"What?" Tsukasa Aoki frowned at the worried expressions of Tora Maeda and Daitake Matsusaka in the corridor.

"Boss, during lunch break today, I also saw them arresting people everywhere to ask where you are." A bald boy with good features sighed. Aokiji glanced at him and remembered that his name was Fujiwara Miao, who was the original One of the guys who came with Matsusaka Daitake to submit his name.

"Why?" Aokiji was also puzzled and had no idea why such a thing happened.

Is it because he has been so popular recently that these guys are unhappy?

Are these guys going too far? Aokiji was very irritable. He hadn't had a good rest in the first place. As a result, his lunch box was knocked over and he was still hungry. These guys came to cause trouble. This anger made Aokiji's eyes flash with coldness.

I haven't had any trouble lately, have I? Why are you so unlucky? Aokiji suddenly remembered that when he was playing a game the other day, the girl called the Messy Angel Black Cat, who was beaten to death by him, said that he wanted to curse himself at night. Could it be that it really worked?

"Approximately how many people are there?" Aokiji took a breath.

Maeda Tora's expression was extremely serious: "I just asked the seniors I know to inquire about the situation, and they said that this time all the bad students in the second and third years of high school have joined forces. No one except us first-year students dared to join, and there is also Ryota Ishihara, a senior in high school. Apart from not participating, this time we can say that it caused public outrage."

"It shouldn't be. We usually keep a low profile. They don't have a good relationship with each other. How could they suddenly join forces to cause trouble for us this time?" Matsusaka Daitake looked worried: "I looked at it before. There are at least thirty or forty of them."

"How many people are there?" Aokiji sighed.

"Only twelve." Matsusaka Daitake touched his bald head with some shame: "Counting me and Maeda Tora, there are only twelve people. The boss's conditions are really too harsh. Not everyone can be like us. Just as determined to shave his head."

Shouldn’t the harsh conditions be the Five Precepts? ! Aokiji glanced at him speechlessly. He never said that he had to shave his head if he wanted to hang out with him. It was obviously their own rules, so why should he take the blame again?

"If we have a head-on conflict, what are the chances of winning?" Aokiji has always been unable to avoid it, so he tries his best to face it positively. At this time, he frowned and thought about countermeasures.

"Probably." Maeda Tora hesitated: "Probably not. If so many people fight together, I am confident that we can fight five or six, and Dawu and the others can only deal with one at most. That's good. After all, we are only in the first year of high school. , they are all in their senior year of high school.”

"That is to say, if the boss can fight more than twenty people, we can win." Matsuzaka Daitake's eyes were full of excitement: "That's no problem! The last time the boss and Ishihara Ryota conflicted, wasn't it also a Did someone beat twenty of them!"

Aokiji waved his hand quickly: "Ahem, I think we should think more seriously about a countermeasure."

"Yes, after all, their Ueno Yang is also very powerful this time." Maeda Tora said seriously: "I heard that Ueno Yang took seven or eight people with him when he was a sophomore in high school, and he repaired all the bad boys in the senior year. After a while, I can’t say for sure that his combat effectiveness is not lower than that of Boss Aoki. Strictly speaking, Ishihara Ryota’s personal combat effectiveness is not as good as Ueno Haru.”

"I just heard that he rarely participated in these things after entering the third year of high school. I don't know why he suddenly jumped out to cause trouble for the boss this time." Fujiwara Miao interjected. He was the same as Matsusaka Daitake before. He was fooling around with Maeda Tora, and along with Matsusaka Daitake, he recognized Aoki Tsukasa as his eldest brother.

However, now that everyone is immersed in the atmosphere of imminent disaster, he has a different view on this matter than others.

Fujiwara Miao said seriously to Aokiji: "Boss, I think this matter is not necessarily a bad thing. If we handle it well, it may be a blessing in disguise."

"Huh?" Aokiji glanced at him and motioned for him to talk.

Miao Fujiwara cleared his throat and said: "If the boss can defeat this joint army of sophomores and seniors, it will be enough to prove that the boss is the strongest person in Wuyang High School. From now on, the boss can naturally reach the top of the school. This Isn’t that a good thing?”

"Of course I know this, but the key point is that we can't defeat him now!" Matsuzaka Daitake glared at him and signaled him to speak quickly if he had anything to say.

Fujiwara Miao smiled and said: "Don't worry, Dawu. First of all, we have to understand one thing. These people all suddenly got together today."

Maeda Tiger frowned slightly: "It seems true. I haven't heard of any movement from them before. Why don't I go and ask on my mobile phone."

Miao Fujiwara looked confident: "I asked just now. These people only suddenly united this morning."

"In other words, there must be some opportunity for them to suddenly unite." Fujiwara Miao said seriously: "Compared with the number of delinquents in our school like Kaiku and Suzuran in high school, the number is not large. It’s not too strong, but it’s complicated enough.”

"For example, Yo Ueno, who is known as the 'Butcher', can be said to be the strongest man in Wuyo High School on the surface. But in fact, since he rarely made any moves in his senior year, Koda Koo, a sophomore in high school, has never been convinced. I don’t want to deal with Ueno Yang.”

"How could two people who were so helpless suddenly stand together and fight side by side?" Fujiwara Miao clapped his hands and hummed: "There must be some opportunity."

"The most urgent thing we should do is to find this opportunity and disintegrate their alliance. After the disintegration, whether it is the sophomore guys or the senior guys, as long as we separate and defeat them one by one, we can win this game openly and honestly. Battle!"

Fujiwara Miao said excitedly: "Then, we can follow the boss to reach the top of Wuyang High School!"

"You can do it, kid!" Maeda Tora laughed and hugged Fujiwara Miao's neck. Fujiwara Miao was only a little over 1.7 meters tall. Maeda Tora held her in his arms like a chicken, smiling bitterly and not resisting.

Matsuzaka Daitake's eyes were also gleaming: "Yes, if we can really separate their coalition forces like Miao said, what do we have to fear! It's hard to fight head-on. As long as the difference in numbers is not big, there is a boss Now, how could we lose?"

Aokiji nodded when he heard this, feeling that it was not unreasonable. With his current strength, one-on-one, there was really nothing to be afraid of. Even if the opponent swarmed him and he didn't have any props near him, he really didn't know how far he could hit him, but he would not be as weak as before.

And when he heard the word apex, a flame burned in Aokiji's heart.

"Okay, then I ask you to quickly find out what happened to make these guys suddenly come to trouble me." Aokiji said with a serious expression: "Then we will make a plan to see how to face this challenge."

Maeda Tiger patted his chest: "No problem! Give me half an hour and I can find out!"

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