What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 59 Tamao Serizawa (Signed! More to come!)

The two of them had their heads held high, neither taking a step back. They stared at each other, each using one hand to exert force on the other. The beef box in their hands creaked and almost broke when the two men grabbed it.

Aokiji's expression remained unchanged, but he was a little shocked in his heart: This guy who looks very precocious seems to be stronger than himself!

Is he really a high school student? Aokiji's expression gradually became serious.

"Hey, bald man, you already have so much beef in your shopping basket. Isn't it too much to fight with a poor man like me to get the last discounted beef?" The man's tone was a little lazy, and he didn't seem to be interested in Aokiji's attitude at all. Affected, he grabbed the beef with one hand and casually scratched his messy hair with the other hand.

Aokiji felt as if the beef in his hand was gradually being pulled over by the other party, and he couldn't help but feel a desire to win - you must know that since arriving here, except for Songshanyan, he has never met anyone stronger than himself.

Clenching his teeth, Aokiji's arm muscles bulged under his sleeves, and he used all his strength without leaving a trace, but surprisingly found that the box of beef was still dragged over by the opponent unhurriedly. Seeing the man's relaxed expression, Aokiji narrowed his eyes, burning with desire to win.

Come here!

Aokiji exerted force on his feet and pulled him back suddenly.


The plastic packaging box of the beef was torn into two pieces, and the beef inside fell to the floor with a clatter.

However, under the disdainful looks of the aunts and sales clerks around him, the slovenly man did not feel angry at all. Instead, he knelt down, picked up the beef, dusted it off and brought it to his nose to smell it. After hearing this, there was even a hint of joy under the satisfied expression.

"Hey, this piece of beef fell on the floor. Can it be cheaper?" The man raised his eyebrows at the clerk without looking angry at all.

Aokiji stood expressionless, looking at him quietly without saying a word.

To be honest, he didn't have to take this piece of beef. If the man communicated well, he might not leave it alone. Just now, he just felt the urge to win. Seeing this guy holding the beef that was obviously stained with dust on the ground, still not caring and smiling happily, Aokiji felt a little bit guilty in his heart.

"Hey, uncle, forget it if you drop it. I will lose money. You can grab the box I have here." Aoki glanced at the large amount of beef in his shopping basket and sighed.

After all, it was his fault that caused trouble to others, and Aokiji felt that he could not sit idly by. It's just a box of beef, and it's enough for him and Qiong to have a meal.

The man's tired eyes widened slightly, as if he didn't expect the bald man to say such a thing. He briefly looked at it with interest, and grinned at Aokiji: "Ah, forget it! It just so happened that I thought it was a bit expensive at first. "

He turned his head and babbled to the clerk: "Hey, can you do it? Otherwise, you won't be able to sell this piece of meat. How about selling it to me at half price? How about selling it to me at half price?"

The clerk didn't dare to ask Aokiji to pay for it. Seeing Aokiji's silent expression with a bad face, he thought to himself that he might as well sell the meat cheaply. If it didn't sell, the bald man wouldn't pay compensation, but he couldn't smash it. In your own hands, just treat it as buying this piece of meat.

"Okay, okay!" The dark-faced clerk's mouth twitched a few times. He just thought that these two people should go away quickly, so he didn't say anything. He silently admitted his loss and took the beef from the man's hand. Put it into a plastic bag and print out the half-price scan code label again from the machine.

The sloppy man looked at this scene and waved his fist, looking very excited: "Asa, you are really right to run so far today."

"Uncle, you are not a high school student." Aokiji still asked his own question: "Or maybe you have been repeating a grade in high school for seven or eight years?"

Aokiji still found it a little hard to accept that with his current physical fitness, he would be crushed by the strength of a high school student.

The sloppy man was holding a plastic bag. Looking at the indescribable complex expression on Aokiji's face, he roughly knew what Aokiji was thinking. He just stared at Aokiji with dissatisfaction and hummed: "I, Serizawa Tamao, I'm a sophomore in high school at Suzulan, I haven't missed a grade, and I'm eighteen years old. Are you satisfied? Mr. Bald Man?"

After saying that, he hummed a little tune and walked slowly towards the checkout counter of the supermarket with the beef.

Aokiji gritted his teeth: "I am bald! Bald! A bearded eighteen-year-old high school student who is aging prematurely!"

Serizawa Tamao didn't seem to hear anything. He just looked at the beef in his hand and showed a silly smile. He was completely immersed in his own world and gradually walked away.

Serizawa Tamao?

Aokiji's expression gradually calmed down, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart, which was already somewhat relaxed, became tense again.

If the sophomores of Suzuran High School all have such strength, I am still far away from becoming the so-called number one delinquent high school student!

We must work harder and upgrade our swordsmanship to level four tomorrow.

Aokiji made up his mind: Let's see what changes will happen to the skills after they reach level four. It would be best if we could add another attribute point. It doesn't matter if we can't, but Aokiji feels that it will definitely improve his combat effectiveness, so This is enough. Anyway, he has to shift his focus to study mixed martial arts. It is enough to learn skills as time goes by. In the future, he will switch this part of his study time to studying medical skills.

Next time we meet, I will definitely give you, a guy who has aged prematurely, a big surprise.

For some reason, Aokiji always felt that one day he and this guy named Serizawa Tamao would meet again.


PS: Without further ado, I have signed a contract. I will update four times today and three times a day starting tomorrow. I love you! ! Without you, I would never be where I am today, and I might have lost my self-confidence and quit the game a long time ago. All I can do is give you more updates, love you! The fourth update will be posted at 6pm. Please continue to hand over your recommendation votes. The competition on the new book signing list will become more intense. I need you to help me fight together!

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