What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 71 Busushima-senpai, Aoki-san

What is the most terrifying delusion in life? Maybe it's another bite, maybe it's another five minutes of sleep, or maybe it's another squint.

After Aokiji opened his eyes, he looked at the empty classroom with a blank expression.

Taking out his mobile phone, Aokiji, who was still a little sleepy, woke up after taking a stimulator.

Why is this the time after school in the afternoon? !

He stood up hurriedly and looked out the window. Only a few classmates were still in the school. The corridor was quiet and there was no sound of people.

Why didn't anyone wake me up? That brat Tora Maeda actually threw me out of school? Also, why did I sleep for so long? Didn't you wake me up during class and after class?

Aokiji hurriedly walked out of the class with a stinky face, not thinking about who would dare to wake him up while he was sleeping soundly. The poor male teacher was forced to have another self-study period on the day when he was originally planning to give lectures.

Oh, the English class in the afternoon is also self-study.

Who knows how much effort the entire class of classmates and teachers put in, so that they could attend self-study from the morning until the afternoon without waking up Aokiji.

Damn it, this is too much of a delay! Fortunately, it was only ten minutes after school, so it wasn't too late.

Aokiji trotted to the kendo club, opened the door, and saw the gentle smiling face of Busujima Saeko in the center of the kendo club.

Busujima Saeko blinked at Aokiji, watching him start to change his armor and prepare for practice without even taking a breath. He said with some confusion: "Did something happen to Aoki-kun today? This seems to be your first time." Late for the first time."

Aokiji put on the protective gear with a wry smile and sighed: "I just wanted to lie down and squint for a while during the break, but when I came to my senses, it was already this time."

Busujima Saeko smiled: "I didn't expect Aoki-san to have such a moment. Have your clothes been repaired by a tailor?"

Aokiji looked down and saw that the stitching marks on his school uniform pants and jacket were quite obvious, and he shrugged: "Yeah, it doesn't seem to be much better than the places you repaired for me before. I thought There's no trace of anything that can be repaired. If I had known better, I wouldn't have spent this wasted money."

"bring it on!"

Perhaps it was because of the small compliment in Aokiji's words that made Busujima Saeko a little happy. She raised her bamboo sword with a smile and put on the protective gear: "Your body's recovery ability is really amazing. It looks like there are no scars at all today. ”

Aokiji snorted and didn't know how to answer, so he could only muddle through: "There weren't any serious injuries at that time, it just looked a little miserable."

Busujima Saeko smiled noncommittally.

She wiped the blood off Aokiji's body, so how could she know nothing about the severity of the injury?

But she didn't ask again.

The two began to sparring almost as a habit.

Busujima Saeko's sword was sometimes as fast and fierce as thunder, sometimes as gentle as catkins. Aokiji was used to constantly improving his strength amidst this overwhelming pressure.

Even though he has the same third-level kendo skills, Aokiji is not as helpless as he was at the beginning.

The two of them crossed their bamboo knives, and the sound of crackling could be heard. After a long time, with a muffled sound, the two stopped holding the knives in their hands.

Busujima Saeko looked at the bamboo sword that hit her arm in shock, and was speechless for a moment.

Aokiji was also dumbfounded - just now he was like a god, and suddenly a lot of knowledge and experience about kendo came into his mind. His sword suddenly broke through Busujima Saeko's parry like a flying fairy from heaven, and hit the poisonous person. On Shima Saeko's arm.

[Kendo LV4: Your kendo has already stepped into the broad world of real kendo. Additional bonuses: Strength +1, Agility +1, Charisma +1. Experience value (0/600)]

[Kendo breakthrough LV3 - please choose the breakthrough direction. 】

[Sword Skills - Your moves are more flexible. Studying on skills will make you progress faster when learning new sword skills. At the same time, your talent for swordsmanship will continue to improve with learning. Additional attributes: Agility +1. 】

[Sword Fighting - Your every move is more lethal, the sword is in your hands just for fighting. In actual combat, you can often perform beyond your level. You'll also be better able to gain kendo experience in combat. Additional attributes: Strength +1.]

Aokiji was extremely happy when he saw that he had broken through the third level of kendo skills. Although he had decided to invest his time in learning kendo in other fields after breaking through the third level, these other attribute points were very useful!

After thinking for a while, Aokiji chose the breakthrough field of [Sword Skill]. In any case, it is impossible to fight with kendo in actual combat. The bad boy can just use his fists. He cannot bear the responsibility for being hacked with a knife.

Because after adding a little extra agility to his skills, Aoki Si clearly felt his body numb, and the stiff joints in the past were also wrapped in heat. Without experimenting, Aoki Si knew that his flexibility must have improved again.

Xiaoxiao waved the bamboo knife in his hand, and sure enough, the increase in explosive power made his strength significantly stronger.

[Kendo skills reach LV4 and the dream practice room is opened. 】

Before Aokiji could ask what this dream training room was, Busujima Saeko put down his bamboo sword, took off his mask, and sighed to him: "Aoki-kun is indeed a genius. Is this another epiphany?"

She smiled at Aokiji, with undisguised appreciation in her smile.

"Bujima, senior, you're welcome," Aokiji called Busujima Saeko for the first time today. As before, he was respectful and a little unfamiliar.

Busujima Saeko's smile was a little stiff: "Yeah."

All she wanted to hear was the word "冴子". Before, Aokiji had always avoided words that required her name, but he just didn't know how to speak.

Aokiji pretended to be stupid. Seeing the smile on Busujima Saeko's face, he took off his protective gear, lowered his head and said calmly: "I was thinking about how to repay my senior sister's kindness, and it happened that the real person from "The Legend of the Swordsman" The movie is released, why don't I invite my senior to watch the movie? I see that my senior has a figure of the main character at home, so I think she might like it."

"I don't know if I can repay my kindness by treating my senior to a movie and a meal."

After the words fell, Aokiji couldn't get a response for a long time.

Busujima Saeko was holding the bamboo knife. The gentle smile before had disappeared at this time. She just had a calm face and stared blankly at the blue sky outside the window in the distance without saying a word.

"Oh, by the way, after today I may have less time to come to the kendo club to practice." Aokiji put the protective gear back to its original place, inserted the bamboo sword back into the wooden tube where the sword was placed, raised his head, and smiled lightly: " I'm really sorry. If I do this, I might let down my senior sister's expectations for me. She has been practicing hard with me these days, but I don't know how to repay her, but I really have other important things to do. Even if I do, there really isn’t enough time in the day.”

"Needless to say." Busujima Saeko looked away from the sky, her attitude was calm and relaxed: "Aoki-san is not here, I can only say that I am really sorry. But of course your life is your own decision. If you have If there are other important things to do, just go ahead and do them.”

"As for the movie." Busushima Saeko lowered her eyes, walked past Aokiji, and put the bamboo sword into the sword barrel.

"Forget it. The live-action version of "The Legend of the Swordsman" is terrible, I heard."

"Next time there is an anime version released, please invite me to watch it."

Busujima Saeko casually threw the protective gear in the corner where the protective gear was placed. There was no abnormal expression on her face, but her calm eyes under her purple hair were slightly red: "It just happened. I'm also tired today, so that's it for training, Aoki-san."

Aokiji bowed to Busujima Saeko without saying a word and turned to leave.

Busujima Saeko stood by the wall, looking up at the sky behind the small window on the wall. The only beautiful cloud was still moving leisurely and slowly with the wind. After a while, it was blown away from her sight by the wind. .

The small blue sky that could be seen outside the narrow window became empty again.

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