Horrible Rumor 9 of Wuyang University: Aokiji from Class 1, Grade 3, was so angry that he wanted to cut off his little brother's little finger as a warning to others because his younger brother talked casually during a reporter's interview. Fortunately, the younger brother admitted his mistake very well, so he let him go. He's a horse. It can be seen from the punishment of cutting off the little finger that Aokiji is well aware of the rules of the Yakuza organization and may even be related to it. If anyone offends him, please kneel down and admit your mistake immediately, otherwise Yakuza will take him away and sink him.

Another new rumor spread on campus, but the protagonist of the incident, Aokiji, felt that he was really wronged to death. Even if the system gave him props and rewards, it couldn't make him any happier.

"Boss, hehehe, it was my fault." Tora Maeda put the chocolate milk he bought on Aokiji's table in a flattering manner, and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Yesterday I watched "The Return of the Yakuza: The Bloody Vengeance is Finally Avenged" I watched the uncensored version all night, in which the young man’s finger would be chopped off if he made a mistake, so I immediately took it in. Sorry, sorry!”

Aokiji looked out the window with a desperate expression. He really didn't want to see this guy again today: "I'm not going to complain about how long the title of this movie is, or why you are only seventeen years old and want to watch the unabridged version. I'm just going to say I wonder how you are so old and can still put yourself into it when watching a movie."

"I can't help it, boss! That movie is so good!" Tora Maeda suddenly became excited when he mentioned the movie: ""The Return of the Yakuza""

"I omitted the name!" Aokiji covered his head.

"Oh, I've been watching the movie Gokudou Fengyun since I was a child. I really like it so much." Tora Maeda's eyes widened with excitement: "The reason why I became a delinquent is because of my eight-year-old At that time, I saw the first movie in this series, "The Bad Boy"."

"The male protagonist Tiger Brother was shot by eighteen rifles without being killed. Thirty-two people armed with machetes chopped him more than 710 times. He was able to kill the enemy and escape from Tokyo while holding the heroine in his arms. When he arrived in Chiba, he had four car accidents. Even so, he still gradually became the boss of the Yakuza. He is as legendary as you, boss! Boss, I strongly recommend you to watch the new TV series of that movie. It’s about to begin!”

Tora Maeda was particularly excited: "The TV series is called "The Rise of the Yakuza: The Bad Boy A-Tora". It was because I knew the news that I went to review the movie. It will premiere tomorrow, so don't forget to watch it if you go there. ah!"

Aoki Si lay on the table speechlessly: "After listening to your introduction, I don't want to watch this TV series at all."

"Also, don't get too involved. No one can be stabbed more than 700 times and still escape from Tokyo to Chiba with the heroine in his arms." Aokiji gave a few weak words of advice.

Maeda Tora nodded matter-of-factly: "That's for sure. Movies and reality are definitely different."

What about you? You even said you wanted to give me your little finger! Aokiji stared at him bitterly and said sullenly: "The mock exam is only a week or two away. If your grades are not good, just wait and experience the plot in the movie. It just so happens that the protagonist in it is also named Brother Tiger.”

Aokiji's gloomy face was extremely intimidating. Maeda Tora's bald head was instantly covered with cold sweat: "Yes, yes!"

Seeing Tora Maeda sitting back in his seat holding an English book with a solemn expression on his face, Aokiji sighed, finally being able to calm down for a while.

He lay on the table, looked up inadvertently, and saw Sumei Teruhashi suddenly stood up from her seat, made eye contact with him, and smiled.

Damn it, you’ve had enough!

Aokiji felt like his head was going to explode: If I had known, I would have taken a rest earlier and stopped playing games yesterday!

Of course, Teruhashi Shinmei didn't know what Aokiji was thinking. Ever since she started thinking randomly again in the morning, her mind was in chaos. She couldn't count how many ideas were born and disillusioned like the universe. It was really annoying.

"Aoki-kun?" The strange thing is that as soon as Teruhashi Komimi saw Aoki Tsukasa, and the moment they looked at each other, she felt that her mind went blank, and all the messy thoughts disappeared.

"Ah?" Aokiji even began to regret why he didn't fall down on the road today and asked for leave. How happy it is to play games with Qiong at home!

Seeing Aokiji's slightly irritable expression, Teruhashi Shinmei blinked and didn't even feel that anything was wrong! And contrary to usual, looking at Aokiji's cold face, now clearly shadowed in the sun, with a high bridge of nose and thin lips, makes one's heart beat faster. Even the bald head seems to be more mature than before. It's shining.

Oh. Oh ho!

Teruhashi Komimi covered her mouth in panic, but saw Aokiji staring at her with a look of concern (actually disgust). She wanted to speak, but found that her throat was stiff and she coughed several times. Then he smiled shyly and asked unconsciously: "Do you want to go have a lunch together at noon? I really want to know about Kasugano-san. After all, I am the monitor after all, and it is my responsibility to care about every classmate."

"Well, I'm going to eat a quick lunch from the convenience store. Sorry." Aokiji felt that it was impossible for him to figure out what the seemingly perfect girl in front of him was thinking. So he decisively refused, and now he was in trouble. He just wanted to beg Summi Teruhashi to stay away from him!

Teruhashi Shinmei gritted her teeth. The rare frustration made her a little angry, but she couldn't help but tremble in her heart: So... so cool.

It must be his unknown tragic past that shaped him into what he is today! When she thought about the reason why Aokiji was like this, Teruhashi Komimi couldn't get angry at all: "That."

"Aoki-san, that" she looked at Aoki Tsukasa's tired eyes and obvious dark circles, and her heart trembled: Yes, he just took Kasugano Qiong to the mall a few days ago, and with the money he earned from being beaten Money, how much is enough? Kasugano-san is too much, how can he spend Aoki-kun’s hard-earned money! He must have worked hard to stay up very late yesterday!

"Oh, then Aoki-san must have a good rest!" She couldn't say anything to pester Aoki Si. Seeing Aoki Si lying on the table with his eyes blank, she just wanted him to have a good rest.

Aokiji looked at Teruhashi Xinmei's understanding and retreated to his seat. He thought it was his attitude that made the girl understand that he and her were not the same person. He smiled, lay down on the table, and decided to be lazy. Squint for a while.

Just squint for a while, it won't be a big problem.

Teruhashi Komimi sat in her seat, secretly looking at Tsukasa Aoki, and secretly concluded to herself: There is no other way. It seems that I really like Aoki-san.

Then accept the reality! A person like Aoki-san can definitely become a good man worthy of me as long as he gets rid of his status as a bad boy!

What should I do to date Aoki-san, help him study hard, go to the same prestigious university together, get married after graduating from university, be a good housekeeper and help him find a good job, buy a two-story villa, and finally give him What about giving birth? How many children should I have? One male and one female? What's the child's name? Where is the kindergarten?

Teruhashi Shinmei covered her face and fell into fantasy. Her beautiful face was flushed and her breathing became rapid.

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