"————!"Lan Yufeng's words made Liliu's eyes widen and moved.

Kirasaka Sayaka told her about Lan Yufeng's character. He was protective of his people. He was very protective of his people. He attached great importance to his promises.

If Lan Yufeng wanted to protect someone, he would not mind making enemies with the world. She also knew about the last incident. In order to allow the Void Witch to escape, Lan Yufeng directly destroyed the prison barrier and suffered from attacks from the forces headed by the War King Domain.

And she got Lan Yufeng's promise. She naturally understood what this meant. It was because she understood that she was moved.

"How can I refuse you?" Li Liu looked helpless, walked to Lan Yufeng, hugged his arm, and said playfully."But I still want you to give me, no, give us a promise."

"I hope you will give me happiness in my life"

""Okay." Lan Yufeng was stunned, then smiled.

"It's settled then. I won't leave." Liliu smiled playfully and said softly."Next, let Jie Tong talk to you. The appearance of this personality of mine means a fluctuation of power, which is more troublesome." After the words fell, the expression of the girl in front of Lan Yufeng paused, and then changed to her original clear and innocent appearance.

"Hehe, Brother Feng, my life's happiness is now in your hands! Jiangkou Jietong ran over enthusiastically and hugged Lan Yufeng's waist, rubbing his little head against her.

"Well. It's getting late, go to bed."Lan Yufeng reminded with a smile

"Um, can we sleep later? I want Brother Feng to accompany me to the beach to walk and admire the moon alone. Jiangkou Jietong said embarrassedly.

""Well, that's fine." Lan Yufeng hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed to this not-too-excessive request.

Then, Jiangkou Jietong took Lan Yufeng's arm, and the weight of her petite body almost pressed on it, and pulled Lan Yufeng forward affectionately.

"Really, there is another girl. And Jie Tong is still a primary school student."After Lan Yufeng and Jiangkou Jie Tong left, the door of the room where Qian Cong and others lived opened, and several girls shook their heads and smiled.

"However, there is nothing we can do about it. Jie Tong is very cute, and her life story is so pitiful. Senior Feng will not stand idly by."Yase Natsune said softly.

This made the other girls smile softly and agree.

Except for Di Shanpo, who was tired from playing today and went to bed early.

"Brother's ability to read minds must be a lie." Walking on the beach, Jiangguchi Yui said cunningly."It must be Sister Sayaka who told you"

""Yeah." Lan Yufeng touched his face and directly passed the buck.

He couldn't say that he had watched anime.

"Brother Feng must not know who is chasing me. Jiangkou Jietong said softly with a sad face.

"I don't know, no matter which organization it is, if they dare to do this, they will have to pay the price."Lan Yufeng's voice was light, but full of domineering

"It's just like what Sister Sayaka said. Brother Feng is very protective and domineering."Jiangkou Jietong chuckled."But I like it very much.

Hearing this, Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes. Although the girl in front of him is an elementary school student, she is too precocious. Zhangkou came to like these two words.

"Taishi Bureau. Taishi Bureau and Kusuki Fukufuku Enterprises are working together to use the power of the strongest nightmare demon Lilith that I inherited to control the god-killing weapon Leviathan sleeping on the seabed."Eguchi Yutomi whispered the reason

"Just when their plan started, Sister Sayaka appeared, rescued me, and escaped."

"I've had enough of this kind of life. Being feared, bullied, and used, my life is filled with despair. The appearance of Sayaka gave me hope." Jiangguchi Yui had a complicated look on her face."It's just that, because of me, I don't know whether Sayaka is alive or dead. I'm scared when I think she might get hurt."

"Later, Brother Feng, you found me and played with me for a day. I was very happy. It was the first time I had so much fun and was so free. I was afraid that you would be targeted and hurt because of me."

At this point, Jiangkou Jietong's petite body trembled. In response

, Lan Yufeng held her in his arms, touched her back, and soothed her emotions. Now, just be a listener.

"I know you are very strong, Brother Feng, but the other party is a special agency of RB...So I'm scared"

"I was planning to fall into the trap, but in order to avoid suffering again and to avoid affecting other people, I planned to use the powerful magic barrier of Leviathan to make Lilith's soul disappear completely inside Leviathan."

At this point, Jiangkou Jietong's body stopped trembling, raised his head, and looked at Lan Yufeng with affection. It seemed that the young bird had found its parents.

"As a result, what Brother Feng said to me gave me such a strong sense of security, so I was not afraid anymore."

"Jie Tong, you don't have to be afraid anymore." Lan Yufeng chuckled."Now, I want to take good care of you and protect you not only because of the agreement with Sayaka, but also out of my own will."

"So, Brother Feng, what you said is too foul. No wonder there are so many girls around you. Jiangkou Jietong smiled and rolled her eyes coquettishly.

"That's a must. After all, I'm very attractive."Lan Yufeng grinned and said narcissistically

"Narcissistic, shameless." Jiangguchi Jietong smiled happily."But it's the truth."

"Really, don't you know how to look at the atmosphere?"Suddenly, Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows, touched the back of Jiangkou Jietong's head, looked up at the sky, and sighed.

"————!"As soon as these words fell, Jiangkou Jietong was stunned and looked up at the sky.

There, a bird-shaped god flew over. Four middle-aged and elderly male figures stood on it.

At the same time, a beautiful girl with long black hair walked out from the shadows behind.

"Taishi Bureau, I am a little surprised at how much you value Jie Tong."Lan Yufeng narrowed his eyes and sneered."Four elders are here."

Taishi Bureau is a special agency under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Japan, and it has the same origin as the Lion King Agency. But compared to the monster disasters that the Lion King Agency is responsible for, the Taishi Bureau is responsible for natural disasters.

This time, they targeted Asagi and himself. Unlike the reasonable Lion King Agency, in Lan Yufeng's view, Taishi Bureau is a group of radical crazy guys.

In order to destroy Asagi, who is the priestess of Cain, they can be crazy enough to destroy the entire Genshin Island.

And the elders, in terms of status and strength, are only weaker than the three saints of the Lion King Agency.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ~)

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