What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 89 After the War (Additional update)

Aokiji slowly lowered his head, looked at Uenoyang who still looked frightened, and said in a calm tone: "From now on, I will be Wuyang's boss."

Ueno Yang nodded silently, moving his body on the ground, his eyes filled with anger and fear as he tried his best to stay away from Aokiji.

Stepping past a group of delinquent high school students who were still rolling on the ground, Aokiji helped the bald boys in the crowd up one by one. When it was Miao Fujiwara's turn at last, he took out the cigarette case from his shirt pocket, took out the last cigarette and stuffed it in He put it in the mouth of Maeda Tora, who was barely able to stand with his own support, and lit it for him with his own hands.

Maeda Tora took only one puff of the crumpled cigarette before handing it to Aoki Tsukasa with a slightly trembling hand.

Aokiji chuckled and took only one puff, then handed the cigarette to Matsusaka Daitake.

Matsusaka Daitake imitated the same, grinning, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he took a big sip, and then handed it to Fujiwara Miao.

A cigarette was twirled in the hands of thirteen bald boys who were swaying and could not stand up straight as if they were drunk. The last puff was in Aokiji's hand. The butt of the cigarette was already so hot that he didn't care. He sucked it clean, crushed it and put it on the trash can on the side of the street.

"Starting tomorrow, you are not allowed to smoke until you reach adulthood!" Aokiji suddenly said.

"Uh" Fujiwara Miao and others looked at each other, and finally, they all grinned: "I know! Boss!"

"We finally dominated Wuyang, do you want to go have a drink to celebrate?" Maeda Tora, who was dazed and couldn't open his eyes, was supported by Aokiji and walked slowly, but he was talking about the train: "Go to the bar, look for A few beautiful ladies, I’ll treat you to them!”

Aokiji hit him on the forehead with a merciless shudder. The pain made him grin and his eyes, which were originally confused, widened a lot.

"You are not allowed to drink alcohol until you reach adulthood!"

"Hey," Tora Maeda sighed regretfully: "When I watched "The Legend of Kakuzu", all the big guys in it started drinking and smoking in high school."

"That's a movie!" Aokiji glared at him: "If you insist on doing this, I don't disagree. Just follow the way in the movie and give me your little finger, and I will let you drink whatever you want."

"Hehe, no, no!" Maeda's smile was particularly bright with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Fujiwara Miao and Matsusaka Daitake put their arms around each other, and they staggered behind together: "We did it."

Maeda Tora's smile gradually disappeared, his expression became sincere, he nodded heavily, and solemnly replied: "Yes!"

Aokiji raised his head and looked at the already dark sky. The light of the setting sun dimmed everything in front of him. He said in a brisk tone: "Ah, the summit is not as difficult as I thought. Unknowingly, I have already gone so far." Far."

"Dingfeng!" A group of young people shouted "Dingfeng" happily, dominating the messy words. Under the disgusted and disgusted eyes of passers-by, they left the park shoulder-to-shoulder and embarked on their way home.

In the dilapidated park behind him, Ueno Yang's strong body stood up slowly, a little slumped, and lightly kicked the little brother who was lying on the ground and screaming. An ambulance, back home."

The younger brother staggered up, clutching his stomach, and his voice trembled: "Are you convinced? If Boss Ueno is more serious, we can't win! We still have many brothers who haven't screamed this time! I, I"

The younger brother said, his eyes slightly red: "I'm not willing to give in!"

Ueno Yang pulled him up and made him look at her, making him look into his red eyes.

The younger brother held back tears and choked with sobs: "Lost!"

"Lost!" Uenoyang's tone was sad, and his hands trembled imperceptibly as he repeated forcefully: "Lost!"

"Wow." The younger brother finally cried out. His legs were weak and he knelt on the ground. He grabbed Ueno Yang's clothes and cried like a child: "I'm not willing to give in! It's our senior year! It's our senior year! We have struggled for three years. For years, I haven’t been able to reach the top! There will never be another chance! Why!”

Ueno Yang raised his head, and his little brother, who had been with him for three years and had gone through countless hardships together, saw his tears: "If you lose, you lose!"

Ueno Yang quietly wiped away his tears, kicked his little brother away, then grabbed his collar and made him stand up, staring at him with red eyes: "I can afford to lose! Don't cry like a bitch. Cry, stand up!"

"I, Ueno Yang, until Aokiji appeared, was always the man closest to the top of Wuyo High School!" Ueno Yang said in a sincere tone: "It's my fault that I couldn't bring you to the top! It's because I'm not strong enough!"

"But I tried my best!" Ueno Yang slapped his heart hard and made a heavy muffled sound: "My skills are inferior to others! That's it!"

"What, you're not going to hang out with me if you lose? Do you want to follow Aokiji?" Ueno Yang looked at his younger brother and grinned. Blood and sweat were mixed on his plump face, but he looked unexpectedly gentle.

The younger brother blew his nose, wiped his eyes, held his stomach and stood up reluctantly: "That damn bald guy can't defeat me!"

"Even if he becomes the boss, if he dares to bully you, I will still vent your anger!" Uenoyang grabbed the other boy who was lying on the ground with his face covered in blood, and wiped the blood off his face: " Get up now! Go home!"

"You can still move to my house for dinner today!" Uenoyang grinned: "Today I want to steal my father's wine collection and drink it together!"

"Oh!!" The bad boys reluctantly got up with bruises and swollen faces. Their faces no longer had the look of fear brought about by Aokiji's victory. They followed Ueno Yang and slowly walked out of the park, holding each other's backs and supporting each other. Lonely, but not embarrassed.

The dozen or so delinquent boys who were not Uenoyo's younger brothers got up rather miserably and looked at the empty fountain park with confused expressions, as if they were in a dream. As for second-year Koda Koo and others, as losers, they had already withdrawn before this fight.

Yasuda's plane nose had long since fallen apart, and he was lying on the ground miserably, covering his arm and saying in a sad voice: "Call an ambulance for me! My arm, my arm is broken!"

His slightly deformed baseball bat lay next to his hand. But it is estimated that he will not take this baseball bat home.

The rays of the setting sun filtered through the slightly bleak autumn leaves and fell on the ground, revealing dots of light. In the dilapidated fountain park, calm finally returned, but the blood stains on the ground proved what had happened.


PS: This is my first strong recommendation in my life. I would like to thank the editor for the great support and readers for their companionship. My writing status has been a bit sluggish recently because some things in my family have made me unhappy. I will adjust as soon as possible and continue to lead the way. Give everyone joy~~~~This extra update is for you who have always supported me, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~I love you.

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