What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 62 It’s on the news!

After lunch, not long after, Kasugano Masao hurried away again.

Qiong's interest was not very high. It seemed that what Kasugano Masao said was not as insignificant to her as she showed.

Aokiji did not disturb her and cleaned the house. He also went to the tailor shop to take home his repaired school uniform, and then lay down lazily on his bed to rest.

Speaking of which, since he came here, he has been busy studying, practicing kendo, and practicing boxing, and it seems that he has not even had a day's real rest.

It was rare for him to take a good rest on his day off. Aokiji didn't intend to waste this precious time. He picked up his phone and suddenly saw that he still had a text message that he hadn't checked - he was busy cooking before. Ignore that one.

When he opened it, Aokiji's face suddenly became strange.

"Hello Aoki-san, I'm Sumimi Teruhashi. If it's convenient, can you add me as a friend on Line? I think there is a video you must watch. My number is."

It's inexplicable. She couldn't be trying to get my contact information. How did she know my mobile phone number?

Aokiji hesitated for a while and downloaded the Line App on his mobile phone. This is right. As a modern person in the 21st century, it seems unreasonable if there is not even a communication APP on the mobile phone. I didn't worry about it before because there seemed to be no one to contact. Now that I know more and more people, it is more convenient to have such a software.

After creating an account, filling in the spaces for his ID, and randomly choosing one of the default avatars, Aoki applied for Terubashi Shinmi's Line friend.

"Daffodil?" Aokiji smiled hoarsely, the name translated as narcissus.

The avatar is a cute anime girl with stars shining around her.

After noting his name and sending a friend request, Aokiji planned to open NICONICO, a video website said to be very popular among young people, to see what is popular among high school students now.

After all, he is still a high school student. Even if he doesn't like it, he still needs to know what the latest high school students like. Otherwise, how can he have anything to talk about with Qiong.

However, before the video website was opened, the notification sound for Shinmei Teruhashi to apply as a friend rang.

"Aoki-san?" A message came from Kotomi Teruhashi on Line.

Aokiji tapped the screen of his mobile phone: "Yes, what video did you just say I must watch?"

"Look at this, is the person in this video really you?" Summi Teruhashi sent the website link.

After Aokiji clicked it, his face gradually turned ugly.

Just watch the video titled "It's so satisfying! The bad girl kneels down in the shopping mall to apologize!".

When you click on the video to take a look, you will first see a line of text introduction typed by the video's producer.

"Yesterday while shopping in the mall, three bad girls bullied a beautiful girl and used vicious words to bully her. But unexpectedly, the girl's brother was right next to her. As a result, the bad guys will be punished and they will be taught a lesson. It's a pity that I recorded the video When I was there, I couldn’t record it from the very beginning.”

The text introduction gradually disappeared, and a video shot with a mobile phone appeared on the screen.

As soon as the video started, Aokiji heard his furious voice: "You guys are worthy enough to bully her?"

Just looking at the angry look of Aokiji in the video is very scary. You can vaguely see veins on his striking bald head. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Aokiji in the video raising his hand and giving the short-haired girl a slap in the face. His voice was clear and crisp. It's so loud that it can be heard clearly even in the recorded video.

"Hitting someone!" "This bald man is so vicious" "It's bad, he looked over"

There was a burst of whispers from onlookers in the video.

"Shut up, you guys?" Aokiji's roar was very domineering. In the video, he frowned and his eyes swept across the crowd of people watching like knives. Even the person who recorded the video had his hands shaking, and the video was shaking. It took him a few moments to regain his composure.

Watching the video, Aokiji covered his face, feeling a little ashamed for some reason.

Seeing himself asking the shopping guide to tell the original story, then asking the three delinquent girls to kneel down and apologize, and finally asking the onlookers to put away their mobile phones, Aoki Si stared at the video with calm eyes. It wasn't until he saw that the person who recorded the video had recorded him announcing his home address that his face changed, and he became slightly angry.

Of course he didn't need to watch the video more. This was something he had experienced. After looking at the video, there was nothing that had been processed. Aokiji closed the video and opened the comment area.

The words in the comment area made Aokiji purse his lips tightly.

"I love Dorayaki: It's really fun to watch. This kind of woman should be taught a lesson like this. Is that bald head a member of some Yakuza organization? He doesn't look like a high school student! Are any of you from Wuyang High School? ?What exactly does this Aokiji do?"

"Little orange cat: I don't know Aoki Tsukasa, but I know the girl who was bullied. She used to be in the same junior high school as me, and she seemed quite pitiful."

"Slaaaa: I seem to have heard of this name somewhere. Did this happen in Yachiyo City, Chiba?"

"M10101: I remembered, this guy is a transfer student from Wuyang High School, and I am a student of Wuyang High School. This guy is a bad boy. I heard that he beat up his classmates when he came here, and he beat them ten times. It seems that I had a conflict with a senior classmate a few days ago, and he beat a group of people alone and won. This Aoki Tsukasa is really fierce. The last time I saw him, he scared me. Don’t dare to look up.”

"Weird Xi: You don't look like a good person at first glance. There's nothing to brag about like a dog biting a dog. If you ask me, the women and men in the video are not much better."

"Girl with Red Heart: Let me tell you, the girl who was bullied must have something wrong with her. Look at her silver hair, whether it is dyed or not, can't she be normal? Why should she be so special and be targeted by others? It’s deserved.”

"PIPo Jiang: What you said upstairs is really interesting. It's because of people like you that campus bullying occurs. You have the courage to go to that bald head and say try it! I think the bald head did the right thing. Seeing you like this You should be beaten to death to wake you up! I should really make a video for you people."

Aokiji closed the comment section with a snap, and his breathing quickened in anger.

It doesn't matter if he is called a bad boy, it doesn't matter if he is called a bad boy. He doesn't care anyway, but why do you say Qiong?

Especially the person who recorded the video didn’t even know how to make a mosaic, and even posted his personal information online without reservation!

Angry, Aokiji registered an account and sent a private message to the video producer.

"I am the protagonist of your latest video, Aoki Tsukasa. Why did you send my video without even mosaic? Did you get my consent? Do you know that this will expose my address?" Aoki Si snapped. He sent out a series of words, and when he typed the last sentence, there was even a hint of threat: "Since you can take a video of me, it means that you also saw why I did what I did, right?"

The meaning of these words is self-evident. They are both in the same city. If Aokiji really wants to pursue him, he may not be able to escape.

"Please delete the video about me immediately." Aokiji sent it angrily, even though he knew it would not help at all.

The video was just posted in the morning, and its popularity has already reached an astonishing 23,000 views. Even if the video is deleted now, what's the use? The message he sent out was just a way of venting.

Moreover, Aokiji used the search software to search for several related words, and sure enough, several news items had already come out.

The video was even mosaic-ed and silenced before being featured on the local morning news in Yachiyo City!

This damn media.

Aokiji threw the phone aside with a bad expression on his face.

He didn't care what others thought of him, even if they were scolding him, it didn't matter. Those people had the ability to point their noses in his face and scold him. He really dared to show those people what it meant to be a bad boy. He doesn't think he did anything wrong either. Give him another chance to deal with this matter and he won't change anything.

But he cares about the impact this matter may have on Qiong! Qiong himself suffers from depression. What if these words make Qiong's mentality collapse?

Especially Qiong seems to like surfing the Internet.

Thinking of this, Aokiji sighed, stood up, hesitated in front of Qiong's door for a long time, and knocked on the door with a firm expression.

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