After the roar, a strong sound of breaking through the air appeared, and Mandye's three-meter-tall sturdy figure appeared in front of everyone again, with a ferocious face that looked very oppressive.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the big bump on his head and the messy body.

"As expected, high-level orcs are not that easy to deal with."Lan Yufeng frowned slightly and stared at Mandye in front of him.

He had already used all his strength in that kick just now, but he only kicked the other party out of a big bulge, and it was still a long way from killing him.

"Little devil, go to hell!"

At this time, Mand also roared, and rushed over like a cannonball, punching out, and the air exploded.

"Boom————!"In response, Lan Yufeng snorted coldly, and did not give in, punching out as well.

Instantly, the two fists of different sizes collided with each other, making a thunderous sound, and a strong wind burst out from the place where the two fists collided, blowing everyone's hair flying.

The relatively intact ground under the feet of the two people also had spider web cracks.

""Equally matched." Nangong Nayue shook her head and said,"No, Lan Yufeng is at a disadvantage."

Lan Yufeng is in a special burst state now, and it is impossible to maintain this strength.

If it continues, it will be very disadvantageous to Lan Yufeng, because the orcs are extremely resistant to beatings and have strong endurance. This is especially true for high-level orcs.

"We'll do it later." Nangong Nayue shook her head.

If the target of the magic attack assessment task is a high-level orc, the difficulty is too high. If the general magic attack task is so difficult, the current magic attack will be reduced by at least 80%.

At this time, Lan Yufeng's eyes flashed slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared, appearing behind Mandeye. He kicked his neck with a roundhouse kick, kicking him out like a cannonball, knocking down the wall and smashing to the ground outside.

Of course, this kick seemed to be very heavy, and Mandeye screamed and spit out blood, but he was still very energetic.

After kicking Mandeye away, Lan Yufeng chased after him.

"Move the battlefield? But you're right, this kind of place is not conducive to fighting."

Nangong Nayue glanced at the floor that was mostly broken, full of cracks and holes, shook her head, and disappeared in the magic circle, going to the ground below to watch the battle.

The group of orcs who were ignored all looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and gritted their teeth and couldn't help but go to watch the battle.

Such a high-level hand-to-hand combat is rare. Not to mention that one of them is an orc.

When they arrived at the new battlefield, they couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling, because there were large holes all around, and Mande was also covered with scars, with a swollen nose and face, looking very embarrassed.

In comparison, Lan Yufeng didn't have a single scar on his body.

"Boy, how long can you hold on? This move of yours is very tiring. Although I can't keep up with your speed, don't even think about killing me."Mande also grinned.

Because he was beaten with scars all over his body, his nose and face were swollen, and his already ferocious face looked even more terrifying.

"Forget it, Lan Yufeng, you have already passed the test, so let me do it."At this time, Nangong Nayue shook her head and said in a deep voice.

As she spoke, a powerful magic power appeared on her body, and the chains of discipline also swayed.

""Nanyue, don't steal the credit. Didn't we agree to let me come?" Lan Yufeng panted slightly and teased

"Your strength is not enough to kill the high-level orcs. If you continue to fight, you will lose."Nangong Nayue shook her head.

"Well, that's true. So I'll show you something more interesting."Lan Yufeng smiled lightly, and his muscles swelled a little.

""The fourth gate, the wound gate! Open!" Lan Yufeng shouted in a low voice.

In an instant, the light green aura on Lan Yufeng's body rose again and turned into dark green. Lan Yufeng's aura and spiritual power were obviously improved by a large margin.

"It can actually explode again! ?" This scene made Nangong Nayue's pupils condense, and her face was full of shock.

This is the third explosion.

When it was on the rooftop, it was the first explosion, and before that, it was the second explosion. Now there is another explosion, and the power increased is even greater than before.

This kind of physical skill is very high-level. Where did Lan Yufeng get it from? And he secretly practiced it successfully....

Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng in doubt and fell into deep thought.

"Boy, you are still hiding your strength?"Mande's pupils shrank even more, his face full of disbelief. The orcs' intuition is very accurate. Lan Yufeng is now truly in the shadow of death.

"There is no need to explain this to you."Lan Yufeng looked at Mandye indifferently.

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. Before Mandye could react, he appeared a little above him and punched the air, hitting him on the head with a strong sonic boom.


Instantly, there was a strong cracking sound in Mandye's head, his skull exploded, his brain collapsed, and his whole body was smashed to the ground, forming a large pit with a radius of more than ten meters.

One hit, killed!

"Holy crap!!!"


This shocking scene made all the orcs open their eyes and mouths wide, exclaiming and swallowing saliva one after another, looking at Mandeye who fell to the ground in the pit and Lan Yufeng who landed calmly.

At this time, all the orcs were glad that they did not join the group. Otherwise, even Mandeye's head would have been blown up, not to mention these low-level orcs.

How come the current human magic attackers are like beasts!?

They all doubted their lives.

"Well done." Nangong Nayue came to Lan Yufeng and exclaimed."Your physical skills are very good."

""It's okay." Lan Yufeng came out of the state of the Eight Gates of Dunjia and felt a little weak, but it was okay. He smiled and said to Nangong Nayue

"There are no side effects. It seems to be more advanced than I thought."Seeing Lan Yufeng return to his normal state, Nangong Nayue exclaimed.

However, although she was amazed, Nangong Nayue did not ask more questions. Everyone has their own secrets, but Lan Yufeng has more secrets.

Of course, even if she asked, she probably wouldn't get anything out of it. It's better to tacitly avoid this topic.

"Wait, if you beat him to death, how can we ask for information?" Nangong Nayue suddenly remembered this and said with a twitch in the corner of her eye.

"Uh, I didn't control the strength well." Hearing this, Lan Yufeng was also stunned for a moment and smiled awkwardly

"That Yue-chan, there are these guys here, I think we can get something out of them." Then, Lan Yufeng pointed at the orcs who were watching the fun and reminded them:

"That's right, let's leave here." Nangong Nayue sighed."Although I don't think I can get any useful information."

Then, Nangong Nayue used space magic to take this group of honest orcs away, leaving Lan Yufeng alone in the wind.

"Damn, Yue-chan, are you taking revenge on me?"Lan Yufeng stood in the big pit, feeling a little annoyed.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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