What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 69 Please take away my little finger

Aokiji stared at his mobile phone. Maeda Tora's smiling face in the local news was particularly dazzling. He opened the interview video with a trembling finger.

"Ah, you are talking about my boss!" In the video, Maeda Tora showed no timidity at all when surrounded by a group of reporters. He only saw him excitedly patting his chest and shouting: "You are really looking for me. Now, I am Big Brother’s number one younger brother, Tora Maeda, you should know it just by looking at my bald head!”

"Are you saying that Tsukasa Aoki is a bad boy?" The reporter's eyes flashed green, and he quickly recorded Maeda Tora's words, and the microphone was moved closer.

Maeda Tora coughed and cleared his throat, with an admiring look on his face: "Yes, we are all bad boys! And my boss, Aoki Tsukasa, is the strongest in our school, there is no doubt about it!"

"Can you elaborate?" The reporter looked at Maeda Tora in front of him and felt as if he had caught big news.

"I used to be just a childish person." Maeda Tora had a deep expression and looked at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, almost smoking a cigarette to express his sighing feelings: "On the first day when Boss Aoki transferred to another school, because he watched He was unhappy, so I wanted to drag him up to the rooftop and beat him up.”

"But I didn't expect it. I called my brothers, and there were more than ten people, and they were all easily crushed by the boss." Maeda looked at the disbelief of the reporters around him, and said solemnly: "It's true, we He didn't even touch the hem of Boss Aoki's clothes before he knocked them all down."

"Later, I was inspired by the boss's strong charisma and willingly recognized him as my boss." Maeda Tora said, with tears still shining in his eyes.

The corner of the reporter's mouth twitched. He always felt that something was wrong with this guy's brain. He didn't want to fight back after being beaten, but instead regarded the thief as his father. Maybe this word is not suitable, but they couldn't think of any better adjective for a while.

"I still remember that early morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the boss's figure was extremely tall. I just looked at his back and felt infinite admiration. It was he who told me what a real bad boy should be like." Tora Maeda Clenched his fists.

"Work hard in the darkness and serve the light!" Tora Maeda raised his hands fiercely, with an excited look on his face: "We just violated the conventions in people's eyes. This does not mean that we are wrong! Although we have become what they think Bad boy, but we ourselves can’t forget what we should do!”

"Since then, I have learned from the boss. I go to class on time every day, listen carefully in class, never bully the weak, draw a sword to help when I encounter injustice, and do justice in the name of humility!" Maeda Tora became more and more active, He even took the initiative to grab a microphone and shouted hoarsely: "Even though we are misunderstood, even though the appearance of the boss makes people fearful, this is us, this is my boss Aokiji!"

After saying that, Maeda Tora's expression turned tearful: "Although I don't know why you want to interview the boss, I think he definitely doesn't want to be disturbed by you!"

"What he wants to do is just himself!" Maeda Tora looked up at the sky again, holding back tears: "If you have anything to ask, just ask me! I am willing to sacrifice myself, whether you want to do an exclusive interview or go to the TV station I can even sacrifice my life to accompany you when you are doing a show!”

The reporters looked at each other, and for a moment there was a rare silence.

"Ahem, cough, I mean, Maeda Tora-kun, are you sure he is a bad boy? I mean, isn't the Aoki Tsukasa you are talking about a little too perfect?" The reporter narrated the story again, and then Ask him: "Did you beautify his existence too much? And since you call yourself a bad boy, how can you possibly do justice? At least Aokiji slapped the girl in the mall. It should be discussed, right?"

"Hmph! Everything the boss wants is justice, he helps the weak, eradicates evil, and never tolerates evil forces. What's wrong with that!" Maeda Tora held his head high and looked at the reporter with contempt: "What the boss is doing That’s right! It’s just that your level is too low and you don’t understand anything.”

"." The reporter looked at Maeda Tora speechlessly, feeling that the Aoki Tsukasa he was looking for was not a high school student at all, but a certain cult boss!

Maeda Tora was suddenly shocked: "Oh, please get out of the way. I'm already late for class. The boss will definitely reprimand me for being late for class!"

The reporters looked at Tora Maeda running into the school in a hurry. They looked at each other and were stunned for a while. Then they excitedly rushed back to the company with their microphones and cameras in hand - this news is so hot! Fire him!

Turn off the video.

Aokiji took a deep breath and looked at the very proud Tora Maeda next to him with a dark expression on his face. He actually didn't know what to say to him.

Looking at the proud look on Maeda Tora's face, it seems that he thinks what he said will make the boss praise him!

Aokiji swallowed: "Tiger."

"Hey, big brother!" Tora Maeda smiled.

"Next time, don't say this casually. Just remember what I told you. Also, don't let people come to me casually." Aokiji looked at his table On the side, there was a thick stack of testimonials, with a somewhat desperate expression: "Besides, I hate being famous, so don't accept interviews casually in the future, especially about me."

If those guys who just joined were like this, like Maeda Tora

Aokiji felt as if he would never have a stable life again.

Maeda Tiger was stunned for a moment and fell into deep thought: What exactly does the boss mean? I understand!

I understand!

Maeda Tiger suddenly raised his head: "I know, boss!"

yes! If all the cats and dogs came to seek refuge with Big Brother after hearing this, and if they had any trouble, they would ask Big Brother for help. How could Big Brother be so busy? He is so kind-hearted and will definitely not refuse casually. How can there be peace then! What these bosses said to him can only be told to like-minded partners!

No, no, we must tell Matsusaka Daitake and the others about this. We cannot let people in casually. We must strictly review it and reduce the burden on the boss! Only people with ideas and abilities are qualified to hang out with the boss!

When he thought that he had told the reporters all of his boss's precious guiding thoughts, which might bring countless troubles to his boss, Maeda Tora shouted loudly in the class with a look of remorse: "Boss, I was wrong. , I am willing to suffer the severest punishment, please take away my little finger! I will definitely think twice before I act in the future and never act rashly again!"

"Huh?" Aokiji's eyes widened and he looked confused. Looking at the eyes of the surrounding classmates looking at him, fear had turned into panic.

[Hidden mission: The famous name has been completed. 】

[Big name: Has a certain degree of influence throughout the city. Completion: Average. Mission reward: Skill deduction scroll. 】

[Skill Deduction Scroll: You can deduce incomplete skills to perfection. 】

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