Kasugano Masao seemed to have made up his mind. He thought calmly for a long time and patted Aoki Tsukasa on the shoulder: "I was a little worried and undecided at first, but now, I have decided to believe you, Aoki-kun."

Aokiji looked at Kasugano Masao quietly, waiting for him to express his feelings. Lian Qiong stopped using his chopsticks at this time and stared directly at Kasugano Masao, his expression slightly worried.

Kasugano Masao smiled, his body no longer slumped as when he first entered the door. Although he was still in a low mood, he looked much better: "My father, I probably don't have much time left."

He took a sip of tea with a sad look in his eyes: "His illness has become serious and he must be taken care of at all times to survive until next spring. If the treatment can keep up, he may be able to survive a few more days. But recovery is no longer possible.”

"Although the relationship between my father and me has never been very good, he is my father after all." Kasugano Masao's eyes turned red: "I plan to take him to the place where I am on a business trip. There is a good hospital there. Your aunt I will also go and take care of him.”

"The treatment fee is very expensive. If your aunt goes there to take care of him, I have to find a place for your aunt to rest. After all, I probably won't be able to keep much of my salary." Kasugano Masao smiled bitterly: "Any more Add in the mortgage and the debt that needs to be repaid, and to be honest, I can no longer make ends meet.”

He looked at Qiong's worried eyes and smiled softly: "I decided to leave the company headquarters and go on a business trip there from now on. After all, as my section chief, I can get the treatment of a minister if I go there on a business trip. If If I can manage the branch there well and expand the business, when it stabilizes there, I can officially serve as a minister there. The salary will also be higher."

"I believe everything will be fine." Kasugano Masao looked at Aoki Tsukasa and said with some embarrassment: "It's just that in about a year, your aunt and I may not be able to come back."

"Originally, your aunt and I discussed that we would wait until you finish this semester and then transfer to my school next semester. After all, the tuition at Wuyang High School is relatively high, and to be honest, we didn't think you could take good care of yourself before. He Qiong." Kasugano Masao looked at Aokiji and tapped his fingers on the table: "But now, I want to leave the choice to you."

"If you plan to continue studying and living here, you two can only take care of each other." Kasugano Masao seemed a little distressed: "But if I take you over, I have to go to work, and your aunt also has to take care of Qiong's grandfather in the hospital during the day. , I don’t seem to have time to take care of you. And the house I rent will definitely not be as good as my home."

"I'll just stay here. Uncle doesn't have to worry about my living expenses. With my current ability, let alone taking care of myself, I can even share the daily expenses of the family. You don't have to worry about things at home and concentrate on spending time with the old man. Let's walk the last part of the way. As for Qiong, if she doesn't want to leave here, I can take good care of her, I have this confidence. Of course, if Qiong wants to be with her uncle and aunt, there is nothing wrong with her. " Aokiji interrupted Kasugano Masao.

Just because of the agreement with Director Songshanyan, Aokiji did not intend to leave like this.

What about Qiong's thoughts?

Kasugano Masao smiled happily and looked at Qiong.

Qiong lowered his head and said nothing.

The two of them didn't rush her, they just waited for Qiong to figure out what to do.

Qiong lowered her eyes, and there was no surprise in her eyes at the news - she had been raised by her grandmother when she was a child. But grandpa and grandma didn't get along happily.

In Qiong's memory, grandpa was very dissatisfied with his father for giving birth to a daughter instead of a son. He always wanted his father to have another son, but his father did not give birth due to financial pressure. This also led to grandpa always being dissatisfied with Qiong and Kasugano Anzu. Neither cold nor hot, even complaining a lot. Moreover, Qiong's grandma has a docile personality, works hard and accepts no complaints, which makes Qiong see her swallowing her anger many times at home.

This also led to Qiong's feelings for her grandfather not being good. She even said that in her heart, she was always more dissatisfied with this old man with a stubborn opinion and a bad temper who had made her grandma's life very difficult. favorite.

And if you follow your father, it will be difficult to see Si again.

Looking at Si Aoki's smiling face, Qiong made up his mind.

"I want to stay here with Si."

Qiong's words made Kasugano Masao look at Aokiji in surprise.

Kasugano Masao looked back and forth between Qiong and Aoki Tsukasa, and finally showed a somewhat narrow smile: "Young women are not allowed to stay in college."

Qiong suddenly blushed and said in a much louder voice: "If you go there, there will be no computers. The Internet will not be as convenient as it is now. You and your mother don't have time to take care of me, so you might as well stay here."

As if thinking that Aoki Si might be disappointed after hearing this, Qiong added in a low voice: "Besides, Si's cooking is delicious."

Kasugano Masao laughed and looked at Aoki Si looking at him with a wry smile. He patted Aoki Si on the shoulder with great comfort: "Boy, I will leave the family affairs to you from now on!"

Aokiji nodded, looking at Qiong turning his head and his cheeks were slightly red, avoiding his eyes, and smiled softly: "Qiong is a good boy, uncle, just do your own thing, I will try my best to take good care of Qiong." Yes. We are family."

Kasugano Masao was choked for a moment, and finally rubbed his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief: "Okay, I'm still complaining to you kid, I'm really getting better and better, come on, let's eat!"

He picked up the chopsticks and ate a piece of meat, with a relieved smile as if he had given up all his worries: "Then, Qiong will be left to you."

Why do you feel this is a bit strange? Aokiji didn't think much, he just nodded and smiled confidently at Kasugano Masao: "Uncle, just leave the matter to me!"

"Oh, if you are under financial pressure, please do not hide it." Aokiji raised his eyebrows at Masao Kasugano: "My current income may be higher than that of my uncle!"

Kasugano Masao snorted and patted his soft arm with some disapproval: "I am the head of the family after all. When will it be your boy's turn to worry about these things for me?"

As if thinking that he really didn't have much money, Masao Kasugano touched his nose with an embarrassed expression: "Ahem, but since you said so, I won't worry about living expenses."

Seeing Masao Kasugano eating beef with a serious face, Aokiji smiled slightly: "I will take care of the living expenses of me and Qiong as well as the daily expenses of the family. I will leave my uncle's money for other uses. As for me Please allow me to pay for He Qiong’s tuition fees by myself. After all, as a member of the family, if I can’t help my uncle even though I am capable, it will make me sleepless.”

Kasugano Masao nodded and looked at Qiong's voice with a hint of teasing: "Hey, Qiong, I remember you hated me for bringing Aoki-kun home at first, right? Why did you change your mind so quickly?"

Qiong put down his chopsticks and didn't care whether he was full or not. He picked up the black rabbit doll beside him, lowered his head and quickly left the table and walked upstairs, leaving only an inaudible sentence. 's: "Nonsense. I didn't."

He got into his room.

Aokiji and Kasugano Masao looked at each other and laughed.


PS: It seems that many people don't know the update time. Let me explain again. The first update will be posted just after 12 o'clock in the evening, which is around midnight, the second update will be posted at 12 noon, and the third update will be posted at 6 pm. Now that I have signed the contract, I will update it three times a day, so that you can have more fun~~~~

Another sad news is that after signing the contract, I can no longer be seen on the mobile app. I could still see it on the newcomer list, but now it is completely gone after the list was changed. If everyone doesn’t vote for me, I really have nothing...

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