"Bah!" Aokiji staggered back a few steps. Golden light flashed in front of his eyes. For a moment, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. Black and white appeared back and forth in front of his eyes. He shook his head, half-knelt on the ground, and reluctantly raised his head. head.

Ueno Yang just took a few steps back and covered his face. The back of his head was completely shapeless by the punch, and it was stuck in front of his face in a mess.

Shaking his head, Uenoyang grinned with a cold smile: "It's so heavy, your fist."

Aokiji spat out a mouthful of blood, moved his jaw and stood up unsteadily. The overlapping figures in his eyes merged into one again. He blinked hard and stared at Ueno Yang: "There are even heavier ones!"

"Really?" Uenoyang sneered, strode forward, and punched Aokiji again.

Aokiji's hard-practiced standing kickboxing played a vital role. He quickly dived to avoid the punch, and at the same time retreated in small steps, and the jab with his right hand stung Ueno Yang's eye socket like a bee.

In my ears, it seems that Songshanyan's teachings have appeared in my ears again: when facing an opponent shorter than you, you must flexibly use your wingspan to control the rhythm by controlling the distance. If you can control the distance well, opponents who are smaller than you will always be beaten.

Ueno Yang didn't know what Aokiji was thinking, but this not-so-heavy jab hit his eye socket, but it made him go crazy with pain. His eyes were astringent and tears were shed, and his vision was slightly disturbed. .

"You brat!" Uenoyang roared angrily and rushed forward again.

Aokiji just kept retreating, and his two consecutive jabs interfered with Uenoyo's sight. At this time, he was about 1.8 meters tall, and his wingspan was also outstanding. Uenoyo, who was only over 1.7 meters, had relatively short limbs, which hindered him. Because he was fat and not flexible enough, he was beaten to death by Aokiji's jab, but he couldn't touch Aokiji at all.

It's now!

Seeing that he was disturbed by his own jab, Aokiji closed his eyes instinctively, with a ruthless sneer on his lips. He suddenly stopped retreating, advanced instead of retreating, and hit Ueno Yang with a full right swing. on the chin.

Ueno Yang felt that his vision was slightly blocked by Aokiji's jab. Before he could react, Aokiji's right fist suddenly appeared in front of his face. He had no time to move and took the punch firmly. .

This is not over yet. Aokiji fights harder and harder with his left and right hands, swinging his right fist, left hook, right uppercut, and left straight fist. The fighting knowledge he learned from Songshanyan is becoming more and more clear and he is becoming more and more proficient. I even felt what my former coach said about the rhythm of boxing.

Ueno Yang could only feel that the shadows of fists were overwhelming in front of him, and every punch was heavy and cruel. No matter how hard he resisted, he could only be beaten back repeatedly in the face of such lethal and fast combos. Fortunately, this is not a boxing ring, and there is plenty of space for Uenoyo to retreat back to stall for time and cheer himself up.

"Die!" Uenoyang grabbed a small gap, gritted his teeth and punched himself on the forehead. He ignored the blow on his brow bone and burst into blood, and rushed forward suddenly. , one hand grabbed Aoki Si's shoulder, and the other hand tried to grab Aoki Si's collar, but came up empty.

Oops! This is not a jiu-jitsu competition! Ueno Yang, who was a little dazed after being beaten, immediately understood his mistake. His many years of jujitsu experience played the wrong role at this time. He originally wanted to grab the collar and perform a squatting posture in jujitsu with a back throw. , but Aokiji is only wearing a vest, where can he grab the collar?

However, Aokiji knew that his opportunity had come. At this moment, Ueno Yang had his back turned to him and wanted to throw him over. This was the time for him to make a difference!

Very quickly, he wrapped his right hand around Ueno Yang's neck, and quickly buckled it with his other hand. An extremely standard behind-the-back naked choke was completed. Aokiji kicked one of his feet into the crook of Ueno Yang's leg, and Ueno Yang wanted to turn around. The action of breaking the naked choke suddenly stopped, and he was kicked to the ground helplessly.

Then, Aokiji changed his body and quickly pressed his weight on Uenoyang's side. His legs were locked around his waist, and he was pulled to the ground and executed naked choke.

The muscles on Aokiji's right forearm are bulging, and the blue blood vessels are clearly visible. He grasps the right hand with his left hand and exerts force at the same time. The forearm is tightly stuck on Ueno Yang's neck. Ueno Yang desperately presses his chin and moves his hands with all his strength. Aokiji locked his right hand around his neck, but found that he couldn't pry it away!

The feeling of suffocation made Uenoyang's movements more and more weak. His eyes were rounded, and his vision was dimly black. A thought that made him extremely frightened popped up in his head: "He, he won't kill me!"

Help. Help!

Uenoyang looked at the few delinquents watching the battle not far away in a daze, but his throat was tightened and he could not say a word.

Feeling the increasingly weak movements of Ueno Yang in front of him, Aokiji's expression was cold and his eyes were blood red, but he just continued to exert all his strength.

"That's enough." Suddenly, Tora Maeda's weak cry came from behind: "That's enough!"

Aokiji hurriedly let go of his hand as he woke up from a dream, while Ueno Yoyo in his arms lay on the ground, covering his neck with his hands and breathing hard, retching and coughing, his expression was frightened, and there were even tears in his eyes. Flashing.

Looking back, Maeda Tora was lying on the ground, giving a thumbs up to Aokiji, grinning brightly.

Aoki stood up staggeringly, looked at Ueno Yang in front of him expressionlessly, stretched out his hand, and clenched his fist tightly: "I win."

Ueno Yang knelt on the ground, feeling that the God of Death was just a few seconds away from him. He turned his head, his voice trembling: "You, did you just want to kill me?"

Aokiji remained silent, just staring at him. The bloodshot eyes in his eyes had not faded away, but the scary look in his eyes gradually calmed down. The nosebleeds on his face had dried up. He looked like a murderous demon in a thriller. After a while, he Slowly said: "I won."

"You win! Madman, you win!" Uenoyang covered his neck with one hand in shock, and stood up slowly with one hand on the ground, with a fearful expression on his face: "You win!"

Aokiji closed his eyes and raised his head. The cool autumn wind blew across his cheeks, and the pain on his body surged like a tide. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath: "Me!"



After Aokiji's hoarse shouting stopped for a long time, the sparse responses from Maeda Tora and others gradually became unified.







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