What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 85 Victory in the first battle (Part 2)

Aokiji's feet flexibly moved in a very small direction, and his head didn't even change much. The punch hit the tip of his nose.

"The power of the punch is too obvious, zero points!" Aokiji put his hands in a mixed martial arts posture, and watched Koda Koo with ease after he punched the air, and then took two steps to regain his balance. For the first time, he truly faced off against his peers, allowing him to clearly see how big the gap was between himself and them.

Koda Koo felt as if his lungs were about to explode. He let out a meaningless roar, turned around and kicked Aoki Tsukasa in the face with a roundhouse kick.

Aokiji blocked his roundhouse kick with his right hand, hugged his dangling legs with both hands, and exerted force so hard that he actually threw Koda Kofu out of the air. He floated him twice in the air before throwing him to the side. .

Koda Kofu was helplessly thrown away and knocked down a bad boy who came with him. He stopped the trend and got up. He saw Aokiji walking towards him and murmuring: "The center of gravity is not strong." , the movement range is too large, and the attack intention is obvious. Zero points!"

"You don't need to teach me how to fight, you bastard!!" Koda's eyes almost turned blood red and he punched Aoki Tsukasa in the cheek.

Aokiji did not dodge this time, but blocked with one hand, and suddenly clenched the other hand, leaving an afterimage on his side like a silver-moon scimitar, and swung his fist mercilessly.

This swinging punch hit Koda Koo's chin with incomparable precision, and a scalp-numbing 'snap' sound immediately reached everyone's ears.

Koda's vision went dark, and he tilted his head back. Then, he moved forward limply, his legs became weak and he knelt down on the ground. He first grabbed Aokiji's arm and tried to stand up straight, but his weak hands slowly slipped away. In the end, he held on to Aoki Si's trousers to prevent him from lying completely on the ground, but he could only rest his head on Aoki Si's knees, completely falling into chaos.

"Punch right with all your strength, full marks." Aokiji curled his lips coldly, kicked Koda Kofu away, and let him slowly wake up on the ground. He held his head high and pointed at his delirious face lying on the ground. Looking at Maeda Tiger and others who were still fighting hard around him, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Koda-chan!"

The sound was deafening, overwhelming all the noise, and everyone couldn't help but look at it.

"Out!" Aokiji shouted angrily, and the delinquent boys around him who wanted to hit him a few times before he was prepared, were so frightened that they retreated as soon as they caught his sight.

Aokiji suddenly kicked away the delinquent boy who was fighting Miao Fujiwara next to him, with a wolf-like gaze, and a chilling aura that made many delinquent boys feel weak in their hands and feet.

Maeda Tora laughed and knocked down the bad boy in front of him with a punch. He was also staggered by the sneak attack. He wiped the blood on his face that he didn't know was his or someone else. After calming down, he looked at the sneak attack. The guy grinned and said loudly: "Your boss is finished! You bastard!"

Maeda Tora rushed towards the guy who sneaked up on him. He didn't even care about another punch on him. Instead, he hugged the fish in front of him tightly, lifted him up with all his strength, and smashed him to the ground: " I am the general of the Aoki Division, Tora Maeda! A bastard!"

Fujiwara Miao, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, lay on the ground bitterly. The guy who had just been kicked away by Aokiji gave him a kick: "After all, you have been fighting with me for so long, why did you fall down after the boss kicked you? Isn't that right for you? Does it make me look weak?"

Matsuzaka Daitake was kicked to the ground by two people. He held his head with both hands, but found that no one was giving him a touch-up. He opened his eyes and saw that the bad boy who had just kicked him down had been grabbed by the collar by Aokiji and punched him extremely fiercely. Hit him in the face, and finally kicked him out hard. The other bad boy turned around and ran away when he saw this scene.

"Today!" Aokiji said loudly, while extending his hand and looking at Matsusaka Daitake. Matsuzaka Daitake grinned at Aokiji, but the wound at the corner of his mouth hurt so much that he cursed in a low voice. He stretched out his hand, grabbed Aokiji's extended hand and stood up staggeringly.

"I'm about to reach the top of Wuyang!" Qingmu Si's expression at this time was violent and intimidating: "Those who don't accept it! Come to me! You bastards!"

At this time, 60% of the delinquent boys who had followed Koda were lying on the ground. They retreated slowly, looking at Koda Kofu lying on the ground, still unable to get up, and staring at Aoki Tsukasa with horror in their eyes.

Maeda Tora kicked the wallowing fish lying on the ground, helped up a bald boy who was lying on the ground and covering his face. He looked at him covering his mouth and said with a smile: "Hey, sir, do you want to go out together?" Money to buy you a gold tooth?”

The bald boy named Jie slapped his hand away in embarrassment, covered his still bleeding mouth and cursed vaguely: "Get out!"

Maeda Tora laughed and stood up, raising his eyebrows at Aokiji: "Koda-san and these people are so weak."

Aokiji looked at the group of delinquent boys who were retreating and did not dare to take action again. He said in a relaxed tone: "No... I am too strong."

"That's right, that's right!" Matsusaka Daitake covered the corner of his mouth full of blood and came to Aokiji's side. He took out a crumpled cigarette case from his pocket: "Boss?"

Aokiji took out one, stuffed it into his mouth, and used a lighter to light it for him: "Exception today! No one is allowed to bring any more tomorrow, but I won't care about you when you become adults!"

Matsusaka Daitake was flattered by Aokiji lighting a cigarette for him. After a while, he came back to his senses and smiled: "Thank you, boss!"

Aokiji also took one in his mouth and lit it with a solemn expression: "The main event is next."

As soon as he finished speaking, an angry roar came from the distance: "Aokiji! You actually deceived my feelings!"

With his hair meticulously combed back, Ueno Yang, who looked like a hill, walked towards Aokiji with an extremely ferocious expression. At this time, his hair was shiny and he was not wearing a school uniform, but a completely different outfit. How to fit a designer casual jacket. Behind him were far more delinquent boys than Koda's group just now.

Aokiji exhaled a puff of smoke and narrowed his eyes: "This fat guy is very durable at first glance."

Glancing at Koda Kofu's younger brothers who were caught between the two waves of people, Aokiji pouted at them: "Take all your people away to me."

Only then did those younger brothers dare to come over, help Koda-chan up, and take Koda-chan away who was still in a semi-conscious state. The other delinquent boys lying on the ground also hurriedly endured the pain and left the place, for fear of being involved in the ensuing conflict.

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