What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 77 You dead! (The fourth update ends with a Merry Christmas!)

Aokiji turned sideways dangerously, and a sword with a flashing cold light grazed the tip of his nose and slashed at him. The bamboo hat on top of his head was smashed by the blade and fell backwards.

Aokiji didn't have time to think too much. He instinctively grasped the handle of the knife on the tight side with his right hand, suddenly pulled out the sword, and slashed at Kotaro beside him.

"Ah!" Before Aokiji could figure out what happened due to the dull touch, Kotaro screamed, staggered back two steps while holding his waist, and barely managed to stand while leaning on a thick bamboo.

"You are such a fast knife!" Blood slowly overflowed from Kotaro's hand covering his waist. He spit out a mouthful of blood and said with a ferocious expression, "No wonder my best friend died in your hands."

Aokiji looked at the wound on his waist, then looked at the bloody sword in his hand, and his expression became a little embarrassed: "I didn't kill your best friend, why don't you just withdraw now, I don't want to kill you. .”

"Haha" Kotaro laughed miserably, and loosened his grip on the blood around his waist. The black and red organs were vaguely visible at the wound.

Aokiji turned his head away with some nausea. Even though he knew that this was a dream and Kotaro was just a virtual person created by the system, the air, the weight of the sword swing, his miserable appearance, and even the faint smell of blood , there is nothing fake about it at all.

"Go to hell! Bald man!" Kotaro roared angrily, staggering towards Aokiji with his sword raised high.

Aokiji clearly knew that he only needed to make one more casual slash to kill Kotaro on the spot, but he just didn't dare to slash this sword casually - he just wanted to learn the sword to make himself stronger, and he didn't even think about it. One day I will hold a real knife and fight for my life.

It is best not to have such a situation happen in a lifetime, which is Aokiji's truest thought.

But the Kotaro in front of him knew that he was certain to die, so he waved his sword and attacked desperately without any defense. Aokiji was tired of parrying, and finally a sword broke through his parry and slashed on his arm.

Does it hurt?

To be honest, it didn't hurt at first.

But then, when Aokiji saw the donated blood gurgling from his arm, an instinctive desire to survive imprinted on his body made his mind go blank subconsciously. Facing Kotaro, who was full of hatred, he swung a fatal knife. .

"Ugh!" Aokiji watched as he slashed his knife directly into the neck of Kotaro, who was very close at hand. The sight of bloody flesh made him feel sick to his stomach.

[The enemy has been eliminated and the next wave of training begins. Number of enemies - 2. 】

Aokiji didn't even have time to shout stop, when two swordsmen dressed as ronin suddenly appeared from behind him. And the wounds on his arms began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Aokiji!" Aokiji pushed away Kotaro's body, resisting the discomfort and turned around. Two samurai who looked somewhat similar to Kotaro raised their swords and rushed towards him with ferocious faces: "You How dare you kill my brother Kotaro!"

"You dare to insult my beloved and kill my brother. If you don't avenge this revenge, how dare you be a human being!" Ronin's angry roar was extremely shrill, and the sword in his hand flashed with cold light, and he swung it at Aokiji mercilessly.

Aokiji's face turned a little pale, he probably understood - it seems that unless he dies here today, this practice will never end!

Facing the tachi swung towards him, Aokiji had no choice but to resist with all his strength.


【You Dead】

Seeing the system pop up a sign that you were dead, Aoki Si suddenly bent down from the bed and sat up. The sore muscles all over his body from boxing last night reminded him that he had returned to reality.

He staggered downstairs, holding on to the wall, and lay on the sink, rinsing his face with water. After a long time, he stopped breathing heavily.

"Fuck!" He cursed in a rare rudeness. Aoki Si sat on the floor tiredly. It was still dark outside the house. It was no wonder that it had only been an hour since he fell asleep.

Just now in the actual training ground, he persisted for half an hour.

The system will restore him to the best state every time he successfully kills the opponent in front of him. At the same time, Aokiji will face a new wave of enemies with one more person. Each of these people has a blood feud with Aokiji. Even if his arm is broken, he will continue to rush towards Aokiji without fear of death. Their identities are Kotaro's brother, uncle, second uncle, his neighbor, etc., each one Everyone shouted that their beloved was humiliated by Aokiji, and they vowed not to kill him until they were killed.

The most hateful thing for Aokiji is that everyone in this group of people shouted that he had insulted his beloved, but he had no relevant memory at all, and he was completely exhausted. I don’t know how beautiful their true love is to make me unable to hold back so many times, or maybe their true love is simply the same person! ?

In short, at the end, six or seven swordsmen dressed as ronin chased Aokiji and slashed furiously. The method of retreating and attacking that Aokisi had used before failed to work anymore. After killing a few more people, he accidentally He was struck in the left foot and chopped into pieces by four or five ronin on the spot.

They were all cut into pieces so quickly!

The real pain made Aokiji no longer dare to continue training, he quit the training ground and woke up from his dream.

No wonder the system said that you should pay more attention to using this practice room and be careful of mental fatigue.

Anyone who has a nightmare that is 100% realistic will be depressed the next day! What's more, being chased and hacked to death by a bunch of people

Aokiji really doesn't dare to go to any actual training ground for the time being. The reason why he was able to survive until the system spawned six or seven people was not because he could kill the previous enemies without any injuries, but because the system would restore him every time he was cut to half death. In other words, he could not I just have the painful memory of being hacked to death.

He had almost experienced being disemboweled and having his arms broken off in this hour. In addition, after those people were chopped down by Aokiji, the tragic situation lingered in Aokiji's mind like a real memory, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Opening the refrigerator irritably, Aokiji took out a can of beer that Masao Kasugano had stored before, opened the tab, and drank it down.

Damn it, if you go in again I will be a dog! Aokiji's eyes turned red.

[Kendo LV4: Your kendo has already stepped into the broad world of real kendo. Additional bonuses: Strength +1, Agility +1, Charisma +1. Experience value (131/600)】

Wait a moment? How much experience?


Aokiji took a breath of air and couldn't help but swallow.

Otherwise, change your mindset and try again?

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