What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 64 Si is indeed very powerful (additional update for Yushengmeng)

Aokiji swore that in his previous life, he would never study college entrance exam questions as seriously as he does now.

He stared at the laptop screen, the novice introduction to "The Last Survivor" on the video website, and almost had to dig his head into the screen.

In the video, the video UP host controls a female character holding an unknown rifle, killing everyone while introducing the game: "This game is the game that the very famous father of the battle royale game Jane Lakkizde spent three days. year, a well-crafted battle royale type game."

"Each player must control a character, parachute from a transport plane, land on the ground to collect supplies, and then fight each other. Only the last survivor can win the game."

"Try to land in places with dense buildings to obtain resources. Of course, if you want to live longer, you can also choose to go to sparsely populated areas."

Aokiji's mouth was filled with a bitter smile.

To be honest, judging from the introduction, this game seems to be really fun.

It seems to be quite similar to the game of chicken that my friend told me about in my previous life.


Aokiji really doesn’t know how to do it!

It seems really fun to watch people introduce it.

But where is the question of whether it’s fun or not? Aokiji looked at the progress bar of downloading the game getting closer and closer to the end, and even started to sweat on his forehead.

If he behaves like a complete mess in the game, what will Qiong think of him? It's better to just say that you don't know how to play games. If you don't have this common topic, it's a big deal and you'll learn slowly. Now that you've lost your confidence, what will happen to your image if you disappoint Qiong?

Aokiji swallowed his saliva. He definitely didn't know how to use the skill bar to learn game operations, at least not when there was only one skill bar now.

What should I do? Aokiji frowned and couldn't figure out what to do for a long time.

"Si, are you ready to play the game?" Qiong's call not far away made Si Aoki couldn't help but swallow his saliva: "Okay!"

"You install it yourself, and I'll give you my trumpet to play with." Qiong's voice sounded impatient.

Aokiji clicked the install button with a grimace, thinking that it would be best if the installation time never ends.

However, it backfired, perhaps because the performance of this notebook was so good and the installation speed was extremely fast.

"I, my game is ready!" Aokiji said loudly and reluctantly.

The sound of barefoot footsteps running on the floor came from the next room. Qiong opened the door and came to Aokiji. He took over the mouse and keyboard with a somewhat impatient expression, logged into the game three times, five divided by two, and accepted A game application called 'Weirdo'.

A bald man and a female character appeared on the screen standing there.

"This man is Si. I'll go back to the room and teach you by voice." Qiong probably set the voice options in the game, and then hurried back to his room, not giving Aoki Tsukasa a chance to make excuses.

Aokiji held the mouse tremblingly, sweat dripping from his forehead.

The bald male character in the game has the ID of 'Odriew' on his head, his feet are bare, even his T-shirt has holes, and his pants only have pitiful boxer briefs. He looks almost the same as Aoki Tsukasa at this time. abjection.

By the way, why is even my own game character bald?

"Hey, can you hear me?" Qiong's voice came from the earphones.

Aokiji cleared his throat: "Yes."

"Si click on the upper left corner." Qiong clicked directly to start the game.

Aokiji clicked the prepare button and the game started queuing.

Not long after, the game screen went dark, and when the screen came back on, Aoki Tsukasa's game character had already appeared on a dilapidated plane.

"Press F to skydive." Qiong's voice came from the earphones, and Aokiji blankly clicked the F key.

Qiong's voice in the earphones was a little panicked: "I'm not asking you to jump now, eh."

Aokiji shook the mouse, looking at the countless parachutes blooming like fireworks under his body, and asked with a confused look: "Why are there so many parachutes under my feet? Why can't I open the parachute?"

".Those are all players. You slide down the mouse and fly down to a certain distance to open the umbrella." Qiong controlled the character to land vertically downwards with a serious look on his face.

And Aokiji hurriedly lowered the viewing angle. He didn't know what he pressed on the keyboard with his left hand. When he came back to his senses, he suddenly found that his game viewing angle had changed to the first person. Aoki watched himself getting farther and farther away from the ground. Low, his expression suddenly became a little flustered: "I Qiong. Why did I change to the first-person perspective?"

"Am I going to fall to death?!"

Qiong was in the next room, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. She didn't expect that Aoki Si was not as calm as usual when playing games, but was as flustered as a child.

Aokiji's game screen suddenly froze, and the character's automatically opened parachute slowed down his landing.

"You can adjust the perspective back by pressing the B button."

Aokiji pressed the B button, returned to the third person again, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Find a place to hide quickly, someone is looking for you." Qiong's voice was a little anxious.

Aokiji looked at the game screen with a blank look on his face. In the two-story building in the distance, a macho man wearing a large trench coat and a mask jumped out of the second-floor window, holding a handful in his hand. Black firearms.

What did Qiong ask me to do?

Aokiji blinked.


Aokiji pressed the W key in confusion, but saw his character walking slowly away from that person at a snail's pace.

"Why are my people walking so slowly!" Before Aokiji could get a reply from Qiong, he heard a gunshot behind him, and his character changed from standing to walking on his knees.

"Eh? Why did I suddenly kneel down? Can I stand up?" As soon as Aokiji finished speaking, a strange man's voice came from the earphones: "You can stand up by taking off the vest in your backpack. The clothes are too tight." It’s too heavy for you to wear.”

It was the big man in trench coat who came to Aoki Si with the shotgun in his hand, squatted on the ground, and turned his head left and right at Aoki Si.

Aokiji looked confused: "How can you talk to me? How can I take off my clothes?"

"Press the TAB key and then left-click the mouse to throw away the clothes." The man's voice seemed a little trembling.

Aokiji did as he was told, but his eyes saw the icon of Qiong's teammate getting closer and closer on the computer screen.

"Is that so? Wait a moment." Aokiji crawled around a few times, then dropped the character's belt.

"Hey, why did you take off your belt?" Aokiji pretended to be confused as he shook the mouse, and the character twisted around inside: "Can I still get it back?"

The tough man in the windbreaker chuckled: "It's okay. Press the TAB key to see the items around you and pick them up, but you have to stand up first. Take your time and take off your vest first."

Si Aoki looked at the macho guy in the trench coat and saw Qiong charging towards him with a gun in hand. His voice suddenly sounded very surprised: "Oh, why did I take off my underwear?"

The tough man in the windbreaker stopped turning his head left and right, and his voice was extremely surprised: "Huh? Damn, no."

It was impossible for him to finish speaking. The rifle in the hand of the character controlled by Qiong started firing.

The man in the windbreaker was lying on the ground almost instantly, head to head with Aokiji, looking at each other.

"Wodefa" As soon as he spoke, Qiong's gunfire rang out again, beating him completely into a corpse.

Aokiji snorted disdainfully: "Just because I can't play this game doesn't mean there's something wrong with my brain. If this game can drag underwear, how can it pass the review, idiot."

The tough man in the trench coat seemed aggrieved that he was gone like this, and he left a harsh message: "My teammates will be here soon." Then he said nothing more.

Qiong's voice reached his ears, and he seemed to have some admiration: "Si is indeed very powerful. He deliberately pretended not to understand anything to delay time. At first, I thought you really didn't know anything and couldn't play at all!"

Aokiji silently resisted the desire to ask questions, watching his character finally stand up again with Qiong's rescue, and pressed the TAB key, only to find that he could even pick up the equipment of the man in the trench coat. He picked up his belt and put all the things belonging to the man in the trench coat into his inventory. He didn't even miss any of the man's clothes, and then slowly walked towards the house next to him step by step.

The windbreaker gently swayed with the majesty in the game, and the hood that came with it covered the bald head of Aokiji's character. He held a pitch-black shotgun in his hand, and the character instantly became more powerful.

"Si, why are you walking?" Qiong was a little confused.

Aokiji said calmly: "Just wait for his teammates."

"Oh! Then I'll go to other rooms and search." Qiong's voice seemed to be even more admiring.

Aokiji pressed W with one hand and walked forward slowly, quickly unlocked his phone with the other hand, and frantically typed on the browser with one hand: How can I run in the game?


ps: The leader will add ten updates, and the debt will be repaid once it is released. Today, let’s celebrate the first leader of this book, and add one update~

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