What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 68 Boss, I’m on TV

As soon as the morning self-study ended, the class launched an inter-class activity called "Long Live Xinmei-chan's Pest Exterminator".

Aokiji watched a group of male students angrily carrying textbooks, brooms, mops, rags, and even insecticides and insect nets and working hard in the class.

Who knows why these people bring pesticides and insect nets to class!

The corner of Aoki Si's mouth twitched as he watched them sweating profusely as they were busy sweeping from the back of the class to the front of the class. They were all in high spirits and seemed to be doing something great. Aoki Si felt a little out of place.

Sighing, Aokiji decided to go to the toilet to avoid the limelight and come back after class.

Seeing this group of people holding insecticides and staring at their seats, wanting to clean but not daring to hold back, Aokiji felt that he had better cooperate.

However, just as he left the house, Aokiji was so frightened that he took two steps back and almost sat down on the ground.

There are so many bald heads!

It looked like the corridor was filled with mirrors, and there were shining lights everywhere. A dozen bald heads were emitting dazzling golden light right in front of Aokiji's eyes.

"Brother! Please accept us!" The leader, Matsuzaka Daitake, touched his bald head excitedly. The mohawk of the past had disappeared, but he felt that he was more like a bad boy!

The corner of Aokiji's mouth twitched as he looked at the group of familiar-looking delinquents in front of him, and he opened his mouth in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"Brother Tora Maeda told us the rules." Matsuzaka Daitake smiled with admiration on his face: "He said that if you want to follow the big brother, you must abide by the rules set by the big brother. One of them is that you are not allowed to have messy hair. "

Aokiji looked at the bright-eyed look of the bald heads, and he didn't dare to tell them the truth of the matter now - his original intention was just not to look like the unconventional people shaking their heads in the village.

But if I tell them now.

Well, Aokiji touched his head, but he felt a little secretly happy in his heart. He was not the only one who was bald. Phew, he was bald. It felt so good!

"Ahem, then you also know the other rules, right?" Aokiji pretended to be indifferent and leaned against the door, and a cool and unrestrained temperament came to his face.

Those boys just felt that the Aokiji in front of them was so "ooh"!

"That's right!" Matsuzaka Daitake patted his chest: "We have compiled the boss's words into the Five Precepts and printed them into a document for each of us."

ha? 5. Five precepts?

What is this?

As if he could see the surprise on Aokiji's expression, Matsusaka Daitake took out a printed piece of paper from his arms. There was a bright red fingerprint on it, like a contract of betrayal.

Aokiji took it and took a look, his mouth twitched.

【Five Commandments】

[1: It is forbidden to bully the weak. The fists of bad boys should be waved at the enemies and the strong. 】

[Two: It is forbidden to fail to help when you see injustice. You must have justice in your heart and take becoming a new bad boy as your honor and goal. 】

[Three: It is forbidden to skip classes and do homework. We study not because of appreciation, but to ensure our own discipline. 】

[Four: It is forbidden to disrespect the elders. How can those who do not respect the elders respect the boss! 】

[5: All behaviors and words that disrespect the boss are prohibited. (emphasis added). 】

[Outline: Only those who abide by the commandments can become as good a man as Boss Aokiji. After our days as high school delinquents will eventually pass, those of us who follow the Five Commandments will also become men in the true sense of the word. 】

[Signature: Matsusaka Daitake - If you violate the rules and betray your brothers and boss, we will attack them together. 】

After reading this, Aokiji raised his head in confusion.

"What kind of organization are we?" Aokiji murmured to himself. He always felt that these people were more professional than him when it came to being delinquents. The organization's program was already laid out. It was too exaggerated! He returned the so-called Five Commandments to Matsusaka Daitake and saw him looking at him with fiery eyes.

"Please accept my certificate of surrender. From now on, my fist will be the boss's fist. The enemy will never be allowed to hurt the boss before I fall!" Matsusaka Daitake's face turned red with excitement and he bowed at ninety degrees. , holding up the so-called 'voting certificate' signed and fingerprinted with both hands in the air.

"Boss, please accept us!" Behind him, the dozen bald heads followed suit and bowed at ninety degrees, holding high the "Five Precepts" in their hands, with their names and fingerprints written on it.

Aokiji looked at them blankly, hesitated for a long time, and then took it.

What happened last time has fully told him that it is not advisable to be a polished commander. If you want to become the so-called strongest bad boy, the power under his command cannot be too weak.

Moreover, these people’s heads have been shaved, so what else can he do?

With a thick layer of 'nomination certificate' in his hand, Aokiji chuckled awkwardly: "Then let's do it. You must remember what is written on it in the future. If you let me know, you use my name to bully others. Or you did something bad, don’t blame me for firing you.”

"Yes! Boss Aoki!" A group of people shouted in unison, scaring the students in the corridor to the point where they didn't dare to breathe.

While Aokiji felt a little bit dumbfounded, he also felt a little irritated. He quickly calmed down his mind. Aokiji said calmly: "Then you should do what you should do. I will notify Matsusaka Daitake to call you if something happens. Get to class soon, don’t be late.”

"Yes! Boss Aoki!" A group of bald heads held their heads high and looked proudly at the cowering classmates around them. They felt that they were much more majestic now than before!

Moreover, I was a little afraid of having a bald head at first, but later I realized that it was so much easier after having a bald head! I even saved money on buying hairspray. When I wash my face, I wash my head with just one swipe, and my hair doesn’t fall out when I sleep at night. I even take care of the hygiene of my pillow towels - as expected, the boss’s choices are all meaningful. !

Seeing the majestic appearance of a group of bald heads leaving, Aokiji unconsciously covered his head and let out a long sigh, not knowing whether what he did was right or wrong.

"Boss!" Before Aokiji could calm down, he saw Maeda Tora not far away, smiling like flowers in the spring breeze and jumping towards him like a happy little girl. .

"Boss! I'm on TV!" Maeda Tora's smile made Aokiji's heart skip a beat: Damn it, you're not going to cause trouble for me again, are you?

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