"Stop, stop, stop!" In the octagonal cage of the Fight Club, Coach Oda, who was responsible for teaching Aokiji's ground techniques, patted Aokiji's calf in pain and shouted stop in pain.

Aokiji got up from him, released the arm that was locked by him, and smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I accidentally used too much strength."

Coach Oda smiled wryly and rubbed his shoulders, then sat up after a long while, his expression seemed a little surprised: "Why are you in such good condition today? You used to have almost no energy at this moment, but why are you still so energetic today?"

Aokiji definitely couldn't say that it was because his physical strength attributes had increased that he was so fierce. He just scratched his head and said: "I actually did kendo exercises at school a few days ago. I don't have anything to do on the weekend, so it's better to conserve my physical strength."

Coach Oda suddenly realized: "I mean, no wonder you seem to be a little stronger today."

"Hehe." Aokiji chuckled, and saw Songshanyan walking towards him with a towel on his shoulders and sweating profusely.

Songshanyan's vest has been soaked with sweat, and the muscles on his two thigh-thick arms are particularly clear. It's obvious that he has just finished exercising.

He walked to Aokiji, patted the shoulder of Coach Oda who was resting, and said with a smile: "How is this kid doing?"

Coach Oda admired from the bottom of his heart: "This kid is progressing really fast. To be honest, he doesn't look like a beginner at all now. For ordinary people, if they want to reach his level, it would take half a year of hard work." possible."

Aokiji raised his eyebrows at Matsuyama Yan's surprised look. Just now, his mixed martial arts had been upgraded to level three.

[Mixed Martial Arts LV3: Your mixed martial arts is already impressive. Whether it’s standing kickboxing or ground submission, you have certain skills to fight against others, but it’s only limited to confrontation. Please don’t use your hobbies. To challenge other people's careers. Strength +1, Agility +1, Stamina +1. Experience (6/300)]

"You kid!" Song Shanyan looked at Aokiji's raised eyebrows and smiled dumbly: "Okay, I think you are in good condition. I'll just pretend that you skipped work yesterday."

"Coach Xiaoda, what do you think he should do if he still wants to improve quickly?" Songshanyan took a few sips of the energy drink in the water bottle he carried with him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Coach Xiaoda thought for a while and said seriously: "Actually, we can now arrange some practical training for him. He has almost mastered all the basic movements now, and all he needs is to continue to become proficient. And he is very talented. I believe these movements will be Once he is familiar with it, it will not be difficult for him. We can arrange some opponents for him and give him some tricks, so that he can control his technical movements in actual combat."

When Song Shanyan heard this, he narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked: "How long do you think it will take for him to beat Aaron?"

Coach Oda was stunned when he heard this and hesitated to give an answer.

Song Shanyan shook his head and sighed self-deprecatingly: "It's my fault, I asked a little too early."

When Aokiji heard this, he glanced at Songshanyan's somewhat lonely expression, hesitated for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Did he do something again?"

Song Shanyan stared at Aoki Si with wide eyes, looking very surprised, and nodded: "I guess that bastard boy has found his next home now."

"What do you mean?" Aokiji frowned.

Matsuyama Iwa signaled Coach Oda to go out for a rest, leaving him and Aokiji alone in the octagonal cage. His voice was a little dull: "He has now signed a contract with another boxing gym and will participate in the Supernova competition in their name."

"Brother Yan, you didn't sign a contract with him?" Aokiji was surprised. He thought that a boxer like Aaron who had been trained by Songshanyan must have signed a relevant contract with him, so how could he suddenly fight for someone else?

Song Shanyan smiled helplessly: "Because he was my nephew, I didn't think too much about it. Training doesn't cost me much anyway, so I didn't go through these formalities."

He picked up the hand target on the octagonal cage and motioned to Aokiji to hit it. His tone was calm: "Do you have any dreams?"

While hitting the target rhythmically, Aokiji said: "My dream is probably to spend the three years of high school peacefully, and then it depends on the situation in college. The main thing is to make more money so that I can play with myself in the future. If you want to play, go around the world and see what you want to see."

"Then find something you like in this life, grow old leisurely, marry a good wife, have some cute and well-behaved children, and live a life without illness or disaster. Oh, by the way, I still want to It is probably my dream to let my relatives and friends be safe and happy for the rest of their lives." Aokiji laughed a little embarrassedly as he spoke.

"Are you a little unambitious?" Aokiji changed his rhythm and continued to hit the target.

Song Shanyan's expression was a little surprised: "No, I think it's pretty good. It's just that I thought boys of your age wouldn't have such thoughts."

"I still remember when I was young, I wanted to be the first world-class heavyweight boxing champion in Asia." Song Shanyan recalled with an expression on his face: "It turned out that when I actually became a professional, I realized that the most powerful people in the world are actually how many."

"Not to mention becoming a world-class boxing champion, I still haven't been able to break out of the Asian circle until I retire." Matsuyama Iwa's eyes were a little bitter, and he sighed as his target swayed back and forth in coordination with Aokiji.

He stopped shaking the target and looked at Aoki Tsukasa with a sincere expression: "My dream now is to train a boxer who is good enough to complete the dream that I failed to complete."

"Before, I gave that dream to Aaron." Songshanyan lowered his head in despair and pointed to the octagonal cage at his feet: "In this cage, Aaron and I have shed countless sweats. I devoted all my efforts to him and watched him win all the way from the little kid in junior high school to now. I once thought he was the person I was looking for, the person who could help me realize my dream."

"As a result." Song Shanyan clenched his fist angrily: "He became more and more arrogant and arrogant. He obviously had enough talent and strength, but later on, it was what you saw. .”

Aokiji remained silent. Objectively speaking, he became the most critical point in the breakup between the two. He didn't know how to comfort Songshanyan.

Song Shanyan took a deep breath, unable to hide the pain and sadness in his eyes, but when he saw Aoki Si, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Do you think you can do it?"

"What?" Aokiji was startled by his fiery eyes.

"Wake him up for me in the Supernova competition in two months' time." Song Shanyan waved his fist fiercely, his eyes filled with hope: "Can you do it?"

Aokiji pursed his lips and lowered his eyes for a long time before raising his head: "You know, I'm not very interested in boxing."

Song Shanyan looked a little disappointed.

"But, I like this job very much. If you give me a raise in salary if you beat him up hard, I think I should be able to do it." Aokiji smiled.

Song Shanyan's eyes turned from depressed to excited in an instant, and from excited to serious: "If you can give that brat a good beating in the game, let alone a salary increase, you will give up the shares of this club. I’ll give you part of it!!!”

Aokiji's eyes widened: "I didn't say that. How rich are you?!"

Song Shanyan, a muscular man, actually smiled a little shyly: "Anyway, the money my father gave me to start my business is only about one billion, which is not much."

Shall I wipe it? ! ! ! ! ! Aokiji was stunned for an instant.

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