What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 91 How did she know?

"Natto! Kuroko, Shiro!" Aokiji squatted at the entrance of the alley, tapping the iron bowl in his hand.

Not long after, the barking of a puppy came from the alley.

Aokiji looked at the three puppies poking their heads out at the end of the alley, and saw that he was a little timid and did not dare to step forward. Smiling, he put the iron bowl aside and poured the dog food he just bought into it: "Here comes the meal!"

Three puppies were barking not far away, but they did not dare to move forward easily.

Aokiji just squatted on the spot, pushed the iron bowl filled with dog food forward, took out the new plastic bowl he bought, filled it with mineral water, supported his chin with both hands, and looked at them quietly. .

The puppies hesitated in the distance for a long time. The pug named Natto took the lead and took a few steps forward. Then he stopped vigilantly. Seeing that Aokiji just stayed there and looked at him, he cautiously moved forward again.

It wasn't until he came to Aokiji, sniffed the aroma of the dog food, and started eating eagerly that Kuroko and Shiroi hesitantly followed him to the rice bowl.

Aokiji just looked at them with his chin propped up, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he whispered to them softly: "I only had breakfast today, not even lunch."

"How about I come here once in the morning and once in the afternoon?" After Aokiji finished speaking, the three puppies were still digging for food, looking like they were starving, and smiled hoarsely: "Eat slowly, there is no one to compete with you. .”

Of course, the puppy couldn't understand what Aokiji said. Aokiji gently stretched out his hand and touched Natto's head. The pug's rough skin and hair were a little prickly.

Natto raised his head and glanced warily, and when he saw that Aokiji made no further move, he lowered his head and swallowed the dog food in his mouth.

Aokiji watched them eat a bowl full of dog food and drink up all the water, then he put away the iron bowl, filled the plastic bowl with water and put it next to the wall, and said softly: "Here you go. Eating too much is not good for your health, so I will leave today."

The three puppies may have eaten and drank enough, but they also stayed away from Aoki Si. They looked at Aoki Si at the entrance of the alley, and they didn't bark or bark. They just paced and looked at Aoki Si with their eyes. Maybe he was remembering Aoki Tsukasa's appearance.

Aokiji stood up, and while moving his body, his painful eyelids twitched, and he waved to the puppy: "Bye, see you tomorrow."

The three puppies barked a few times in unison. Aokiji grinned, put away the dog food and iron bowls, and turned around to the bookstore at the entrance of the alley.

A beautiful girl with long black hair and moles at the corners of her eyes was lying on the cashier counter, looking around boredly. When she saw Aoki Tsukasa, her expression was a little surprised and disgusted.

She was surprised because she didn't expect Aokiji, a guy who didn't look like a good person at first glance, to actually come to feed three puppies today! The disgust comes from the fact that Aokiji is only wearing a white vest at this time, and the clothes on his body are still mud and blood, and the wounds on his body look like he was just born.

This is obviously just after the fight!

Wu Geng Liuli looked at Aoki Si with an expressionless face: "Welcome."

Aokiji looked at her and grinned, but with his face full of wounds, he was destined to smile less brightly. He just tried his best to make his tone gentler: "Can you please help me keep the dog food and the puppy's rice bowl? If you If you get off work late, you can give them a little more food when you get off work, but don’t eat too much. If you eat too much, they will get sick, which will be troublesome.”

Wu Geng Liuli looked at him with a ferocious look on his face and a ferocious smile. She was a little scared, but she didn't show any fear. Instead, she calmly said, "I understand."

Seeing that she agreed, Aokiji nodded to her gratefully: "Thank you, otherwise I would have to bring it here from home every day, which would be a bit troublesome."

"It's nothing." Wu Geng Liuli pursed his lips and lowered his head slightly, not wanting to see Aoki Si's face: "My Chiba's Sui Ke, I, Wu Geng Liuli, would have taken care of them even if you hadn't mentioned this matter."

Aokiji blinked. He felt that the voice in his ears was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it. He smiled politely: "Wugeng Liuli? That's a nice name, so thank you very much. I have something else to do. I'm leaving."

Wu Geng Liuli didn't say anything, just nodded, and blushed slightly - she almost said the name of Chiba's fallen angel black cat. If this guy hears this, he will laugh at me to death!

Fortunately, I changed my tune quickly.

Aokiji glanced at the time, started on his way home, and dialed Songshanyan's number.

"Do you want to ask for leave again?" As soon as the call was connected, Song Shanyan's laughter and curses reached his ears again.

Aokiji snorted, touched his bald head, and said with a smile: "Yes, Brother Yan, how do you know?"

Song Shanyan snorted: "If you had nothing to do, would you call me? What's going on, you got into a fight with someone again? If you dare to get hurt, you'll lose your salary!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Aokiji smiled bitterly and apologized repeatedly. In fact, he had promised Songshanyan to participate in the competition, so it should be his own responsibility to manage his body well before the competition and ensure his competitive status. But there were some things that he had no choice but to reassure again and again: "Don't worry, I know what's going on. I can go to training tomorrow. I'm just a little exhausted today and my mental state is not very good."

Song Shanyan sounded a little angry on the phone: "Tomorrow, I will arrange an opponent for you for actual combat practice. You must be there!"

"If you don't fight well, just wait for the new training plan! I think you still have the strength to fight, so the amount of training I set for you must be too little!" Songshanyan hung up the phone, and Aokiji sighed. tone.

He could understand Songshanyan's anger. After all, he had vowed to him a few days ago that he would play in the Supernova game. Aaron was all over the place, but as a result, he skipped work today and skipped training. It was natural that Songshanyan was unhappy. .

However, Aokiji felt that when Songshanyan saw that his strength suddenly increased a lot tomorrow, he would forget about it.

"Ding dong." Aoki Si took out his mobile phone, and the text message on the phone with the note of "Qiong Mei" said just one line: Si, where are you? Did you fight with someone again?

How did she know! ?


PS: First, follow the usual practice of urging votes, and secondly, recommend a friend’s book. This friend told me a lot of useful things when I didn't understand anything when I started reading this book. The book he wrote is also very nice. You are welcome to go to Q to read it.

The title of the book is "The Young Emperor Ling Tian Qiong". It is a fantasy novel worth reading at the standard level. I hope everyone can read it.

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