What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 79 Spread all over the floor

During the lunch break, Aoki Tsukasa was just about to take his lunch box to heat it up when he saw his class teacher, Mr. Matsushita, who was always walking around him, standing at the door of the class, looking at him with a timid expression, and exposed himself to him Fake smile: "Um, that Aoki-san, can you please come with me?"

Aokiji looked at the bento in his hand hesitantly.

"It's okay. Teacher can help you heat up your lunch. There is a microwave in the office." Matsushita said thoughtfully.

Aokiji sighed: "Okay, I understand."

After saying that, Aokiji came to Matsushita's side and frowned slightly at him: "I wonder why the teacher suddenly came to see me?"

Matsushita swallowed, his smile trembling: "Um, um, it's nothing. I just need to communicate with Aoki-san about some things. After all, it's been a long time since you transferred here."

Aokiji thought for a while and realized that he didn't seem to have done anything wrong, so he didn't have much burden. He nodded: "Okay, then I'll bother Mr. Matsushita."

He, he remembered my name? Is this, is this warning me? ! The Matsushita man's forehead, which had few hairs in the first place, was wet with cold sweat, and it hung on his forehead like a funny black weed.

Matsushita walked into the office with Tsukasa Aoki with a troubled look on his face, and came to his seat. Instead of sitting down first, he took a bench and put it aside, asking Aoki Tsukasa to sit first.

There were several other teachers in the office who were sitting in their seats eating lunches. The voices that were still chatting were as quiet as if Aokiji had been put on mute the moment he stepped into the office.

Aokiji was not polite and put the lunch box in his hand on the empty table. Matsushita took the lunch box very quickly and trotted to put it in the microwave.

Seeing the few strands of black hair fluttering in the wind as Panasonic's male teacher ran away, Aokiji was very heartbroken - he also started losing his hair when he was in his twenties in his previous life, and he knew how heartbreaking this was. .

Thinking that he is now bald, and it seems that a week has passed, and there is still no sign of hair growth on his bald forehead, Aokiji feels a little panicked - I won't really become bald!

Baldness and baldness are different!

Before Aokiji could finish his inner struggle, Matsushita's male teacher returned to Aokiji, carefully sat on his chair, and cleared his throat: "Um, Aoki-kun, have you encountered any trouble in class recently? ?"

Aokiji thought for a while and replied sincerely: "Probably not. I feel that everyone has a good learning atmosphere. It's just that there are a lot of self-study classes. I feel that it would be better if there was more study time."

The male Panasonic teacher swallowed his saliva and felt like crying: Isn’t it because of you that we went to self-study?

"Uh, do you have any difficulties in studying? There will be a mock exam in two weeks." The male teacher from Panasonic wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Difficult?" Aokiji thought for a moment: "It seems not. Recently, I feel that the things in the course are getting easier and easier. I hope the teacher can increase the difficulty."

"Oh, by the way, it would be better if they could hand out more papers, or give out an exercise book or something." Aokiji was very honest. As his learning skills got closer to Level 4, the high school freshman taught in the course The basic knowledge is becoming more and more easy to understand. He estimates that after breaking through Level 4, he will no longer need to read the basic knowledge in textbooks. As for wanting to do the questions, it's purely because the experience points given by doing the questions are a little more than the experience points you usually get in class.

Matsushita always felt like he had a hearing problem, and the words he heard in his ears were not words that someone with the appearance of Aoki Tsukasa should say!

He coughed twice and didn't know how to continue the conversation. He originally received instructions from the school leaders to warn Aokiji, but he didn't expect that Aokiji's answers would be like this. He didn't know how to transfer. Topic.

You can't just say sincerely that I want to study, but you warn him not to cause trouble, right? Is the twist too abrupt?

"That, that" the Matsushita man hesitated for a moment, and suddenly saw the meticulous and elegant English teacher wearing glasses, wearing a shirt and his hair was fixed with hairspray. He was overjoyed: "Teacher Fujii Hidero! Come and talk to Aoki-san, I'll go Look at the bento!”

When the leader obviously talked to me in the morning, you were there. Don't pretend you don't know anything! Matsushita looked at Hidero Fujii and felt a little sorry, about the size of his fingernail, his little finger.

The teacup in Fujii Hidero's hand almost spilled out, and he almost broke down in cold sweat.

He coughed and put down the tea cup in his hand, wanting to keep his dignity as a teacher, but when Aokiji looked at him with squinted eyes, his whole body was stiff and completely lost.

Why is this guy squinting at me? Did I do something to make him angry? Hidero Fujii swallowed.

Aokiji rubbed his eyes. He didn't miss a single class in the morning, but he was afraid that no one would wake him up. He was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes.

No, I have to catch up on some sleep in the afternoon, otherwise I won’t have the energy to box at night.

Aokiji slapped Hache.

Hidero Fujii sweated even more: He must be bored with waiting, but what can I say? What can I say? ? It’s over, it’s over, it’s over!

"Ms. Matsushita! I suddenly have a stomachache, please tell him!" Hidero Fujii stood up suddenly and looked at the Matsushita man.

The Matsushita man was startled when he heard this. He had just taken out Aoki Tsukasa's bento from the microwave and shook his hand, and the bento box made a snap.

Fell to the ground.

spread! Got it! one! land!

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