What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 84 Victory in the First Battle (Part 1)

The autumn wind was howling, and the cold wind was swirling and blowing the dust in the dilapidated fountain park into the air. The high white clouds in the gradually darkening sky were blown by the autumn wind and slowly floated over the top of the head. A few white birds flew leisurely across the sky, making a crisp chirping sound.

In the center of the park, there was only a pool of stagnant water beside the fountain. The fallen leaves on the uncared for trees slowly fell with the cold wind. Aokiji stood there with his hands in his pockets and a grim expression. Behind him were twelve young men with shaved heads like him, standing straight.

"Boss!" Fujiwara Miao took out a box of cigarettes from his arms, pulled out one, and handed it to Aoki Tsukasa.

Aokiji glanced at him, stretched out his hand to take it, and said calmly: "Underage people are not allowed to smoke, you know, right?"

Fujiwara Miao blinked and huffed, his movements a little awkward: "That."

"But today is an exception!" Aokiji smiled and put the cigarette into his mouth. Fujiwara Miao quickly took out the lighter and lit it several times. The lighter emitted a small flame and lit the cigarette in Aokiji's mouth.

Aokiji took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. The long-lost smell of cigarettes calmed his restless heart a little: "Aren't you worried about what will happen if the plan fails?"

Maeda Tora also stepped forward and grabbed one from Miao Fujiwara's hand, held it in his mouth, lit it with his lighter, and said with a smile: "It turns out that the boss also smokes, I'm planning to quit."

"The plan failed?" Maeda Tora took a puff of smoke and showed a fearless and relaxed smile on his face: "Anyway, I will never let the boss fall first before I fall!"

"You'd better quit smoking!" Aokiji smiled imperceptibly, glanced at him, and said seriously: "No one under the age of eighteen is allowed to smoke from now on."

"But..." Matsusaka Daitake looked at them all smoking and swallowed.

Aokiji raised the corner of his mouth, reached out and grabbed the cigarette from Maeda Tora's mouth, and handed it to Matsusaka Daitake, with a somewhat uninhibited smile: "Except for today!"

"Why are you trying to rob me?" Maeda Tora thought to himself, but suddenly he saw a group of vague figures appearing in the distance. The school uniforms they wore were exactly the same as his own.

"They're coming!" Maeda Tora snatched the cigarette from Fujiwara Miao's hand again, lit one for himself, and narrowed his eyes.

Aokiji calmly exhaled a puff of smoke: "The plan was successful."

Koda Koda saw the dazzling bald heads of Aoki Tsukasa and his group at the park fountain from a distance. He twisted his neck, reached out and grabbed his short yellow hair angrily, and shouted angrily: "Aoki Tsukasa!"

Aokiji heard his loud shouting, but he just took the cigarette butt from his mouth expressionlessly and blew out another puff of smoke. He watched the smoke quickly blown away by the cold wind and dissipated in the air. He raised his head slightly and saw a withered yellow leaf. Floated past his face.

"Ao!" Koda took a deep breath: "Wood!"

"Si!" The angry shout echoed in the empty park, like the sound of marching drums.

No politeness, no nonsense, just an angry word "Si". As soon as he shouted out his voice, Koda Koo suddenly took out his legs and ran towards Aoki Si in a sprint of 100 meters. There was a dense crowd behind him. At first glance, There were also about 20 delinquents following closely behind, and the overwhelming shouts made people's hearts tremble.

"Ahhhh!" Seeing them shouting and running towards him, Aokiji took one last puff, pressed the cigarette butt against the old trash can next to the fountain, and twisted his neck. , looking at Maeda Tiger and others behind him who were eager to try, he smiled and said: "Sure enough, he is as violent as Fujiwara said."

Taking a deep breath, Aokiji stood up straight, looked at Koda Koo who was less than fifteen meters away from him, and said in a calm and powerful voice: "Come on!"

Maeda Tiger let out an inhuman roar, and the excited smile on his face became brighter and brighter. He walked faster and faster step by step, and finally rushed in the direction of Koda Koo: "If you want to beat the boss, start with me. past!"

"Wuyang Honey Fist, are you ready?" Matsuzaka Daitake patted Fujiwara Miao on the head, and with his disgusted expression, he laughed and rushed over with Maeda Tiger.

Fujiwara Miao clenched his fists and roared loudly: "I am not a bee fist!"

Looking down from above, the team of Koda Koo with colorful hair suddenly collided with a dozen bald heads emitting white light.

Aokiji picked up the cigarette butts that Maeda Tiger had thrown away on the ground and threw them into the trash can. While twisting his neck and moving his shoulders, he slowly walked towards the front where a fierce battle had broken out.

"Hey, a fight is a fight, but no weapons are allowed! Don't be cruel after you fall to the ground!" Aokiji's voice was inaudible amid the shouts of beating and killing.

Koda Kofu knocked down a charging bald boy with one punch. He looked at Aoki Tsukasa, who was slowly walking towards him from behind, with a ferocious expression: "Are you scared? Bald man!"

A huge fist slammed into the side of his face, and Maeda Tora's excited face appeared beside him: "Huangmao, who are you calling bald!"

Koda Koo was hit by a punch and staggered two steps. He raised his head angrily, but saw Tora Maeda viciously kicking down a bad boy who wanted to attack him in the neutral position. He stepped on him with one foot and held his stomach. The delinquent boy who was rolling on the ground grinned at him: "Come on! Huangmao!"

Koda Xiaofu squeezed out an angry roar from his throat: "Asshole!"

"Where are you looking?" The cold voice had just reached Mr. Koda's ears, and a fierce whip made Mr. Koda bend down.

He reluctantly raised his head, and there was a hint of excitement on Aokiji's cold face: "Your opponent is me, do you understand?"

Koda Kofu held his stomach and took a step back, raised his head, and saw Aokiji yelling angrily: "Do you only know how to sneak attack?"

"If I really want to sneak attack you, you are already lying down." Aokiji didn't talk nonsense. He watched Maeda Tiger and others try their best to create a short one-on-one opportunity for themselves. People on both sides were knocked to the ground from time to time. He stood up tenaciously, he just wanted to fuck the yellow-haired man in front of him as soon as possible.

Aokiji looked indifferently at Mr. Koda, who was bending over and holding his stomach. He stood up straight and said, "Hey, don't be like a little girl. Come on, hit me."

Koda's expression was twitching, and that kick made him feel like his stomach was churning, and he almost vomited. But after all, he is experienced in many battles. He has fought with people since he was a child, and his status up to now has been achieved with just one punch and one kick. At this time, being looked down at by Aokiji with such contempt, he felt that his mind was filled with anger. .

"Stop pretending!" Koda shouted loudly, kicked the ground with his right foot, causing dust to fly freely, and punched Aokiji in the face with all his strength.

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