"Please come in." Qiong's voice came from the door.

Aokiji opened the door. Qiong's room was unusually clean and tidy. It seemed that she had tidied it up in the morning. At this time, Qiong was wearing headphones and sitting at the computer desk, looking at Aoki with a somewhat panicked look. manage.

On the computer screen, in the third-person shooting game, only the wind and grass could be seen. The female character controlled by Qiong was wearing a camouflage uniform and lying in the hay, as if she was ambushing.

Aokiji walked to her side hesitantly, opened his mouth, and organized his words for a while without daring to speak casually.

Qiong looked at Si Aoki's strange expression, tilted his head, and frowned slightly: "What's wrong? Si?"

Aokiji took a deep breath: "Um. Have you seen the news today?"

Qiong blinked, as if he thought of something, the shy smile in his eyes flashed away, and his tone was relaxed: "Ah, is it about the mall?"

"Do you know everything?" Aokiji's eyes widened in surprise. He thought that if Qiong knew about it, even if he wouldn't be sad, he would definitely talk to him about it.

Qiong nodded nonchalantly: "I'll find out when I look at my phone in the morning."

"You, you didn't read the comments, did you?" Aokiji looked at her worriedly.

Qiong was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It doesn't matter. I don't care what they say."

Aokiji originally thought about how to comfort Qiong for a long time, but he didn't expect Qiong's attitude to be like this. He was a little embarrassed for a while, but also a little relieved. Maybe Qiong is really a strong child. Those psychological problems mentioned by Aunt Kasugano may have been cured long ago. She is just unsociable and doesn't like to deal with others.

Reaching out his hand and rubbing the back of Qiong's head, Aokiji felt relieved: "That's good, I'm really afraid. You will be sad after seeing those people's comments."

Qiong's smile was shy but bright, and his eyes looked directly at Si Aoki without concealment: "Si said he would always protect me, right?"

"Yes!" Aokiji nodded.

"Then I have nothing to be afraid of." Qiong's smile made Aoki Si feel heartbroken and warm at the same time. The heartache comes from the thought of such a cute girl having such a cruel fate, and the warmth comes from the fact that she trusts him so much.

He sighed, smiled softly and said, "Yes, no matter what happens, I will be with you. Since you are fine, I am relieved."

Qiong hummed, turned his head, and looked at the computer screen. He looked like he was concentrating on the game, but his face turned red. She had tried her best to stay calm when she said those words just now.

Strangely enough, Qiong always feels very comfortable when talking to Aokiji, as if he can express whatever is on his mind without any burden. The psychological defenses that he usually put up high seemed to have no effect on Aokiji.

In the past, Qiong could suppress what she wanted to say with a sullen face, but for some reason, ever since Aokiji came home late after a fight, it became increasingly difficult for her to hide her thoughts - the more she talked to Aokiji , she felt that the more she couldn't help but say what was in her heart, it was as if Aoki Si had some kind of magic power.

Qiong stared at the game screen, but his thoughts were very confused. Suddenly, crackling gunshots came from the earphones. Qiong was somewhat hurriedly operating the character to dodge, but it was already too late. The game's perspective suddenly zoomed up and turned gray, and her game character turned into a corpse and lay on the ground.

He took off his headphones angrily, Qiong looked at Aoki Si who was about to leave, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said: "Does Si like playing games?"

Hearing this, Aokiji stopped about to go out, scratched his head that was still bare, and said in a somewhat insincere tone: "Of course, I am very good at playing games. If I don't want to save some money for us two first, I I’ve already bought a computer.”

Qiong seems to like playing games very much. If I say that I have only played Lianliankan, she will be disgusted. And I am not lying. I really want to buy a computer and play games. So thought Aokiji. With.

Sure enough, Qiong's eyes lit up. She seemed to think that Aoki Tsukasa also loved playing games, which made her feel that she had found a playmate. Her tone became unusually excited: "Really? Then will you play "The Last Survivor"? ?”

The last survivor? what game is this? !

Aoki looked at her game screen and felt that it looked familiar. However, he had rarely played games in his previous life. He only listened to bragging among friends or occasionally glanced at game videos, so he could not recognize this game. What is it? He just pretended to be calm and boasted: "I have never played this game, but I used to play other shooting games and I was very good at it."

I only used ten lives to clear Contra! Aokiji thought about how when he was a child, he used BABA's thirty life secrets to pass Contra, and he felt a little confident.

Qiong didn't have the slightest suspicion. Maybe in her eyes, Aoki Si was omnipotent. She just smiled excitedly: "Really?"

Qiong suddenly stood up from his chair, took out a super cool laptop from under his bed, and showed it to Aoki Tsukasa as if showing off: "This laptop is the one I used in other games last time." I got the championship prize, but I haven’t been willing to sell it.”

"And this!" Like a child showing off his toys, Qiong also took out a set of mechanical keyboard and mouse that looked very simple from under the bed: "There is also a keyboard and mouse, which I play games with too. Winner."

"And these headphones!" Qiong also took out beautiful matching red and black headphones.

"Si, let's play games together?" Qiong's little face was red and her expression was full of anticipation.

Aokiji swallowed, his smile was very stiff: "Haha. Okay. Let's play together."

"Great!" Qiong excitedly pushed the keyboard, mouse, headphones, and laptop into Aoki Si's arms, and Aoki Si held them in his arms with a blank look on his face.

Then, Aoki Si looked at Qiong and found the matching computer charger and handed them all to Aoki Si.

"Si, I'll give you the WIFI password. You go download the game and let's play together!" Qiong's expression was unusually excited, as if he couldn't wait any longer.

With a confused look on his face, Aokiji returned to the room with his laptop and plugged it in. Under Qiong's guidance, he plugged in the device and updated a bunch of messy things until Qiong started downloading the game for him, walked out of the door and returned. When he arrived in his room, Aokiji covered his head with regret as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Damn it, I'm done with it!

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