One punch! Aokiji hit the short-haired delinquent boy in front of him hard on the cheek. The delinquent boy fell to the side as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

One kick! Aokiji bent down to avoid the baseball bat that sneaked up from behind, and hit Yasuda with a side kick fiercely in the waist and abdomen. He felt the pain and let go of the baseball bat in his hand, but saw Aokiji reach out in the air and grab it accurately. Seized the grip of the baseball bat.

"Death!" Aokiji waved the baseball bat in his hand with red eyes. For a moment, the memory of fighting with a knife in the dream practice room last night resurfaced. The baseball bat in his hand was like a long knife, and he was commanding it with his arms. The delinquent boy who was slashed from the waist and kicked towards him was hit by the menacing baseball bat on the side of his thigh. There was a crisp sound, and he immediately screamed and squatted on the ground, covering his legs.

"Don't give it to me." Aokiji stared at Yasuda, seeing him timidly trying to withdraw from the battle circle, his expression was extremely ferocious: "Run!"

Regardless of three or four consecutive fists coming at him, Aokiji gritted his teeth and carried it down. He took a small sprint and kicked away the fish blocking the way. He came to Yasuda and raised his bat high: " It’s a rule that high school students don’t use weapons when fighting!”

The bat with a loud sound hit Yasuda's arm that was raised to block him. His arm made a miserable cracking sound. It was not known whether the bat cracked or his bones cracked.

"Remember everything for me!"

Aokiji casually threw the bat away from the crowd and into the distance. Yasuda's screams in his ears made his blood swell even more. He looked at the delinquent boys who were shrinking around him for a while, and roared like a wild beast: " Hey hey hey! Keep going!"

The delinquent boys around looked at Aokiji with a ferocious look on his face and a terrifying look in his eyes, as if he wanted to kill someone. For a moment, their bodies felt slightly chilly, and they didn't even dare to step forward easily.

"Come on!" A bad boy shouted loudly, rushed up quickly, and kicked Aoki Si in the chest. Aoki Si took a sharp breath, raised his right leg high, and stepped down hard.

The delinquent boy flying in the air was like an empty plastic bag floating in the wind. Aokiji stepped down from the air to the ground with a casual kick, making a muffled sound, coughing twice, and a fishy smell in his mouth.

"Boss!" Matsuzaka Daitake was beaten until his face was covered with blood. Two delinquent boys hugged his arms on the left and right, and another delinquent boy was kicking him in the stomach. He tried his best to free his right arm. He kicked the delinquent boy in front of him away, and then gave another delinquent boy who was dragging him a fierce blow to the head. He spat out a mouthful of blood and gave Aokiji a thumbs up with a sad smile.

"Come on!" Matsuzaka Daitake's shout could not last long before he was knocked to the ground again by the bad boy next to him.

Maeda Tiger struggled to get up from the ground, staggered and used his body to knock away the bad boy riding Fujiwara Miao, and because he tried his best, he lay on the ground again, blood mixed with the tip of his nose and fell into his mouth, regardless of the sound. Miserable: "The pinnacle!!"

"Dominate!" The other bald boys, who were almost only left to be beaten, shouted one after another!

Aokiji bent over, his ribs still aching from the sneak attack just now. He breathed heavily, raised his head, looked through the blocking crowd, and stared directly at Ueno Yang, who was standing behind a group of delinquent teenagers. My heart was filled with blood and my mind was almost blank: "Look at them all!"

"I will defeat this fat man and Wuyang!" Aokiji took a deep breath, summoned up his strength again, and rushed towards the crowd without fear, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Domination!"

The delinquent boys standing in front of Ueno Yang looked at Aokiji rushing toward them. They felt like a swift and fierce beast charging. While their bodies were trembling a little, they had to fight with all their strength under the gaze of Ueno Yang behind them. Full strength: "Stop dreaming!"

More than ten bad boys rushed towards Aokiji.

Aokiji flew up and kicked one person away. The person hit him and hit him. It was like a bomb exploding among the delinquents, and the crowd that was besieging them was instantly emptied of a small area.

He rushed left and right like a madman. He didn't care who was standing in front of him. As long as he appeared in front of his face, he would kick him if he was far away, wave his fists if he was closer, and grab the collar of anyone who was closer. After smashing it head on, in just a few seconds, Aokiji's forehead, fists, and clothes were covered with blood.

A heavy punch hit Aoki Si on the face, and he immediately felt his nose feel hot, and something hot flowed out of his nose, but Aoki Si just stretched out the corner of his mouth and licked it, the salty blood made him crazy The smile got even bigger: "The fists I was given as a sparring partner hurt more than this! Haven't you had enough to eat?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" A bad boy's fist knocked Aoki Si to the side and he staggered two steps. But the next moment, Aoki Si slammed into his arms like a spring, making his throat feel sweet. , then, Aokiji grabbed his hair and pulled it down hard, and hit him in the face with a knee, causing his nose to bleed, and he fell to the ground with his face covered.

"Come on!" Aokiji raised his head, reached out and wiped the blood from his face along the back of his bald head. The sweat on his head was mixed with blood, and was blown by the cool autumn wind, feeling refreshing.

He grinned, his eyes full of pleasure: "Before today, I never knew about it."

"It's so fun to be a bad boy!" Aokiji stuck out his tongue and licked away the nosebleeds from his mouth again. Looking at the cowering figure in front of him, with only four or five bad boys standing in front of him, his body swayed slightly, but Still standing up straight.

"Come again!" Aokiji raised his head and looked at the guys in front of him who dared not come forward with contempt, and said in a cold tone: "Come!"

"That's enough!" Ueno Yang pushed aside a few trembling delinquents who were blocking the way in front of him, and looked at them with contempt: "Fortunately, you guys are not messing around with me. You are so cowardly, why do you think you are delinquents?" juvenile!"

The bad boys retreated obediently in relief. They originally thought that this time the encirclement and suppression of Aokiji was easy, and they just wanted to follow the large army to take advantage of the recently prosperous Aokisi. Who would have thought that Aokisi would actually He was so fierce, looking at him, he looked like he was going to kill someone! And that look in his eyes is simply not what a normal person should have! No matter how you hit him, even if he falls to the ground, he will stand up immediately, and as long as you hit him, just once!

You have to lie on the ground, not knowing whether you will live or die! Who can stand this! Who dares to go up?

Aokiji is indeed not normal at this time.

He had not rested well in the first place, and was hit on the head several times during the melee, causing the figures in front of him to flicker.

In the hazy moment, just like Zuo Ye wielding a knife in his dream and facing the swordsmen who wanted to kill him, all that was left in his mind was the biological instinct of life and death.

Because of this, Aokiji, who no longer had any worries about his punches, was able to fight more and more fiercely. The so-called fear of hitting too hard and having serious consequences disappeared with his punches.

At this moment, he just wanted to knock all the enemies in front of him to the ground without reservation.

Then, climb to the so-called top!

Not only for himself, but also for Tora Maeda and others who were covered in blood behind him!

Aokiji dropped his hands in front of him, raised his head, and watched Ueno Yang slowly walking up to him with somewhat blurred vision.

"You are indeed very strong, Aoki-kun." Ueno Yang moved his wrist, took off the big gold chain around his neck, and threw it aside with a somewhat excited expression: "But if you want to dominate, you should wait until I graduate. !”

"Hey!" Aokiji took off his coat, took off his shirt that had been torn open at two buttons at some point, and threw it aside. He was only wearing a white tight-fitting vest, and his whole body was strong. The muscles are more defined at this point.

"Just because you practice judo well doesn't mean you can beat me." Aokiji grinned, his face covered with blood looking particularly terrifying. He stared at Ueno Yang intently, with a hint of ridicule in his tone: "My coach told me , if you meet a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and take off his upper body clothes, he will lose half of his clothes, I don’t know if that’s true.”

Ueno Yang narrowed his eyes: "Did your coach tell you that in fighting sports?"

"They are all the strongest in the heavyweight class!" Ueno Yang rushed towards Aokiji, menacingly, like a heavy tank accelerating.

Aokiji swallowed a mouthful of blood, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at Ueno Yang whose eyes became clearer and clearer. He was filled with fighting spirit and rushed towards Ueno Yang without retreating. "My coach only told me, don't do it," he said. Fight with the kids!”

Almost at the same time, Ueno Yang's heavy punch and Aoki Tsukasa's heavy punch hit each other's face at the same time! A crisp sound that almost combined into one sound suddenly sounded that made everyone's hearts tremble.


PS: I'm rolling all over the floor, asking for recommendations and collections. You have to feed me to raise me. I'm starving and losing weight.

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