At night, in the erased area, Lan Yufeng and Nangong Nayue appeared here

"I said,"Yue-chan, why did you call me here so late at night?" Lan Yufeng asked."I went out so late, Qian Cong thought I was doing something bad."

"I'm giving you a chance to show off." Nangong Nayue's black hair fluttered in the wind, she glanced at Lan Yufeng and said calmly

"Although I recognize your strength, I still need to follow the procedure. Tonight you have to kill an orc who sneaked in."

"Smuggled here? What's your purpose?" Lan Yufeng became serious and asked with a frown.

"We don’t know yet, but it’s very likely that they are orcs from the Black Death Emperor faction." Nangong Nayue explained slowly."If they are really from the Black Death Emperor faction, they came to Genshin Island at this delicate time, so they obviously have some conspiracy."

"Black Death Emperor..."Lan Yufeng's eyes flashed coldly, with murderous intent brewing. He was an extreme terrorist of orc supremacy. Four years ago in the ruins, he, Nagisa, and Akatsuki Kojou almost died because of the Black Death Emperor's faction led by the dead emperor's younger brother.

He always remembered this account.

"In this case, it is necessary to arrest this guy."Lan Yufeng exhaled lightly and said indifferently

"Where is he now?" Lan Yufeng asked

"I don't know. You need to search for this yourself."Nangong Nayue shook her head.

"Really? I understand."Lan Yufeng sighed and said nothing more.

An attacking magician not only needs strong strength, but also has to have good abilities in reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

However, Lan Yufeng was not in the mood to search slowly, as he had to go back early. Otherwise, Qian Cong would be worried about him.

So under the strange look of Nangong Nayue, Lan Yufeng used the most violent means.

He simply caught a demon living in the erasure area and beat him up, and then asked for information.

When he beat up the fifth demon, he finally got some useful information.

Under the violent threat of Lan Yufeng and the intimidation of Nangong Nayue's reputation, the orc trembled and revealed everything he knew.

There was indeed an orc named Mandeye who came to the erasure area. He conspired to lead the orcs here and sent invitations to some of the more irritable orcs.

"I have to say, although your method is a bit rough, it is still somewhat useful."Nangong Nayue saw Lan Yufeng knock the orc unconscious and threw him aside, and complained

"In terms of being well-informed, the demons in this area are undoubtedly stronger, so this method saves the most time."Lan Yufeng clapped his hands calmly.

Of course, these are one-sided statements. In fact, the silver red envelope refreshed on the orc had already exposed his location.

The reason why Lan Yufeng did this was simply to rationalize his behavior.

Otherwise, it would be too suspicious to go directly to the other party.

He couldn't explain why he knew the location.

"Next, we should arrest the principal offender. Lan Yufeng said to Nangong Nayue.

"Well, for this capture operation, I will not take action until you are about to die."Nangong Nayue said calmly."Of course, with your super-fast regeneration ability, it is a bit difficult to die."

"No problem. Just watch over there, Yue-chan." Lan Yufeng said with a smile."But it takes too much time to walk there, Yue-chan, give me a lift."

As soon as he finished speaking, a purple magic circle appeared under Lan Yufeng's feet, covering the two of them.

The next moment, the two of them disappeared directly into the magic circle.

In a relatively intact building in the erasure area, Lan Yufeng and Nangong Nayue appeared here.

As soon as the two of them appeared, they attracted the attention of the orcs here.

The black panther orc who was leading the group, his pupils condensed.

"The Void Witch!?"The Black Panther Orc Mand's face also changed drastically, staring at Nangong Nayue, solemn to the extreme, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"What? Void Witch!?"The other orcs also looked at Nangong Nayue in horror.

""Nanyue, you are really famous." Lan Yufeng said with a smile

"Lan Yufeng, before you tease me, please get rid of these orcs first."Nangong Nayue snorted

""Hey, I get it." Lan Yufeng grinned and rubbed his hands. The silk gloves were already on his hands.

"Wait, we didn't do anything, Mand forced us to come here." At this time, an orc raised his hands and surrendered with a horrified look on his face.

""Yes, yes, we are too!" The other orcs also quickly expressed their opinions.

They are members of the demon clan, and as long as they have not truly surrendered to the Black Death Emperor, they will at most be imprisoned for a period of time.

"Tsk, what a bunch of cowards. Well, I can understand that." Lan Yufeng smiled strangely."Although Yue-chan looks very cute, her strength is truly terrifying. Mandye, what do you think?"

"Humph, they are just a bunch of idiots whose claws and teeth have been worn out. Although Mand was also panicked, he could only pretend to be shocked and said angrily.

""I'll take care of you first, then I'll kill the Void Witch!" Mande also roared.

Just when Lan Yufeng thought he was going to fight to the death, this guy actually jumped directly into the sky, broke the ceiling, and tried to escape.

The ground even formed a pit due to the reaction force, so you can imagine how powerful he is.

"You want to run away now? Wishful thinking."Lan Yufeng snorted coldly, opened the three gates of Jingmen, Xiumen, and Shengmen in seconds, used the instant step, and chased after him.

"What!?"Mande, who jumped onto the rooftop, also noticed Lan Yufeng who appeared a little above him. His pupils shrank and his face was filled with astonishment.

"Get out of here." Lan Yufeng grinned and kicked him on the head.


Instantly, a powerful force erupted, and Mand fell from the sky like a cannonball, knocking down dozens of floors and even creating a big hole at the bottom. He lay in the hole with a dizzy head.

""Gudong!!!" This violent scene was seen by other orcs. They all swallowed their saliva and felt dizzy.

This kind of power was more orcish than theirs!

"Today on the rooftop, haven't you used all your strength yet?...This should be some kind of physical skill that can improve strength in a short period of time."Nangong Nayue's eyes were shining, looking at Lan Yufeng, who was free falling in the light green flame, and fell into deep thought.

""Little devil, you pissed me off!" At this time, Mandye's roar rang out.

He really didn't expect that Lan Yufeng was so strong. However

, now that the Void Witch Nangong Nayue is here, even if he is a high-level orc, the chance of escaping successfully is close to zero. In this case, it is better to exchange the life of this little devil!

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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