What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 90 Goodbye is not a friend

[Hidden mission: Dominate Wuyang has been completed. 】

[Domination of Wuyang: Climb to the top of Wuyang and become the strongest man in Wuyang High School! Finish: perfect. Mission reward: Charm attribute +1, free attribute point +2, skill bar +1. 】

【MMA LV3 → LV4】

[Mixed Martial Arts LV4: Your mixed martial arts has begun to take shape, and you have the capital to fight in both ground and standing contests. Strength +1, Agility +1, Stamina +1. Experience (23/600)】

[Mixed martial arts breaks through LV3, please choose the breakthrough direction. 】

[King of Standing - In standing fighting, your punches and kicks are more powerful, your technical movements are more perfect, and the learning effect of standing kickboxing will be more significant. Additional attributes: Agility +1]

[King of Fighting - In ground fighting, your endurance will be greater, your strength will be stronger, your technical movements will be more perfect, and your learning effect in ground fighting will be more significant. Additional attributes: Strength +1]

[Mixed martial arts has opened the Dreamland practice room. 】

"What a great harvest!"

Aoki's beaming face was covered with gauze, a band-aid on his mouth, and the joints on his fists were still red, which were hastily wrapped with bandages. His coat was on his shoulders, and he was only wearing clothes that were still stained with blood and soil. The white tight-fitting vest revealed a muscular body with bruises and swellings, and he walked slowly and indifferently under the looks of passers-by who looked at him with fear or contempt.

The mixed martial arts experience points that were still far behind were directly boosted to level four. Not to mention, he also completed a new hidden mission and gained two attribute points in a skill bar.

"Choose the standing king." Aokiji chose the first option. There was no way, he couldn't fight everyone and just pull him to the ground and use his skills. Like when he faced Ueno Yang, he gave him a chance. Think about it, he used fists and kicks the most.

Aokiji glanced at his attribute column and put two free attributes on strength and physical strength.

[Strength: 12 (10 for adults, based on the overall muscle strength of the body.)]

[Agility: 15 (10 for adults, based on overall body coordination, muscle explosiveness, etc.)

[Brain power: 15 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of memory, logic, learning and other brain abilities. Please note that this point is not equivalent to IQ, nor is it equivalent to emotional intelligence.)]

[Physical strength: 11 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of muscle endurance and physical strength)]

[Charm: 21 (This attribute is calculated based on the average level of a normal person on earth at 10 points, and is scored based on the comprehensive charm of appearance, body, temperament, etc.)]

Aokiji moved his body and sighed happily. His body felt numb, as if there was an electric current surging. Looking carefully, the distinct muscles on his arms seemed to have become more streamlined. The wounds were numb, and even Qing Qing felt numb. The swelling has subsided quite a bit.

"Si-chan~~" Mihashi's voice suddenly came from behind.

Aokiji frowned and turned to look, only to see Takashi Mihashi jumping towards him with a playful look on his face.

Mihashi Takashi looked at Aoki Tsukasa's white vest with blood blooming sporadically, his fists were wrapped in bandages, and his skin was bruised and swollen. He felt a little sorry, but more excited: "How about it, now you should He’s already the boss!”

"Come on, let's create an era of Mihashi alliance together!" Takashi Mihashi put on a coquettish pose, but found that Aokiji's eyes were getting colder and colder when he looked at him, and a chilling atmosphere suddenly appeared. between two people.

Aokiji's bandaged hand grasped the clothes and put it on his shoulder. He clenched it quietly with his other hand and looked straight at Takashi Mihashi. He said word by word: "Are you the one who caused the gauntlet? "

Mihashi Takashi raised his eyebrows: "Hey, hey!"

It looked like he had no idea how bad what he was doing was, but he chuckled and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to become the boss before you discussed the alliance with me? I just pushed you from behind."

But although he looked relaxed on the surface, Mihashi Takashi's skin under his clothes was already covered with goose bumps, and his muscles were quietly tense.

Aokiji looked at him coldly and raised a finger: "First of all, I don't think you want to help me. When I was unprepared, all the guys in the second and third grade of high school joined forces and looked for me everywhere at noon. Me. If I hadn't been lucky and not found by them, maybe I would have been beaten badly by them at noon. I have every reason to think that you want those upperclassmen to fix me up."

When he raised his second finger, Aokiji's hand on his shoulder slowly grasped the clothes and hung by his side: "Second, I hate it when others plot against me."

"Third, I, Aokiji, will become the strongest delinquent high school student on my own. As for you, if you want to get in the way, you can come to me and cause trouble. Don't use such despicable methods to harm me again. Believe me, if I Even if I really want to play some conspiracy with you, you may not be my opponent."

Aoki took a step forward, clenched his three raised fingers into fists, and stared directly into Mihashi Takashi's eyes: "If you want to cause trouble, just come to me and start a fight in an upright manner. No matter it's a one-on-one fight or whatever, I'll be there for you all."

"Stay away from me from now on, Mihashi Takashi. I didn't punch you in the face this time because what you just said didn't sound like you were deliberately trying to harm me before!" Aokiji's eyes She stared at him with an evil look, bumped his shoulder away, and walked away.

Mitsuhashi Takashi felt as if the bald head in front of him had turned into a man-eating evil spirit. The ferociousness was even more frightening. By the time he came to his senses, Aokiji had already taken several steps away.

"Don't be proud! Bald!" Mihashi Takashi seemed a little angry because he was scared just now: "I, Mihashi Takashi, am the strongest bad boy! If your bald army blocks my way in the future, I won’t show mercy!”

Aokiji didn't even turn to look at him, he just put his clothes on his shoulders again, raised his other hand, and raised his middle finger with his back to Takashi Mihashi.

Mihashi Takashi kicked the wall next to him angrily, grimacing in pain, and finally slapped the wall with hatred: "What's going on? I was handing it to Aokiji. The letter of challenge was very clear, so why would he say that he was unprepared at noon? Did he not read the letter of challenge? "

He obviously hasn't realized his mistake yet. Whether it's a calculation or a conspiracy, this is not the way to use it against a friend.

Mitsuhashi Takashi thought for a long time with a gloomy face, and said angrily to himself: "Is it great to be bald? If we don't unite, we won't unite. If I have a partner with me, I don't believe there is anyone else I can't beat. .Hmph, the strongest delinquent high school student must be my Mihashi Takashi!"

He walked down the street with an unhappy look on his face, unable to understand how things could have turned out like this.


PS: It’s another new week, please recommend and collect!

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