What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 56 Attribute Points

Early the next morning, Aokiji prepared breakfast for Qiong. Seeing that she was still sleeping soundly, he did not disturb her. He just left a note saying that he was going to exercise, and then started jogging along the cold streets in the early morning.

While running, Aoki Si observed his attribute panel and asked the system questions.

"System, if I put all four attribute points on agility or strength, will there be any adverse effects?"

Aokiji is not a knowledgeable person, but he also knows that the human body should be an organic whole, and one move affects the whole body. The reason why he didn't add points directly was because he was worried that it would destroy the balance of his body - even if the system directly rewarded attribute points in the past, it always added one point to each attribute, and there was never any bias.

If strength far exceeds physical strength, will Aokiji use up all his strength after just a few punches?

If agility far exceeds physical strength, will muscle endurance be damaged due to too high explosive power?

If the brainpower is too high, will it cause the blood sugar and other elements provided by the body to be beyond the end, and eventually the body will become weaker and weaker, and even faint when thinking?

These are all things Aokiji needs to consider.

[When free attribute points improve attributes such as strength or agility, they will slightly increase the corresponding hidden growth of other attributes to ensure the balance of the body. However, the growth of hidden attributes requires the host to realize the growth of hidden attributes into attributes through exercise and nutritional supplements to achieve balance. If a single attribute is too high, it will indeed cause imbalance in the body. It is recommended that the host slows down the increase in attribute points as much as possible, and then gradually increases them after the body adapts. 】

In other words, is the so-called hidden attribute growth equivalent to increasing the potential of one's own body?

Then the problem comes again.

What is placed in front of Aokiji is strength 10, agility 12, brain power 14, and physical strength: 8. These four attributes need to be added.

It can be seen that the brain is so powerful that it is only six points away from breaking through the limit of twenty points. If Aokiji smashes all the four points he has on hand and finds a way to add two more points of brain power, he can reach the point of breaking through the limits of the human body and obtain the system's breakthrough reward.

Judging from the rewards given when the charm reaches 20 points, once the attribute breaks through to 20 points, it is a qualitative breakthrough, and additional attribute effects will appear.

If the brain power reaches 20 points, will there be powerful special effects such as photographic memory, inferences from one instance, or even bullet time?

Aokiji was looking forward to it very much, but...

"System, if I want to increase my brain power to 20 points, what kind of attributes are needed to ensure the balance of my body?"

[The minimum physical strength points reach 13 points. 】

Physical points should be the most important point.

Aokiji felt like he understood something.

"Is my current body not balanced enough?" Aokiji asked a crucial question.

[It is recommended to increase the physical strength attribute to ten points before improving other attributes. 】


Aokiji smiled slightly: "Then increase my physical strength to ten points, and then add the remaining two attributes, one to strength and one to agility."

If the human body is regarded as a machine, then physical strength points should be the energy supplied.

Brainpower, strength, and agility all require physical effort to function. If the physical strength cannot meet the consumption required by the above three points, it will cause the body to become imbalanced and even fail to fully exert its due attributes.

No wonder I always use up all my strength within a minute of fighting. This is all because there is such a big difference between physical strength points and other attributes!

And I have been working out very hard recently, but I always feel that there is not much improvement. This is all because my physical strength points are not enough, which has caused other attributes to almost reach their limits - any more will destroy the balance of the body.

The reason why the strength and agility attributes are also added at the same time is because Aokiji feels that the two should interact with each other - only strength without agility, I am afraid he will become the so-called devil muscleman. What is the use of this, Aoki Si has no plans to participate in some Guinness night and become a weightlifting champion.

Aokiji finally figured it out. If he wanted to become stronger, he had to improve the three physical attributes at the same time. At the same time, he had to make his brain one step ahead to become stronger so that he could control these powers. This was the correct way to add points to become stronger.

If Tiehanhan and Lengtouqing get this system and add ten points of strength in one breath, their strength will be infinite, but their brain power will be very low. In the end, they will not be able to hold a spoon steadily, and they will have to throw away their chopsticks to eat. Break it off, what is the use of such a person? If you are asked to fight with someone, do you dare to fight? If you beat the person to death with one punch, you will have to start your escape journey.

Aokiji silently praised his intelligence.

[Strength: 11 (10 for adults, based on the overall muscle strength of the body.)]

[Agility: 13 (10 for adults, based on overall body coordination, muscle explosiveness, etc.)

[Brain power: 14 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of memory, logic, learning and other brain abilities. Please note that this point is not equivalent to IQ, nor is it equivalent to emotional intelligence.)]

[Physical strength: 10 (10 for adults, based on muscle endurance and physical strength, etc.)]

Looking at the attribute panel that he had finally harmonized a lot, Aokiji felt the strange feeling of numbness and numbness in the muscles all over his body due to the growth of his attributes, and he let out a happy moan.

"Say, your system, why don't you just add points to me instead of giving me free attribute points! Do you want to harm me, you cunning person!? Do you want to see me collapse after randomly adding attributes?"

People are in high spirits when happy events happen, and Aokiji rarely starts to get angry with the system again.

[.The previous direct allocation of points was because all attributes of the host were relatively low, and necessary measures were taken in order to have sufficient combat effectiveness as soon as possible and to prevent hosts with strange qualities from focusing on physical and mental improvements. 】

[Now you are no longer a coward, you have to learn to control your own life. 】

The system's words always made Aokiji feel like it was mocking him, but also seemed quite pleased. But there seems to be nothing wrong with what he said. If he had given him all free attribute points when he first arrived in this world, he might have really focused on physical and mental strength. He had really thought before that if he could hide, he would hide. If there was trouble, he would avoid it. Why fight? If anything happened, let’s sit down and have a chat. If not, let’s go to the police station and talk. This is mature adulthood. The way people think.

But now it does seem that there have been a lot of changes.

"You are a weirdo." After muttering, Aokiji said plausibly: "You have a smart brain and can withstand beatings. This is the guarantee of a long life, right? Children only think with their fists, and adults want them all!"

[Bad boy, it’s all over if you are reckless! 】

The systematic remarks made Aokiji snort disdainfully: "You are so reckless that you will end up with a bruised nose and a swollen face."

But for some reason, thinking of how miserable he had beaten the Ishihara brothers by himself before, and how he had frightened the three bad girls who bullied Qiong so much that he almost peed his pants, Aokiji felt that it was really exciting! It’s really cool to talk with your fists.

Maybe the system felt that its cub had finally grown up, so it resisted the pop-up of the [Really Fragrant] chat box and fell silent.

Aokiji himself felt a little guilty and did not call the system again. He jogged to the downstairs of Songshan Fight Club, full of energy and ready for training.

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