facing each other.

Qiong put his small bag and rabbit next to him and looked at Aokiji's face with a smile, staring at him so much that he felt a little embarrassed.

"Why is there something dirty on my face?" Aokiji smiled and touched his face. Naturally, he touched nothing except skin.

Qiong shook his little head gently, his two slender legs swaying under the table, and his smile was a little shy: "No"

"Si?" She suddenly called out Aoki Si's name.

Aokiji blinked at her and tilted his head.

Qiong pursed her lips, her eyes full of expectation: "Will you take me out to play together again in the future?"

"Of course!" Aokiji nodded matter-of-factly: "I'm afraid you don't like to go out and prefer to stay at home. If you like, I can take you out to play every weekend."

Qiong lowered his head slightly, his eyes shy: "I"

I don’t like to play outside, I just like to stay with you like this.

In the end, she still couldn't express what was in her heart, so she just whispered again: "Thank you."

"Idiot!" Aokiji tapped her little head lightly with the end of his chopsticks: "How many times have I told you, you don't need to say thank you to me for this kind of thing."

"Yeah." Qiong felt that he smiled more today than in the past year.

After eating and drinking amidst laughter and laughter, Aokiji took Qiong into a taxi home.

Qiong tiredly leaned her little head on Aoki Si's shoulder, hugged the black rabbit that Aoki Si had caught, got into his arms, closed her eyes, and listened to Aoki Si telling her. The interesting things I experienced in school gradually stabilized my breathing.

In the bumpy car, she fell asleep without knowing when.

Aokiji smiled and looked at her sleeping soundly, and carefully leaned her head into his arms to make her sleep more comfortably.

Qiong closed his eyes and said nothing, like an exquisite doll. The silver ponytail occasionally swept across Aoki Si's neck as the car bumped, making him feel slightly itchy, but he did not dare to move.

For the first time, Aoki looked at Qiong's appearance quietly at such a close distance. Her shallow eyebrows were faintly visible under the silver bangs, the long eyelashes on her closed eyes were slightly upward, and the bridge of her small nose reflected the alluring white light. Her small lips are pink with a touch of distressing whiteness, her skin is like cream, and her cheeks are still a little pink, perhaps because of the temperature in the car.

So cute.

Aokiji couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

How could those people bear to bully such a lovely girl?

Aokiji sighed inwardly when he thought of how many grievances she had suffered in the past.

Quietly resting his head on her little head, Aokiji looked at the scenery passing by quickly on the car window. The colorful neon lights connected into colorful lines in a trance, and the faint milky fragrance of Qiong's body penetrated his nose. Coming in, the small body in his arms was radiating warmth. Aokiji's eyes were misty, and he rarely relaxed his mind, completely integrating into this blissful tranquility.

As the driver slowly stopped the car, Aokiji paid the fare, effortlessly held Qiong in his arms, and carefully carried her home.

She might be really tired. Aoki Si held her from the door of the house to her room, but she couldn't wake up from her sleep.

Aokiji carried her to the small bed in her room, gently took off her shoes, covered her with a thin quilt, closed the window, squatted beside her bed, stretched out his fingers, and tapped her like Jelly cheeks.

Seeing that she was still holding the rabbit tightly in her sleep with a smile on her face, as if she was sleeping without even knowing that she had been betrayed, Aokiji couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, gently smoothed the bangs in front of her forehead, and replaced her with He placed the small bag on the computer table, stood up and turned off the light.

"Good night, Qiong."

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