What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 66 Come here, come here

The next day, Aokiji, who had dark circles under his eyes, took a deep breath and set foot on the road to school in exhaustion.

Ever since the chuunibyou girl named Black Cat died in the room yesterday, Aokiji became obsessed with the game called Survivor. He played with Qiong until about eleven o'clock in the evening before he could bear to continue. In the mood, turn off the game.

Aokiji finally understood why those classmates in the past would rather sleep in class and be scolded than insist on playing games.

"Ao~mu~jun~" A somewhat annoying voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Aoki turned around, and a man with yellow curly hair jumped towards him, waving his hands.

That's right! Just jump and jump! It's really hard for this guy to look like a delinquent and look like a girl.

"Mihashi," Aokiji still looked sleepy, looked at him with dull eyes, and then turned his head.

"Aoki~kun~" Mihashi Takashi was like a little girl, with his hands on his waist, and he chased Aokiji with small steps.

Aokiji glanced at him with some disgust: "What are you doing, someone is chasing you again?"

Mihashi Takashi walked up to Aokiji, patted his shoulder, and pretended to be shy: "Oh, Aoki-kun, don't talk nonsense."

"That's enough! Do you want to fight with me?" Aokiji frowned and slapped his hand away in disgust.

Mitsuhashi Takashi's expression changed and he said seriously: "Ahem, Mr. Aoki, I have something to discuss with you."

"What." Aokiji couldn't say that he disliked him, but he also felt that he was not familiar with him. It seemed that the two of them had only met once. How could this guy be so close?

"I, the strongest man of Soft Leaf High School, Mihashi Takashi, the boss of Soft Leaf High School, sincerely invite you to join me in starting a high school alliance. Let's form the Mitsuhashi Legion together and challenge Suzuran High School!" Mihashi Takashi jumped in front of Aokiji in an exaggerated manner. He pushed backwards as if to make himself look taller, but he overexerted himself and bent himself into a C shape. He raised his arms high and pointed at himself with a thumbs up. .

Aokiji glanced at him lazily: "Not interested."

After saying that, he walked around him and moved forward.

"Hey!!!" Mihashi jumped forward and stood in front of Aokiji, his eyes widened: "Is the name bad? Is that called the Kishi Legion? The Sansan Legion? The Sanchan Legion?"

Aoki Si looked at this guy speechlessly and laughed: "Why not call it Aoki Legion?"

Mihashi Takashi's eyes flashed coldly, and he snorted coldly: "It turns out it's impossible. I, Mihashi Takashi, am the strongest high school student in Neon. How could I change the name of the legion to someone else!"

"Oh." Aokiji nodded, his expression very calm: "Then just do it yourself."

Mihashi Takashi immediately put on a flattering smile: "Oh, Aoki-kun, we are all the bosses of our respective schools, what's wrong with joining forces with each other? At worst, wait until we beat Suzuran High School, and then we can compete alone. ."

"Oh, the boss who is being chased and beaten." Aokiji patted Takashi Mihashi on the shoulder with a lazy expression: "I'm not the boss of our school yet, you go find someone else."

Mihashi Takashi became furious when he heard Aokiji's words: "Hey, I wasn't being chased and beaten. I was just retreating strategically. Do you understand? It's a strategy!"

"Oh." Aokiji nodded, looking at him with dull eyes: "Can you let me go? I'll be late in ten minutes."

Mihashi Takashi narrowed his eyes: "Don't you want to be the strongest in the country?"

"Is there a National Martial Arts Conference for Delinquents that can participate in this thing?" Aokiji glanced at him, his eyes calm: "And I don't think we can become the strongest in the country by joining forces with you."

Aokiji shrugged: "Sorry, my short-term goal is to become the school boss first."

Well, Aokiji will definitely not stand still, and the system will not allow him to be a salty fish. But he also knows very well that his strength may be considered very strong in school now, but it is not as good as the real one. Compared with the powerful characters, it may still be a lot worse.

For example, the guy I met that day named Serizawa Tamao

Aokiji couldn't help but curl his lips when he thought of this. That precocious guy should be much better than himself.

Mitsuhashi Takashi chuckled strangely: "In other words, you will consider joining forces with me after you become the boss of the school?"

Aokiji thought for a while and felt that if he didn't promise him, he would have to keep pestering him. I glanced at my phone and saw that class was about to start in six or seven minutes. He simply nodded and planned to fool him away casually.

"Just wait until then to think about it. Don't come to me before that." After saying that, Aokiji walked around Takashi Mihashi and walked towards the school.

Mihashi Takashi stood there with a sinister smile: "Oh, it seems you don't know how strong I, Mihashi Takashi, am."

"Me! The smart and witty Mihashi Takashi, I must make you the boss of the school!" Mihashi Takashi put on a very stupid pose on the spot, but when he saw Aokiji had walked away, he snorted angrily, Embarrassed, he put his hands in his pockets and said to himself: "We'll see!"

Of course, Aokiji didn't know what Mihashi Takashi was thinking. When he came to the school gate, he stopped and his face was gloomy.

There was a group of guys in suits and ties surrounding the school gate, and some were carrying cameras and microphones. Judging from the various news signs above, these guys were almost all reporters.

"Hey, we just want to interview a bald student from your school. It's convenient!"

"Freedom of public opinion! Freedom of interviews! You can't just stop us like this!"

"Uncle guard, do you know Aokiji? Is he a bad boy?"

The noise of those reporters could be heard from far away from Aokiji.

Standing in the distance, Aokiji covered his head in confusion: Otherwise, why don't you ask for leave today?

"Boss!" A familiar voice suddenly sounded next to him.

Aokiji turned around to look, and it was Tora Maeda wearing a hat. He was looking at him with joy and walking towards him.

With his eyes focused, Aokiji's mind turned around a few times, and he showed a kind smile to Maeda Tora: "Ah, it's Maeda Tora, come here quickly, come here quickly."

Maeda Tiger instinctively slowed down, feeling uneasy for some reason.

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