What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 82 War Letter? Then take advantage of the situation!

"War letter?" Aokiji looked at the information from Maeda Tora's investigation with a gloomy expression: "I didn't write this."

"Damn it." Aokiji slapped the table angrily. What he hated most was someone plotting against him behind his back.

Maeda Tora and Matsuzaka Daitake looked at each other, looking at the obviously very angry Aokiji, who frowned in the shape of a river, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. For a moment, they were frightened by the sudden power from Aokiji, and they did not dare to speak casually. , in the end, it was Fujiwara Miao who cautiously spoke first.

"But no matter what, whether someone is plotting against the boss, or whatever, we already know the reason why they suddenly got together." Miao Fujiwara sighed: "But, maybe those people also know this, and now they are just using it as an excuse. "

Aokiji took a deep breath and calmed down: "In any case, finding the murderer behind the scenes is something that will happen later. Now we must solve the immediate trouble first. This is a conspiracy. Even if we know that someone is behind the scenes, we still can't. Never retreat!"

If this matter wants to end, firstly, if Aokiji wins, everything will stop and he can become the boss.

The second way is to bow down and admit defeat, but in this case, Aokiji's reputation will definitely plummet. Let alone become the strongest delinquent high school student in the future, it will be better if he is not pointed at the nose and laughed at. Not to mention that the system is definitely not willing to do it, even Aokiji himself would not be able to do it. He is not a loser with no temper.

explain? The group of guys who had long wanted to deal with Aokiji were not willing to let go of such a good opportunity.

"Then, we have only one way." Fujiwara Miao's eyes flashed coldly: "Divide them and eat them! At least, create a time difference!"

Maeda Tora looked at Fujiwara Miao with a confused look on his face: "What are you talking about?"

Aokiji fell into deep thought: "What do you think?"

"Although we don't know how they are connected, it is certain that they are not of the same mind. We just need to find a way to separate them and then gradually defeat them. We can do this."

Fujiwara Miao sneered and slowly revealed his plan.

The more Aoki listened, the more feasible he felt. Finally, he nodded decisively: "Just do it your way. Time is tight. If we delay it until school is over, maybe they will block us at the school gate. You will be responsible for this matter. Come on, Fujiwara Miao."

"Yes! Boss!" Miao Fujiwara smiled and nodded excitedly.

Maeda Tora and Matsuzaka Daitake looked at each other, shuddered, and couldn't tell whether they were disappointed or scared to Miao Fujiwara: "You guys, why are you so insidious? You were obviously like us before, you only knew how to use your fists, and The fist is still very soft.”

"Hey! This is the art of war! The art of war!" Miao Fujiwara's forehead burst out with a tic-tac-toe, and he shouted angrily: "I'm in the top ten of my grade, how can I be like you! Also, my fists are not soft at all!"

Maeda Tiger teased, holding his eyelids with one hand and making a face: "Wuyang Honey Fist Fujiwara Miao."

"Cotton boxing champion Fujiwara Miao." Matsusaka Daitake followed suit and joked at him.

Fujiwara Miao's eyes widened angrily: "It's better than you two idiots who can't even write about the art of war in your heads!"

Seeing them relieved and joking, Aokiji couldn't help but laugh softly: "Although this method is good, a hard battle is inevitable. Are you confident?"

Maeda Tiger and others were stunned, then grinned: "Confidence?"

"Hey, do you have confidence?" Maeda Tora turned around and looked at the seven or eight bald delinquents behind him who looked a little excited. He smiled arrogantly: "Today, we are going to reach the top of Wuyang High School!"

"Oh!" The bad boys behind him all shouted in unison.

Fujiwara Miao looked at this scene and smiled sinisterly: "Although I don't know who is behind the plan, I will accept his conspiracy."

"Boss, let's reach the top today!" Fujiwara Miao patted his heart towards Aokiji: "Even if I die, I will make sure the plan is implemented as promised!"

Aokiji felt a surge of blood all over his body. He had never been frivolous when he was young, but in this life, he felt so what if he was a little crazy?

"I didn't expect this day to come so soon. Let me take you to see the scenery at the top of Wuyang High School!" Aokiji showed a bright smile: "Then, let's start taking action!"

The delinquents howled excitedly: "Action!!!"

Fujiwara Miao waved his hand: "You guys come with me first, boss, just take a nap in the class, I will rely on you at night!"

Aoki Si leaned against the wall, stretched out, his expression no longer as lazy as before, and his brows and eyes were full of sharp evil spirit: "Yeah!"

If everything goes according to Fujiwara Miao's plan, Aokiji really needs to have a good sleep in class to recharge his energy and replenish the energy lost due to insomnia last night.

After waking up, Aokiji will use his fists to turn Wuyang High School upside down! ——

"Jingle bell," the afternoon school bell rang as scheduled. Ueno Yang slowly walked into the class, shaking his fat body. Regardless of the disgusting eyes of the teacher and classmates, he went to the last row by the window. He sat down and the chair creaked as he sat on it.

"Huh?" Ueno Yang originally planned to take out snacks from the hole in the table and take a few bites, but suddenly he pulled out a pink envelope sealed with a red heart.

A slight blush appeared on his fat and fat face, and he couldn't help but swallowed: Is this a love letter?

Carefully looking around, Ueno Yang saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he quietly put the love letter on the table, using his plump body to block the eyes of others, and opened the envelope with trembling fingers like thick carrots. .

"Hello Ueno-kun, I have been holding back some things in my heart for a long time and never had a chance to tell you. I hesitated for a long time before I mustered up the courage to send you this letter today. Can you come after school in the afternoon? Come and look for me at the third seat in the grove? If you hadn't come, I. I would never bother you again - I've been looking forward to you for a long time."

Ueno Yang's fat face was flushed with excitement. He just felt that his mouth was dry and his mind was blank: Kokoro, Kokoro-chan?

Is it the short-haired Kokoro from the second year of high school? Or the long-legged Kokoro from the senior year of high school? Could it be the big-breasted Kokoro from the convenience store at noon?

This, is this a love letter? ?

Uenoyo's breathing gradually became heavier, and his body felt numb as if it had been electrified.

I! Ueno Yang! Love letter received! ! !

Ueno Yang suddenly stood up from his seat, and the desk in front of him was hit by his big belly and fell forward. The classmates in the front seat grinned and the snacks in the desk hole were scattered all over the floor.

"Teacher, I suddenly have a stomachache. Can I go to the toilet?" Uenoyang's eyes turned red. He hid the pink envelope behind his back, and the hand holding the envelope was trembling slightly.

The teacher gave him a disgusted look, but did not dare to say too harshly, so he could only snort: "Go!"

After Uenoyang left the class, the teacher continued to lecture the other students: "If you don't study hard, you will go to a third-rate university in the future. Such things will still happen one after another. If you don't want to be like this in university, you will be like this." If you are troubled by others, please study hard from me, do you understand?"

Seeing other students nodding obediently, the teacher sighed and continued the class, feeling a little melancholy.

Uenoyang grabbed the envelope and looked around at the door of the class. Seeing that no one was there, he carefully smelled the envelope. The faint aroma made his legs feel weak. His face turned red and he held his hand against the wall. He limped and trotted towards the toilet.

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