"What are you yelling about?"Help Di Shanpo apply sunscreen, Lan Yufeng curled his lips

"Humph, you're still being ungrateful after getting the advantage." Di Shanpo looked down on Lan Yufeng.

""Well, that's all. I have something else to do, I'll be back soon." Lan Yufeng coughed lightly, put on his short coat and walked towards the place where Huangsaka Sayaka said.

Well, actually, it's more than the approximate area that Huangsaka Sayaka said. The dazzling gold-level red envelope on the system map clearly indicated the location.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng was not worried that Jiangkou Jietong would get into trouble.

Although she was an elementary school student, her identity was not simple, and her ability was comparable to that of Di Shanpo, the naughty child.

Not long after, Lan Yufeng found Jiangkou Jietong in a dark alley. Shoulder-length gray hair, blue eyes, delicate facial features, delicate skin, petite and cute.

Well, an orthodox elementary school student. She was soft and gentle and easy to push down.

"Are you the brother Feng that Sister Sayaka mentioned?"Before Lan Yufeng could say anything more, the elementary school student in front of him ran over and hugged Lan Yufeng's waist, his face full of joy.

"Yes, it's me. Let's go. Sayaka and I promised to protect you well."Lan Yufeng touched the girl's hair and said softly

""Yeah!" Jiangkou Jietong looked up and nodded with a smile on her face.

Lan Yufeng shook his head and looked at the smile of the girl in front of him. He knew that although the other party was smiling, it was a fake smile. Jiangkou Jietong did not completely trust him.

However, that's right, he is not a man with max affinity, how could he let the other party trust him so quickly.

Not to mention that this elementary school student's life was not easy before, and he was often bullied.

Because he can use mental control, he is feared and bullied by classmates and family members, and he has developed a dual personality. At the same time, there is another identity. The successor of the world's strongest nightmare - the witch of the night"Lilith".

When Lan Yufeng brought Jiangkou Jietong back, the girls were all shocked and looked at Lan Yufeng with strange eyes.

"Feng, do you like elementary school students?"Lan Yu Qian Cong crossed her arms and complained

"Senior, have you finally embarked on the path of perversion?"Himehira Yukina said with sharp eyes. Since the last prison barrier incident, she has been subtly strict with Lan Yufeng.

Of course, Lan Yufeng didn't care.

"It turns out that Senior Feng likes children...."In a pure white swimsuit, Hase Natsune blushed and muttered something.

Akane Nagisa asked excitedly."Kaede, is she a lost child?"

Well, finally someone with a normal brain circuit

""Tsk." Di Shanpo curled her lips. She knew that Lan Yufeng went to see her because of Huangsaka Sayaka's request.

However, this girl, she couldn't see through her mind? Her mental strength was too strong.

Di Shanpo's eyes flashed, staring at Jiangkou Jietong.

"Well, her name is Jiangkou Jietong, and she was rescued from a facility by Sayaka and asked me to take care of her."Lan Yufeng looked at the girls, sighed, and explained the reason in a low voice. After saying this, the girls all looked at Jiangkou Jietong. She was rescued from a facility by Kirasaka Sayaka, so her past identity and experience must not be good....

"Jie Tong, let's go play together."Akira Nagisa showed a cheerful and friendly smile, holding the hand of Jiangkou Jie Tong who was hiding behind Lan Yufeng.

"Well, let's go build a sand castle." Yese Natsune also spoke softly.

"Go play, the sisters are all very nice people."Lan Yufeng touched Jiangkou Jietong's head and said with a smile

"I see. I understand."After hearing this, Eguchi Yuito seemed to relax and was led by Nagisa Akatsuki to play.

"A dual personality?..."Lan Yufeng looked at Jiangkou Jietong's back and murmured.

Jiangkou Jietong with an ordinary personality is no different from an ordinary elementary school student, but she is too precocious. Her other personality is [Liliu] born under self-protection, which can perfectly control her power from the strongest nightmare Lilith.

The conditions for opening the gold-level red envelope: Untie Jiangkou Jietong's heart knot, kill the god-killing weapon [Leviathan】

"Leviathan?...I didn't expect the Taishi Bureau to act so quickly."Lan Yufeng frowned.

In the original novel, the Taishi Bureau wanted to use the power of Jiangkou Yutong's nightmare to control Leviathan to destroy Genshin Island and completely kill Asagi, the priestess of Cain.

And with his intervention, the Taishi Bureau was undoubtedly unable to sit still in advance and came up with this plan. I guess he wanted to destroy me as well.

After all, in the eyes of those who are interested, Genshin Island has already been suspected of independence and being controlled by me.

"Taishi Bureau, it seems like we need to give them a good beating."Lan Yufeng's eyes gradually became colder.

If you dare to attack him or the people around him, then be prepared to be retaliated wildly.

It seems that the deterrence from the previous few times was not enough.

Then, Lan Yufeng exhaled lightly, and also came forward to play with Jiangkou Jietong and other girls.

Late at night, at the Azure Paradise Hotel, when Lan Yufeng was about to take a shower, he found that Jiangkou Jietong was planning to sneak away.

In response, Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and stopped her directly

"Jie Tong, it's so late, where are you going?" Lan Yufeng asked softly.

"I'm sorry." Jiangkou Jietong hesitated for a moment, and a strong mental force emerged from her body. At the same time, her expression changed, becoming mature and sad.

"Liliu." Lan Yufeng said slowly

"Why do you know?"As soon as these words fell, Li Liu, who was about to use her mental power to control Lan Yufeng, was stunned and a little confused.

During the day, she had a lot of fun with Lan Yufeng. This kind of happy time was really unprecedented. So she recognized from the bottom of her heart that Lan Yufeng and others gave her a warm and happy day.

Because of this, she didn't want Lan Yufeng and others to be hurt.

Because many people were eyeing her. If she didn't leave, she would drag down Lan Yufeng and others.

This was Jiangkou Jietong's idea

"After all, I have the ability to read minds."Lan Yufeng said nonsense casually."You want to walk into the trap yourself. In that case, wouldn't it be a waste of the meaning of Sayaka risking her life to save you?"

"...."Hearing this, Liliu fell silent.

"I don't want more people to get hurt because of me. I am the existence of a nightmare." Liliu pursed her lips and said in a complicated voice

"So what? I don't care if you are a nightmare or something. Since Sayaka has entrusted you to me, I must take good care of you."Lan Yufeng walked over and touched her hair.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you. Not now, and not in the future." Lan Yufeng whispered his promise.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ~)

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