Early the next morning, Aokiji walked nervously on the way to school with dark circles under his eyes, covering his mouth from time to time to breathe.

Yesterday, he drank several bottles of beer in the refrigerator without falling asleep. He barely squinted for a while at three or four o'clock, and got up again at six o'clock to make breakfast and lunch lunch. Even an iron man would have to lose energy under such circumstances. .

Walking in a daze, Aokiji heard Mihashi Takashi's exaggerated voice coming from behind him: "Si-chan~"

Aokiji glanced at him with squinted eyes and saw him trotting towards him with a sunny face. He weakly replied: "Please call me Aoki, I'm not that familiar with you."

Mihashi Takashi put his arm directly on Aokiji's shoulders and laughed playfully: "Oh, don't be so accepting of life, it's really annoying."

Aokiji slapped his arm off angrily. He felt that his whole body was weak and he had to go to school to catch up on his sleep. He was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Mihashi Takashi secretly took out an envelope from his trouser pocket with his right hand, and quietly stuffed it into Aokiji's pocket when Aokiji was unconscious.

"By the way, Si-chan, last time you said that when you become the boss, you will join forces with me to form the Mihashi Legion. Is that true?" Mihashi looked at Aoki Si with a smile.

Aokiji chuckled feebly: "Let's talk about it first, wait until I become the boss of Wuyang."

At least I’ll wait until I reach level 4 in mixed martial arts, with additional attribute bonuses and stronger fighting skills. Aokiji doesn't intend to cause trouble now. He has to read and study medical skills, and he also has to quickly upgrade his study skills to level four to see what special effects he has. He feels that he is too busy to be the boss of the school.

Mitsuhashi Takashi sneered twice where Aokiji couldn't see him, and stood there and waved to Aokiji: "Goodbye then, I'll come find you again when you become the boss of the school!"

"Oh" Aokiji walked towards the school with hazy eyes.

Mihashi Takashi waited until Aokiji disappeared around the corner before his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Just look at Mihashi Takashi holding his stomach and trying his best to hold back laughter: "Oh, hehe, hehe, hehehe!"

The devil knows where he came from so many weird laughters. In the end, he simply couldn't bear it any more. He held his belly with both hands and rolled on the ground laughing: "Ah hahaha! Aokiji, you underestimate my despicable Mihashi." Got it!"

"When you see the challenge I stuffed into your trouser pocket, I won't believe you can still endure and do nothing!" Takashi Mihashi laughed on the ground for a long time, then sat up with a sinister expression: "For To be on the safe side, I’ve also sent a letter of challenge to everyone in the second and third grade of your school who can speak with you. Even if you want to hide, you probably won’t be able to hide.”

Of course he will always pay attention to the trend of the matter. If Aokiji cannot cope with it, he will immediately help him. However, in this case, Aokiji will definitely owe him a favor, and he will not be willing to accept himself as the boss in the future!

What's more, he also heard that Wuyang has a lot of bald heads after high school, and there are also many people following Aoki Si. As a result, the power of his Sanqiao Legion will definitely increase!

"When you become the boss of the school, I will let you join my Mihashi Alliance!" Takashi Mihashi stood on the ground, his legs slightly bent, his left hand bent in front of his face, and his right hand stretched straight, posing like a dynamic superman. With a shameful posture, he laughed loudly: "When the time comes, how can the shabby high schools like Suzuran, Kaijiu, Hong Gao, and Fengxian stop me from becoming the strongest bad high school student!"


"Ah ha ha!"

"a ha ha ha!"

His three-part laughter resounded through the streets.

Aokiji always felt like someone was laughing behind him. He turned his head in confusion, but he didn't hear anything. He just thought that he didn't have a good rest. He sighed and walked slowly towards the school.

An envelope that was not completely stuffed in his trouser pocket fell to the ground inadvertently as he turned around. It was blown by the wind and coincidentally fell into the sewer next to it along the gap and disappeared completely.


"What?" Ryota Ishihara, from Class 2, Grade 3, looked at the letter in his hand with a ferocious expression.

The envelope was written in scrawled handwriting: "I, Aokiji, Class 1, Grade 3, will completely become the boss of Wuyang High School today. During the lunch break, if anyone is not convinced, please come to me. If you don't come, it will be regarded as acquiescence! From now on! , Wuyang High School belongs to me!"

The words were arrogant and domineering. Even if Ishihara Ryota had been severely beaten before, he would inevitably feel angry again at this time. He looked at the younger brother beside him with a gloomy expression: "Are you sure this is a letter of challenge from Aokiji?"

The younger brother said with a confused look on his face: "I don't know either, but as soon as I opened the shoe cabinet, there was this envelope inside. Who else would do this except Aokiji!"

Ishihara Ryota licked his lips, a gold tooth shining in his front teeth. He pondered for a moment, and suddenly snorted: "No, this shouldn't be written by Aoki Tsukasa."

The younger brothers looked at each other and asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Aokiji is not someone who would do such a thing." Ishihara Ryota sneered: "Although I am still a little unhappy, it is undeniable that he is indeed the man most likely to become the boss of Wuyang."

"If I were him, there are more and better ways to become the boss effortlessly, instead of issuing such an arrogant challenge. Apart from arousing public anger, what are the benefits of doing so?" Ishihara Ryota threw the envelope aside and put his legs on the desk: "I can understand things, but I don't believe he can't."

"If I guessed correctly, there should be other people who have also received the letter." As soon as Ishihara Ryota finished speaking, he suddenly saw someone striding over at the door. A man with a small back, a fierce face, and a wide waist A stout, fat man with a thick neck that looked nothing like a high school student walked over.

Yes, the word fat may not be associated with being strong, but the guy in front of him, whose school uniform is packed to the brim and almost bursting open, gives people a very contradictory sense of immediateness.

This fat man is only a little over 1.7 meters tall, but his body is two sizes wider than Ryota Ishihara, who is 1.8 meters tall. There is a big gold chain hanging around his neck, and his greasy back and skin make him look like a salesman. A nouveau riche who made his fortune from pork—that is to say, he still looks a bit like a fat butcher.

"Hey, do you know that kid?" The fat man didn't look strange at all under the gaze of Ishihara Ryota's younger brother. He unceremoniously pushed away the troublesome delinquent boy around him and sat down in front of Ishihara Ryota's table, arrogantly.

Ishihara Ryota said coldly: "Fat man, don't be too arrogant."

"Haha" the fat man narrowed his eyes: "I thought that a dozen people and not one of them had been beaten, which was enough to teach you how to speak."

"Don't be so arrogant, fat man!" the bad boy next to Ryota Ishihara roared angrily.

Ishihara Ryota raised his hand to stop the conflict and laughed out loud: "It seems you also received the letter of challenge?"

The fat man stared at the guy who scolded him and said cheerfully: "Unexpectedly, I was thinking that I would graduate soon and stop causing trouble, but in the end, someone still stuffed a challenge statement into my cabinet. Kids nowadays are really Much better than ours."

Ishihara Ryota said calmly: "He is quite strong."

"Oh?" The fat man smiled noncommittally: "What are you going to do?"

"Do nothing." Ryota Ishihara picked up the coffee with a straw from the table and took a sip: "Watch a show."

The fat man stood up unsteadily: "Are you afraid?"

"I have to study hard now and prepare for the entrance examination. Anyway, there are only a few months until graduation. There is no benefit in winning or losing." Ishihara Ryota said with a serious expression.

The fat man snorted disdainfully and turned to leave.

After the fat man left, the delinquent boy next to Ishihara Ryota looked a little depressed: "Boss, are you so cowardly?"

Ishihara Ryota just touched his nose and looked at the aggrieved and even disappointed eyes of the people around him. He sighed faintly: "This clearly shows that someone is setting a trap for Aokiji and being used as a gun." , do you feel happy?"

"Although those idiots don't know." Ryota Ishihara took another sip of coffee: "But I know one thing."

"The school board is targeting Aoki Tsukasa."

Ishihara Ryota chuckled: "If this matter is not handled well, you won't even get your graduation certificate. Are you still going to fight with him?"

The other bad boys lowered their heads and said nothing.

Wuyang High School is not a bad high school like Suzuran, Fengxian, or Kaijiu. They just fight casually and issue graduation certificates after three years. They don't care whether they go to college or not. Although they like the feeling of being a bad boy, they don't have any thoughts about going to school. The annual cost of studying here is several times that of a national high school. If the family doesn't want them to go to higher education, why send them here?

Ishihara Ryota looked at the cup of coffee in his hand with interest, and murmured to himself: "What will you do this time, Aoki Tsukasa?"

This fat man is not a good person, not to mention that there are probably others who have also received this letter.

It’s really exciting.

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