What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 80 Go find Boss Aoki

An awkward and solemn atmosphere spread in the office.

Many unrelated teachers from other classes got up one after another, those who went to the toilet to go to the toilet, and those who went to get some fresh air. For a while, Aoki Tsukasa and the two parties involved were the only ones left in the office.

"Well." Matsushita Man's trembling hand stayed in mid-air, and he showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Well, let me buy you one. Do you want to eat Kobe beef? I just got paid. I am now Just drive and buy it.”

Aokiji looked at the debris on the ground and sighed: "Forget it. It's okay."

Picking up the lunch box on the ground, Aokiji closed the lid again, put it on the table, and said calmly: "Just tell me if you have anything to do. It doesn't matter. I'll buy it myself later."

But to be honest, he didn't have a good rest. The lunch he made with great effort in the morning was knocked over. Aokiji was not angry at all. That was impossible, but out of respect for the teacher, and the teacher was not Deliberately, he didn't have an attack. He just put the lunch box in his hand and pursed his lips.

So when Matsushita saw Aokiji frowning slightly, his heart beat faster and faster, and his lips became dry.

"Um. How about we talk about it another day?" After Matsushita finished speaking, Aokiji frowned completely and stood up: "Teacher, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Matsushita's legs were weak from being stared at by Aoki Tsukasa. He held on to the table and said hurriedly: "Actually, it's not me who wants to say anything. It's the leader of the school who came to me today and told me something about you."

"Huh?" Aokiji frowned slightly.

Matsushita Man hurriedly said: "It's just that a few days ago, Ishihara Kita, a sophomore in high school, was beaten and hospitalized at school. The impact was a bit bad. The leader said that after investigation, it was not your fault, so he didn't take any more care, but it still needs to be done. Just a warning, don’t go too far on campus.”

Aoki Si stared at him with some dissatisfaction in his eyes: "I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, why did you come to talk to me? You can't just do nothing if they beat me, right?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant." The Panasonic man's hands unconsciously tightened his pants: "I also know that it's not your fault, it's just... You also know that so many reporters are coming to see you, and the school also takes it seriously. "

Matsushita simply said what he was thinking: "Just don't fight in school. After all, if the injuries are too serious and parents come to investigate, it will be difficult for the school to do it. That is, if there is any conflict, you can Let's solve it outside the school. A small fight is fine, but if something more serious happens in the school, the school leaders may have objections."

Logically speaking, Matsushita should have suggested that Aokiji should contact his teacher or parents if he had something to do, but then he thought about it, maybe Aokiji's family is full of Yakuza. What if they brought a group of evil forces to the school to look for someone? It's going to be big trouble!

Aokiji didn't know what Matsushita was thinking, but he also knew why the school did this. He secretly despised the world as black as a crow, but he just nodded: "I understand."

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first." After Aokiji finished speaking, he looked at the Matsushita man and nodded, then put one hand in his trouser pocket and walked out with a lunch box in the other.

He didn't care much about these so-called warnings. Didn't Ishihara Ryota still go to the third year of high school? They also beat Tora Maeda and hospitalized him.

At most, it seems that I have just transferred to another school, and I am trying to make myself more honest and not cause trouble. Oh, it may also have something to do with those news and reporters.

Aokiji is really aggrieved. In all the current conflicts, he was forced to fight back. Without the help of the system, he would have been beaten all over his head.

Watching Aoki Tsukasa walk out of the office, Matsushita breathed a sigh of relief, but his foot slipped and stepped on the remnants of the bento food that he had knocked over. He almost fell to the ground. After stepping on it several times, he barely managed to catch his balance.

"Teacher Kazuo, I don't think this Aokiji is that unreasonable. Why are you so afraid of him?" Hidero Fujii pushed up his glasses and quietly wiped the sweat from his temples.

Matsushita glared at Hidero Fujii and snorted: "Then why didn't you tell him just now and still want me to come?"

"This, uh, this guy does look a bit fierce." Fujii Hidero smiled bitterly and brought a mop, broom and dustpan, and chatted with Matsushita while sweeping the floor: "What do you think the school will do if he causes trouble again? "

"I don't know much about this." Matsushita sighed: "Now the whole country has this kind of behavior, and those bad boys are more likely to cause trouble than the last one. I don't know why this kind of thing suddenly became popular. Our school is pretty good. , you go check out those high schools in Kaijiu, Suzuran, and Fengxian."

Matsushita shuddered: "There are no teachers at all over there. They are only responsible for issuing graduation certificates every year and that's it. The teaching building will be like an abandoned building. That would be a real nightmare."

"Yes, I really want to work in Tokyo. It should be much better there." Hidero Fujii sighed.

The Matsushita man smiled noncommittally and said: "There are not many Yakuza organizations in Tokyo. The bad high school students may not be as vicious as in places like us, but there are probably quite a few."

The two of them looked at each other and felt that it was really a despairing reality.


"Where's Aoki Tsukasa?" What's the concept of twenty or thirty bad boys gathering in groups?

Basically, they just walked sideways in the school, especially since this was a mixed team of high school sophomores and seniors, and their arrogance became even more arrogant.

Just look at this group of bad boys angrily grabbing passers-by in the corridor of the first grade of high school and asking questions, which made the first grade students tremble with fear, but no one knew where Aokiji had gone.

"Are you hanging out with Aoki-san over there?" A delinquent boy with sharp eyes saw several bald boys gathering together to eat lunch on the other side of the playground. They were the ones who had handed Aoki-san a "nomination certificate" a few days ago. 'The younger brother of Aokiji.

The leading fat man was chewing gum in his mouth, the gold chain on his body was buzzing, and he strode towards the bald heads.

"What do you want to do?" Matsusaka Daitake put down the lunch box in his hand, stood up, and frowned.

He knew at a glance that the group of people in front of him seemed to be looking for trouble, but they clearly didn't cause trouble! ?

The fat man looked at Matsuzaka Daitake and the bald heads behind him, and said in a relaxed tone: "You are just hanging out with Aoki Tsukasa, right?"

"What's wrong?" Matsuzaka Daitake was surrounded by so many people, his legs were shaking slightly, but he still stared at the fat man forcefully, and his heart was pounding: Could it be that the boss has caused some trouble again?

The fat man spit out the chewing gum on the ground and said with a smile, "It's nothing."

The fat man licked his lips and narrowed his eyes: "I'm just asking once, where is Aokiji?"

"I don't know!" Matsuzaka Daitake took a step back, his expression extremely wary. He doesn't think he can fight like the boss. He can face so many people recklessly. If the opponent strikes, he will run away without saying a word as a sign of respect - only fools will be beaten here, so hurry up and inform Aoki Tsucai. It's serious business.

The fat man twisted his neck: "Huh? Really?"

"After giving you a good beating, he should come out, right?"

The bad boys behind the fat man have vaguely surrounded Matsusaka Daitake and others, and it seems that a conflict is inevitable.

"What are you doing!" A loud shout came from behind the fat man, and a middle-aged man with gray hair combed back meticulously and wearing a black suit had his hands behind his back and stared at them with cold eyes.

The ferocious sneer on the fat man's face disappeared in an instant and turned into a relaxed joke: "Oh, it's the principal, we are just here to chat with friends."

The principal narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "You think I'm stupid, don't you? I remember you, Ueno Yang-kun. I remember you are already your senior year in high school this year, right?"

The flesh on Uenoyang's face trembled slightly, and he chuckled: "Yes, what do you mean by the principal's words?"

"The group of reporters yesterday annoyed me enough. If any of you dare to cause trouble in school recently, don't blame me for dealing with it strictly."

The principal's majestic words made Ueno Yang glance at Matsusaka Daitake with some reluctance. In the end, he just nodded: "I understand."

The principal glared at Uenoyang, turned around and left with his hands behind his back, but felt a little angry in his heart: These guys are getting more and more excessive. Yesterday's reporters finally managed to get some connections to stop coming to block the school gate today. There are brats here again. make trouble.

What's the name of that bald head? Yes, Aokiji! It seems that he is causing trouble again! Those people around him had their heads shaved after him, right?

The principal narrowed his eyes, feeling even worse about Aoki Tsukasa.

Ueno Yang looked at Matsuzaka Daitake and snorted coldly: "You are lucky today. Tell Aokiji that things must be explained. I will wait for him to come to me!"

"You bald heads, be careful on your way to school!" Ueno Yang took out a handful of chewing gum from his pocket, stuffed it all into his mouth angrily, and chewed it hard: "Let's go!"

Those bad boys glared at Matsusaka Daitake fiercely, made various threatening gestures, and then turned and left.

Matsusaka Daitake swallowed and hurriedly took out his mobile phone: "Quick, go find Boss Aoki."

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