"Hmm! ?"The changes in Lan Yufeng made Nangong Nayue, who was writing with chalk, turn around suddenly and stare at Lan Yufeng with sharp eyes.

The changes in Lan Yufeng were very obvious. He had no spiritual power before, but now there were traces of spiritual power in his body, and he was slowly absorbing the spiritual power around him.

Generally, only people with good qualifications such as magic attackers or witches would have this situation. And usually they have practiced for a long time.

The situation on Lan Yufeng seemed a little weird.

"Suddenly woke up, it doesn't look like..."Nangong Nayue's eyes flickered, and she looked at Lan Yufeng meaningfully.

In addition to Lan Yufeng, Yaze Motoki also noticed the changes in Lan Yufeng in front of him. He was shocked and puzzled.

Because of Nangong Nayue's gaze, the students in the class also looked at Lan Yufeng with strange faces, not understanding what happened.

""Nanyue, stop glaring at me. I'm really listening to the class." Lan Yufeng said innocently.

"Lan Yufeng, come to my office later." Nangong Nayue said in a deep voice

"I understand."Hearing this, Lan Yufeng smiled slightly and nodded calmly.

Seeing this, the other students were surprised, but they didn't think much about it.

"Also, you are not allowed to call me"Jiang" after the teacher's name!"Suddenly, Nangong Nayue flicked the chalk in her hand and shot it towards Lan Yufeng.

""Hey, Nayue, I got it."

However, Lan Yufeng easily caught up with her words and said them in a very unremarkable way.

Nangong Nayue glared at Lan Yufeng with an unhappy look and continued the class.

If there is any account, we will settle it after class.

Time passed, and as the bell rang, Lan Yufeng stood up calmly and followed Nangong Nayue out of the office.

However, Nangong Nayue did not go to the office, but took Lan Yufeng to the rooftop.

"Tell me, what's going on with your spiritual power?" Nangong Nayue asked seriously.

"I cultivated it myself."Lan Yufeng spread his hands and said

"Are you treating me like a fool?"Nangong Nayue's eyes twitched, and she said with a smile.

As she spoke, a powerful magical fluctuation appeared around her, and a chain of discipline appeared faintly.

"Stop, stop, stop, don't point this dangerous thing at me." Lan Yufeng said helplessly.

"There are some things I can't explain, and it's a good thing for Yuejiang that I have power."Lan Yufeng said seriously.

"......"Nangong Nayue frowned but did not refute. Lan Yufeng was connected to the Fourth True Ancestor.

Nangong Nayue's measure against the Fourth True Ancestor was to conceal its existence as much as possible and not make a big fuss.

However, even so, there would still be many troublesome organizations coming to Xianshen Island to plan something. For this reason, it was indeed a good thing that Lan Yufeng had the power to protect himself.

But the source of the power puzzled her.

"Since it is something that cannot be explained, why did you take the initiative to expose it to me? Can't you just keep hiding it?"Nangong Nayue's eyes flickered.

In her opinion, Lan Yufeng had a method to hide his spiritual power, and he just exposed it on purpose.

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain the strength of this spiritual power. This strength is comparable to some old generation vampires, and it is definitely not something that can be cultivated in a day or two.

"There is no other way. I want to become stronger. Na Yue-chan, I want to become a magic attack master."Lan Yufeng said his goal without hesitation.

If he becomes a magic attack master, he can enter and exit some places reasonably. At the same time, with an additional identity, he can also leave the String God Island and search for some red envelopes outside.

The red envelopes are randomly refreshed, and the time and place are unknown. Although there are few red envelopes outside, there are still some.

Lan Yufeng guessed that it should be in which area he is, that area refreshes more red envelopes

""Mage attacker?" Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng meaningfully."Are you sure?"

"I am serious."Lan Yufeng said firmly

""Okay." Nangong Nayue's eyes flickered, and she pointed the lace folding fan at Lan Yufeng."In that case, then attack with all your strength, and let me see your strength."

"Then I won't be polite."Lan Yufeng grinned and directly opened the first gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu.

Instant Step!

Spiritual power exploded under his feet, and Lan Yufeng's figure disappeared directly on the spot and appeared in front of Nangong Nayue. He punched out, and the air exploded, which seemed to show the power of this punch, enough to blow up the orc with one punch.

"Ding!!!" However, at the critical moment, Nangong Nayue's pupils shrank a little, and she used the Chain of Discipline to block Lan Yufeng's attack. Instantly, a shocking explosion sounded, causing the students of Caihai Academy to look outside in confusion.

"It's done, I passed the test." When Lan Yufeng was about to attack, Nangong Nayue said with amazement.

The attack just now really surprised her.

Although she was not as strong as that idiot Sasaki Misaki, her speed was really amazing, not much weaker than Sasaki Misaki.

You know, Sasaki Misaki is one of the four fist immortals, who can split the ground with bare hands, release beams of qigong waves from his hands, and has many urban legends.

Even if she faces this idiot Sasaki Misaki, it is still a headache.

"As expected of Na Yue, she is really strong."Hearing this, Lan Yufeng left the Eight Gates and sighed.

With the spiritual power converted from the primary energy source, his power increased a lot after he opened the Eight Gates. At the same time, the speed of instant step was undoubtedly much faster due to the burst of spiritual power, but Na Yue still saw through it and easily blocked the attack.

Of course, Lan Yufeng was not surprised by this result. After all, Nangong Na Yue was the strongest person closest to the True Ancestor class. It would be strange if he was not so strong.

"Lan Yufeng, you have a lot of secrets. I can't get any information from you, so I won't ask any more questions."Nangong Nayue said meaningfully."I will help you with the problem of the magician's certificate."

"By the way, Yue-chan, I want to be a free magician, not a national magician. I hate constraints."Lan Yufeng reminded

"Oh, I see."Nangong Nayue's expression remained unchanged. She had already guessed Lan Yufeng's thoughts.

"Okay, let's go back to class." Nangong Nayue retracted her magic power and the lock of discipline, and passed over Lan Yufeng's body.

In response, Lan Yufeng also left the rooftop leisurely.

The process was smoother than he imagined. Sure enough, Nayue was really reliable.

After returning to the class, when faced with Asan Cong and others asking what Nangong Nayue had said, Lan Yufeng also responded one by one.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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