"Aokiji is here!" Suddenly there was a shout, and the reporters surrounding the school gate turned their heads suddenly. As expected, not far away, a guy in a hat pointed at a bald head, seemingly very excited.

"Quick! Get over there!"

Bald? The reporters' eyes lit up, and they subconsciously swarmed towards the bald head.

Aokiji lowered the hat on his head, lowered his head and trotted into the school against the flow of people.

And Tora Maeda touched the gauze on his head and his smooth scalp. The hat he originally wore to cover the scar on his head that hadn't healed had disappeared, and a group of reporters who didn't know what they were doing had surrounded him. Surround.

"Are you Aokiji?"

"How do you feel about the claims on the Internet that you are a delinquent and a thug?"

"May I ask why you hit that short-haired girl?"

The reporters asked all kinds of strange questions like flies buzzing around Maeda Tora. Maeda Tora felt that his head was hurting because he was still not clear. He immediately waved his hands in annoyance: "No, I am not Aoki Tsukasa!"

"My boss has already entered! Look!" Tora Maeda pointed at the school gate. The reporters turned around, but saw nothing.

Some people have already taken out the videos circulating on the Internet and compared the faces of the two.

"He does not seem to be Aoki Tsukasa. He is not as handsome as in the video, and he is not as fierce." A female reporter frowned.

Maeda Tora was surrounded by a group of reporters. Seeing that their microphones were stuffed into his mouth, he said nervously: "I, can I go in? I am not Aokiji, my name is Maeda Tora."

He watched Aokiji poke his head out of the school gate again, his eyes full of signs of help.

"Wait a minute, why did you call Aokiji boss just now? Is he a member of the Yakuza organization? Or a member of a school violence organization?" A reporter wearing glasses stopped him with an excited expression.

The other reporters suddenly looked like sharks smelling blood: "Please tell me."

Aokiji carefully watched Maeda Tiger being surrounded by a group of reporters at the school gate, as miserable as being attacked by a group of zombies. He couldn't help but shook his head, made a clicking sound, and said to himself guiltily: " Sorry little brother, big brother will remember your sacrifice."

After saying that, he took off his hat and walked towards his class humming a tune.

Maeda Tora, who was surrounded by reporters, saw that Aokiji seemed to have really escaped, and he was a little confused for a moment.

However, when Maeda Hu saw a high-definition camera with the logo of Yachiyo City News, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Me, am I on TV? Am I going to be famous?

Maeda Tiger's flustered expression gradually became excited.

"Ahem, my boss Aoki Tsukasa! Of course I know him very well! The story starts from the first day we met." Although Maeda Tora didn't know what happened, he still talked to the camera. got up.


Aokiji, who had no idea what was going on outside, just felt that the people around him looked at him a little differently today.

If in the past, 99% of the people looked at him with fear, then about 20% of the people now seemed to have a lot of changes in their eyes.

Is it because it was in the news? Aokiji smiled bitterly, changed into indoor shoes, and walked to class with his bag in hand.

Along the way, people pointed at Aoki Si and whispered from time to time, and they didn’t know what they were talking about.

Arriving at class, Aoki Si sat down in his seat, lay down a little tired, and took a nap on the desk.

Teruhashi Shinmei suddenly walked up to Aoki Tsukasa. There seemed to be something wrong with her smile: "Aoki-kun, good morning."

"Ah" Aokiji hummed in confusion.

"There are a lot of reporters outside today." Teruhashi Shinmei said in a gentle voice, as if she didn't notice Aoki Tsukasa's sleepy and listless look, "Aoki-kun must have known what happened yesterday."

Aokiji weakly hummed again.

"Then why didn't Aoki-san reply to my line?" Teruhashi Komimi narrowed her eyes and her smile became a little dangerous.

Aokiji felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He looked up and saw Teruhashi Xinmei's eyes were narrowed, but there seemed to be nothing strange.

"Uh" Aokiji then remembered that after chatting with Teruhashi Sumimi yesterday, he went to play games with Qiong and simply forgot to reply to her message.

Touching his head a little apologetically, Aokiji looked at Teruhashi Kotomi: "Sorry, I played a game with Qiong yesterday and forgot about it while playing. I'm really sorry."

"That's right." Teruhashi nodded thoughtfully, "Then there's nothing we can do."

After saying that, she sat back in her seat.

Eh? Is it an illusion? Aokiji always felt like there was something weird.

Teruhashi Shinmei sat back in her seat, holding the textbook with both hands, her expression indifferent, but her hands unconsciously clenched the pages of the book, making a crunching sound: He actually forgot to reply to my message!

I forgot! forgotten!

Teruhashi Shinmei clenched her teeth: Does he know how mentally prepared I was when I took the initiative to ask for his contact information yesterday? How could he treat a beautiful girl like this! I was so worried about him yesterday and sent him so many messages, but he didn’t read any of them! Not even read! I simply didn’t watch it!

It turned out to be a game. I actually lost to the game now!

Teruhashi Komimi took a deep breath and glanced at Aokiji. He seemed to have fallen asleep while lying on the table. His usually fierce face became very peaceful while sleeping, which made her feel very disappointed. The little deer jumped around a few times, and it seemed that even the anger had disappeared, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes: This guy looks pretty good when he sleeps.


"Pa!" The whole class looked up suddenly and saw Teruhashi Shinmei's palm still resting on his face, and the slightly red palm prints were clearly visible on that pretty face.

After waking up, Sumei Teruhashi looked at the shocked eyes of the whole class and explained in panic: "Oh, why did a bug fly over my face just now? It's so scary!"

She looked pitiful and seemed to be very scared, which made the classmates around her scream in distress.

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