I didn't expect that you would be such a person!

Aokiji embarked on the way home in despair, and the impact of Songshan Rock on him could not be eliminated for a while.

He really didn't expect that Songshanyan, who looked like a gangster who had retired behind the scenes, turned out to be a super rich second generation! Logically speaking, doesn't a rich person like him usually go to a famous foreign university to study, spend money like water on all kinds of things, and then come back to inherit the family fortune when he gets tired of it? Why did you jump into the gym and have a dream of becoming a boxing champion?

Tsk tsk tsk, Aokiji secretly smacked his tongue, no wonder this guy was so unambiguous about his salary. It turned out that there was this level of identity behind it.

"The Sorrow of the Sword! The red-eyed girl once again embarks on the road of crusade! Whether the girl's revenge can be realized, whether her former partners can be recovered, everything is in the Sword Story Movie Movie, which will be released nationwide on November 25th Shocking release!”

Suddenly, the male anchor's eloquent voice came to his ears. Aokiji looked up and saw a promotional video for a movie on an electronic advertising board hanging on a high-rise building.

In the promotional video, a handsome sword-wielding girl wearing a black coat and long black hair swings the sword in her hand out of thin air to create a sword. In front of her are countless monster corpses, and on her as white as jade cheeks are Stained with drops of blood, the blood on the sword dripped down the blood trough and condensed at her feet.

"I will find you and attack you!" The girl holding the sword said in a cold voice, the screen zoomed out, the sky was hazy, and a line of large characters suddenly appeared in the misty drizzle.

"The Sword Master's Story: The Sorrow of the Sword"

Aokiji felt that the girl looked more and more familiar. He stood there and watched the advertisements repeated over and over again. Suddenly he clapped his hands and finally remembered where he had seen this character.

On the desk at Busujima Saeko's house, isn't there a figure of a girl wearing a black coat? It's just that the figure looked much prettier than the actress I saw in the advertisement just now, and had more of a heroic temperament, so Aokiji didn't recognize it for a while.

Busujima Saeko

Remembering that his tattered school uniform was still at home, full of traces of Busujima Saeko's careful stitches, Aoki couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I still owe my senior a favor."

After hesitating for a long time, Aokiji made up his mind: "When I start practicing swordsmanship on Monday, ask my senior sister if she has any intention. If she really likes this character, treat her to a meal and watch a movie. A favor is repaid.”

Then, the swordsmanship will almost reach the fourth level.

Just give up kendo, spend your time learning medical skills, and keep a good distance from your senior sister.

Aokiji lowered his eyes in a depressed manner, put his hands in his pockets, and kicked away the pebbles that were in front of him for some reason.

The biggest difference between Busujima Saeko and Teruhashi Sumimi in his eyes is that even if he knows that Teruhashi Sumimi seems to be interested in him, he doesn't care, because he knows that Teruhashi Sumimi is not his type, so he doesn't care. I'll spend a lot of time here.

But Busujima Saeko is a little different. She is gentle, mature, generous, and independent. This kind of personality has always been Aokiji's favorite, and she is also beautiful.

Aokiji was really worried. If he dated her too deeply, he might actually like her. Especially since she doesn't seem to be as simple about her feelings as a normal friend, but I don't know if it's a good feeling.

It's not scary to have a good impression. What's scary is that two people have a good impression of each other, which can easily lead to trouble.

And before Aokiji ensures that he can fulfill his agreement with God, he really doesn't want to interact too deeply with others if it's not necessary. It’s still the same principle, I’m afraid that what I owe will not be repaid.

Sighing, Aokiji touched his bald head and decided that it would be better to end this matter as soon as possible. Even if you really like her, the worst thing you can do is wait until you graduate from high school before pursuing her!

Now we still need to focus on the important cause of ‘delinquent youth’ and reduce unnecessary worries.

After making up his mind, Aokiji felt faintly disappointed and relaxed.

If I work harder, I might be able to reach the peak of my career early and retire early. With the system in place, Aokiji felt that he would be able to beat all the invincible opponents of Neon High School after a year of hard training!

Turning around and walking into the supermarket, Aokiji picked through the vegetables and began to think about what to make for Qiong for lunch. Unexpectedly, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Qiong?" Aokiji raised the phone, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Si, I'm hungry." Qiong's clear and coquettish words on the phone made Aoki Si couldn't help but laugh.

"I know, what do you want to eat for lunch? I'm buying groceries." Aokiji looked at the discount sales area not far away, surrounded by a group of aunts, and moved his shoulders seriously.

Qiong seemed to be in trouble on the other end of the phone. After a long time, he replied: "Si is doing well."

"Okay, let's make sukiyaki!" Aokiji looked at the sign in the discount area that said 50% off premium beef was on sale for a limited time, and took a deep breath.

"Okay." Qiong said on the other side of the phone with a shy voice, "Come back soon."

Aokiji narrowed his eyes and watched the aunts stuffing high-grade beef into their shopping baskets. He licked his lips nervously: "Okay! Wait for me for ten minutes! If Qiong is very hungry, you can take a bite from the refrigerator." There are chocolate bars in it. I specially bought a few boxes to put them in this morning. You can take a few bites first to soothe your stomach."

"Yeah!" Qiong replied happily.

Aokiji hung up the phone, put his phone in his pocket, patted his cheeks with both hands, made his expression more ferocious, strode forward and pushed towards the crowd.

"Aunt! Give way, Aunt! Hey, leave me a few boxes!"

In the crowded crowd of aunties, Aokiji pushed aside the crowd with a ferocious expression and rushed towards the special beef.

"Scared me!"

"Kid, please squeeze slowly!"

"It's so scary."

"I'll give you the beef, don't glare at me. I, I'm scared!"

Aokiji stuffed the few high-grade beef he could see in front of him into the shopping basket without caring about it. The aunties around him dared not speak out.

Just when Aokiji was delighted and reached out to grab the last box of beef, a big hand landed on the other side of the beef. The two of them exerted their strength on each other, and for a moment they were deadlocked in place.

Aokiji raised his head and stared at the visitor with an expressionless face. A short man with medium-long hair hanging messily on the back of his head, a relatively powerful and handsome man with a somewhat unkempt beard, was looking at him without fear.

"Uncle, can you let go of your hand?" Aokiji said in a cold tone.

The man called uncle had exposed veins on his forehead. He pointed at his black school uniform with one finger and said in an angry voice: "Hey, didn't you see that I'm still a high school student, bald man!"

When Aokiji heard this, veins popped up on his forehead. The two of them almost had their heads on top of each other, with fierce expressions: "I'm not bald, I'm bald! Uncle!"

Regardless of whether the signing can be completed this week, I will start three updates on Friday. For no other reason, I love you all~ Remember to collect and recommend biubiubiu. If you have any questions about the plot, please join the group and ask me~

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