What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 65 Chiba’s fallen angel Black Cat has been killed

In a dark room on the second floor of a small building, a man wearing a windbreaker and a hood holding a shotgun crouched in the corner, motionless.

Aokiji stared at the screen, carefully listening to the movement of grass around him through his headphones.

Except for the continuous sound of gunfire in the distance, there seemed to be no sound nearby.

"Be careful, Si, someone has touched you. I'll be there soon!" Qiong's voice was a little excited.

Seeing that he had managed to restore his health bar to 80% by relying on online guides, Aokiji's mouth twitched slightly. As expected, subtle footsteps came from the earphones. He swallowed his saliva and held the shotgun in his hand. Aiming at the door.

"Da da da da!" A burst of fierce gunshots suddenly came from the earphones. Aokiji saw that his teammate's health bar in the lower left corner began to drop by about two percent?

"Si, be careful, she found me and is running towards your house. I beat her a few times and she probably won't have much blood left!"

Qiong's voice was very calm.

Hearing this, Aokiji could only pray silently: Don't come to me, I didn't do anything, don't come over, don't come over!

However, contrary to expectations, the footsteps got closer and closer, and Aokiji even heard the sound of someone coming upstairs from downstairs.

Don't come to my room, don't come in, don't come in!

Aokiji didn't dare to blink, his mouse was aimed at the door, motionless.

"Si, can you hold on?" Qiong's voice was a little anxious. She seemed to be working very hard to get here, but she still wasn't fast enough.

Aokiji didn't speak. He didn't forget that those people could hear him, although he didn't know why.

"Bang!" The door was suddenly pushed open. A female character dressed as shabbily as Aoki Si before was holding an assault rifle. She stood in front of the door and looked at Aoki Si face to face. The female character seemed to be startled, and she jumped up suddenly. At the same time, an unfamiliar scream came from Aokiji's headphones.

Aokiji was startled by the scream before he reacted. He clicked the left button of the mouse, and the shotgun in his hand suddenly exploded into a ball of fireworks. The enemy in front of him was immediately hit by the huge impact, and blood sprayed everywhere. He took a step back and stumbled to the ground.

"Odrew killed the black cat with a shotgun"

Aokiji was stunned for a long time before he laughed out loud: "Ah hahaha, it's okay, Qiong, he was taken care of by me!"

"You are so despicable!" A somewhat angry young female voice suddenly came from the corpse in front of him.

Aokiji chuckled, came to her side, pressed the TAB key, and picked up the props carefully: "You obviously walked into my house by yourself, how can you blame me?"

"Hmph, you despicable and shameless person! Fate will give you the most miserable fate!" It seemed that the female character called Black Cat was lying on the ground. Regardless of her own shoes, Aoki took them away, and kept chattering: "You are so despicable. Kill me, Chiba's fallen angel Black Cat, by any means. A nobody like you should remember this day in your heart. Oh, wait for the flames of revenge to devour you! My Black Cat will never let you go casually! You Just wait for my revenge!”

Aokiji sneered: "Oh."

"You don't believe me?" the female character's voice became even more annoyed: "Just wait, I, Chiba's fallen angel Black Cat, will cast a spell tonight, and you will be unlucky!"

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, the man quit the game.

Aokiji looked confused, maybe this is the so-called chuunibyou!

Fortunately Qiong doesn't have this problem!

"I know this black cat Si." Qiong's voice seemed a little surprised.

"Ah?" Aokiji was stunned.

"Well, I met him at an online game conference before. He is a very talkative guy." Qiong's voice seemed to be a little disgusting: "But he seems to be pretty good."

"Si can kill her, his strength is extraordinary!" Qiong's voice made Si Aoki couldn't help but laugh.

Aokiji felt that this game seemed really interesting, and it was not as difficult as he thought. Especially hiding in the room and waiting for others to fall into a trap, it didn't seem that difficult to play. After all, just point the mouse at the door and shoot when you see someone. His reaction speed is not slow, so it seems that Aokiji feels that he has found a gameplay that suits him.

Yes, this is my path! As long as you play like this and just rely on your own reaction speed to click the mouse, you can't do anything!

"Let's go, Qiong, let's go to another house!" Amid Qiong's inexplicable doubts, Aokiji took the shotgun and quietly went to another house in the direction where the gunshots came from.


In an ordinary Japanese-style cubicle that is not too big, a beautiful girl with long black hair, fair skin, and a mole at the corner of her eye gritted her teeth and sent a report message.

The gorgeous black Gothic dress and the purple headband on her head did not look out of place on her body. On the contrary, they looked very suitable. It was a pity that she now had a stinky face and her fingers were typing on the keyboard. The murmuring voice made her seem a little out of place.

"This player is hiding in the room, maliciously frightening other players, causing psychological shadow to other players, and easily causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies. I hope the official can ban his account!"

After the girl sent the message, she slapped the table angrily, but it hurt so much that she screamed out.

Eh? This ID seems familiar.

The girl thought for a long time before her eyes lit up, and then she said to herself full of shame and anger: "It turns out it's you, my lifelong enemy, the pure white and flawless Holy Angel! Weirdo! I remember Odriew, this is your trumpet Well, haha, I originally thought you were a respectable opponent, but I didn’t expect that you would lend your account to such a despicable villain."

"It doesn't matter. Since I am your minion, I, Black Cat, will never let you go. Just wait, there will be new and old grudges, and I will definitely come back with revenge!" The girl named Black Cat chuckled strangely, maybe In her head, her laughter was evil and terrifying.

But in reality, well, it's actually quite cute, and there's a point.

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