"Um, what's going on?"Nina looked over in confusion.

"Well, please be my and Xia Yin's pet." Lan Yufeng smiled and rubbed Nina's little face with his fingers.

"Alas!? Senior Feng, this..."Yeze Natsune was a little overwhelmed

"Pets, it feels so interesting. But human-shaped pets are a little tricky, even though they are not human."Akira Nagisa muttered in confusion.

""Pfft, you really want me to be your and Xia Yin's pet." Nina laughed."But I will agree to your request. After all, you are my great benefactor. Without you, I would probably still be sleeping in the blood of the sage."

"That's good, Xia Yin will be in your care."Lan Yufeng handed the petite Nina to Ye Lai Xia Yin and said with a smile.

Now Nina has the complete sage's blood, and her strength is not weak. She can even become the size of a real human.

But she didn't change. Although she doesn't feel ashamed to be naked, she will still protect herself. After all, she is so small that most people can't arouse any desire. Of course, perverts are excluded. It is undoubtedly good to use her as a figurine that can be masturbated. The premise is that it must be masturbable.

""Hey, that's what you're planning. Is it a bad taste to say that you want me to be your pet?" Nina said with a smile.

"Maybe." Lan Yufeng shrugged without explaining.

"Senior Feng."Yase Natsune also came back to her senses and blinked her blue eyes.

After understanding what Lan Yufeng meant, she was really happy. If you think about it this way, Senior Feng has indeed been giving them things to save their lives. He often gives them all kinds of incredible things.

A warm current surged in Yese Natsune's heart.

"Okay, the matter is settled, you can continue to have fun for the rest of the time."Lan Yufeng said to the two girls with a smile."As for me, I have some personal matters to attend to."

"Oh, by the way, Nina, you are too shameless to conjure up a set of clothes."Lan Yufeng paused and reminded

"Clothes are so troublesome."Nina muttered, and used the sage's blood to transform a set of clothes that Natsune was wearing.

Then, Nagisa Akane and Natsune Ye went shopping together.

As for Lan Yufeng, he went home, took a cold shower, and then sat in front of the computer.

Well, his job was to take a shower, open the bag, and then accompany Lydia, who had agreed to play games with him in the afternoon, to increase the points together.

"One silver-level red envelope, one gold-level red envelope, let's open the silver-level red envelope first."

Lan Yufeng rubbed his hands and lightly tapped the silver-level red envelope.

Instantly, the silver-level red envelope opened, and the system's voice sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and receiving a useless stick."

Useless stick: Well, a stick that is of no use at all.

"What a useless big stick."Lan Yufeng frowned.

"I'm a nobody at the start, so I'll just play with my balls. Let's continue." Lan Yufeng pressed his forehead, feeling a little headache.

Next, Lan Yufeng lightly tapped the gold-level red envelope.

The gold-level red envelope lit up, golden light flew out, and the system's voice sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the gold-level red envelope and obtaining [Tianyi】!"

Sky Shift: From"No Game No Life", the sixth in the race sequence, the Flügel's spatial ability. It can move anywhere within the field of vision.

At the same time, if you leave a space mark in the place you have been before, you can also transfer space.

""Hey, I didn't expect to draw [Sky Shift]." Lan Yufeng touched his chin, his eyes lit up.

Sky Shift is a very good spatial ability in the spatial ability category.

Although it is not as good as Yue Jiang's ability to play with various things, and to change the attack position in space, it is hard to defend against. But it is more convenient and there is no delay in using it.

It can be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

"This wave of opening packages is good. It turns out that taking a bath can improve your luck."Lan Yufeng complained

"Next, let's get points."After Lan Yufeng muttered for a while, he put on his headphones and opened the game.

Time passed, and more than a week passed in the blink of an eye.

On the weekend, at Lan Yufeng's invitation, Nagisa Akane, Natsune Yezawa, Di Shanpo, and Setsuna Himeragi accompanied him to the Azure Paradise to play. Yes, there is also a pet Nina.

The Azure Paradise is a newly built artificial island on Genshinjima. It is the latest resort with hotels, swimming pools, amusement parks and other facilities.

However, this resort has just been completed, and there are relatively few people coming to play.

And this time, Lan Yufeng was even more generous to book the place.

Although it is very expensive, the money is paid by Na Yuejiang, and Lan Yufeng has no psychological pressure at all. Anyway, Na Yuejiang's money is his money, and his money is still his own money, right.

Lying on the beach chair, holding a Coke and watching the cute girls playing in the water, it is really cool

"Lan Yufeng, help me put on sunscreen."On the side, the pitiful Di Shanpo, who was wearing a children's swimsuit, held a bottle of sunscreen in her hand and said to Lan Yufeng

"You are a vampire, do you still need to use sunscreen?" Lan Yufeng pouted.

"What do you think of vampires? Vampires are not omnipotent. It is very uncomfortable to bear the sun."Dishampo glared

"Then applying sunscreen is useless." Lan Yufeng complained

"I don't care, help me apply it quickly." Di Shanpo angrily tore off her pocket cloth and blocked it with her arms."This is obviously a benefit for you, but you don't cherish it!"

"What a pity."Lan Yufeng sighed and took the sunscreen from Di Shanpo.

""Hmph." Seeing that Lan Yufeng despised her, Di Shanpo snorted in dissatisfaction and lay down on the beach cloth beside her.

Although she was a little depressed, she was still looking forward to Lan Yufeng helping her apply sunscreen.

On the other side, the other girls saw this scene and felt more or less jealous and depressed.

Why didn't I think of this?

""Hmm?" Suddenly, Lan Yufeng called, which made him raise his eyebrows and answer the call.

"Sayaka, what's the matter?" Lan Yufeng asked with a smile

"Feng-kun, there is a girl named Jiangkou Jietong who I rescued from a facility. I would like to ask you for a favor.���Go get her." There was some noise coming from Kirasaka Sayaka's end, and gunshots could be heard faintly.

"Are you okay over there?"Lan Yufeng frowned and asked.

Is this the plot now? The time doesn't seem to match....

"It's okay, I can handle it. Anyway, I'll leave the pupils to you, Fengjun. After saying this, Kirasaka Sayaka hung up the phone.

"Xiaodi, I have something to do now...."After taking back the phone, Lan Yufeng saw Di Shanpo.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw Di Shanpo's angry and tearful look. He sighed, took back his words, opened the sunscreen and applied it on Di Shanpo.

Instantly, the girl was satisfied.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ~)

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