"Forget it, let's open the silver red envelope first."Lan Yufeng sighed lightly and looked at the silver red envelope in front of him.

On a lonely night, only the silver red envelope could soothe his young heart.

Then, Lan Yufeng stretched out his hand and lightly tapped the silver red envelope in front of him.

In an instant, the light was bright and an object flew out. This object made Lan Yufeng's face full of confusion, and the whole person was messy in the wind.

Because, it turned out to be a blue and white stripe original...

Damn, silver-level red envelopes can open these messy things!?

The next second, the voice of the system sounded, causing Lan Yufeng's mouth to twitch wildly. Because he completely underestimated the degree of the system's pitfalls.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and getting a piece of Nangong Nayue's original flavor"

"Phew, the original flavor of Yue sauce...Is Na Yue still wearing the blue and white stripes?"Lan Yufeng covered his forehead, feeling the urge to complain.

Suddenly, a dazzling purple magic circle appeared in front of Lan Yufeng, and Nangong Na Yue's figure appeared in Lan Yufeng's eyes again.

However, Lan Yufeng obviously noticed Nangong Na Yue's stiff expression.

Mmp, Na Yue won't find out what the dog system did. If so, Na Yue will definitely throw me into the sea to feed the sharks.

The expression should be natural, natural, as if nothing happened.

Lan Yufeng smiled and looked at Nangong Na Yue, his face full of joy.

"Na Yue-chan, I knew you wouldn't abandon me!"

"......!"Nangong Nayue looked gloomy, staring at Lan Yufeng for a few seconds.

Even if it was a True Ancestor, it would be impossible for him to do such a thing under her nose. This strange situation was incomprehensible to even the experienced Nangong Nayue, and she felt a rare sense of shame and anger.

"Um, Yue-chan, why are you staring at me with such a scary look? I'm a little scared."Lan Yufeng said nervously

"Nothing, let's go."Nangong Nayue exhaled lightly without saying anything more.

The next moment, the magic circle was activated, and Lan Yufeng was easily sent back to the vicinity of the apartment.

Since it is impossible to understand, then just treat it as an abnormal situation when using space magic.....

After returning home and saying hello to Qian Cong, Lan Yufeng took a shower and went to bed. So many things happened, and he was almost screwed by the dog system. He was very tired.

The next day, after class, Lan Yufeng was invited by Nangong Nayue to go to her house.

This made Lan Yufeng very happy. After all, Nangong Nayue's family had a silver-level red envelope, and he had planned to find an excuse to go to Nangong Nayue's house in the evening. Nangong Nayue

's house was very luxurious, on the top floor of the building. Its decoration and size were not inferior to a five-star presidential suite, which made Lan Yufeng despise it.

Tsk, evil capitalism.

"This is the magic attack master's certificate, keep it."Nangong Nayue sat on the luxurious sofa in the living room, drinking black tea, and handed a special certificate to Lan Yufeng with one hand, saying calmly

"Not bad, not bad, the photo is quite handsome."After receiving the certificate, Lan Yufeng looked at the photo on it and said proudly

""Narcissist." Nangong Nayue said with disgust.

Of course, although she was disgusted, Nangong Nayue did not deny that Lan Yufeng was indeed good-looking and was considered a handsome guy.

"So, Yue-chan, did you get any information out of him?" Lan Yufeng recalled what happened yesterday and asked

"It just confirmed that Mande is indeed a cadre of the Black Death Emperor, and there are no other clues."Nangong Nayue glared at Lan Yufeng and said with an unhappy face."It was you who killed him with one punch."

"You can't blame me for this. Who knew he was so weak?"Lan Yufeng spread his hands innocently.

"Tsk, you guy..."Hearing this, Nangong Nayue smacked her lips and said nothing more.

Lan Yufeng's outburst last night was indeed difficult to control.

However, looking at Lan Yufeng's innocent and unpleasant expression, she had a strange idea.

"Then Yuejiang, you asked me to come to your house, so you must have something else to tell me."Lan Yufeng touched his chin and said meaningfully

""Yeah." Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng in surprise, then nodded.

"Do you know the Kingdom of Aldikia?" Nangong Nayue put down the teacup and said softly.

"The Kingdom of Aldikia, I am not illiterate, of course I know."Lan Yufeng shrugged and said casually.

The Kingdom of Aldikia is a constitutional monarchy located in Northern Europe, ruled by the Lihavain royal family.

The territory borders the"War King's Territory", and has accumulated a lot of experience in fighting against demons over a long period of time. The anti-demon weapons developed are at the world's leading level. The women of the royal family have been powerful mediums from generation to generation.

And Yezane Natsune is of Aldikia royal blood and is the illegitimate daughter of the previous king. Therefore, her identity is very special.

In the Kingdom of Aldikia, Lan Yufeng likes the heroine, the first princess La Freya Lihavain.

"Why did it get to the Kingdom of Aldikia?" Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"The Kingdom of Aldikia intends to come to Xianshen Island for a friendly visit."Nangong Nayue said calmly."In a week, the first princess, La Fulia Lihawain, will be sent as an envoy."

""Hmm?" These words made Lan Yufeng look strange.

He remembered that in the original book, La Freya came some time after the plot started, and her purpose was also for Ye Se Natsune. Now she came so early?

"Their target is the White Tiger Shadow?" Lan Yufeng pondered.

"The answer is correct. Although no one knows what the phantom is now, because it appeared above the Genshin Island for the first time, many forces speculated that it was related to the Genshin Island."

Nangong Nayue said with annoyance

"��Many forces have conducted interviews or sent agents to investigate. However, the Kingdom of Aldikia is more high-profile and directly sent the first princess."

"I see. But you said so much, it seems to have nothing to do with me, right?"Lan Yufeng spread his hands and curled his lips.

Although he created the white tiger phantom, who would know if he didn't admit it? The only ones who would have a headache would be the top leaders of Xianshen Island.

Well, although his father Lan Yuxianzhai is a member of the Xianshen City Council and one of the top leaders of Xianshen Island,...Does this count as cheating my dad too? That's the question....

Lan Yufeng fell into deep thought for a moment.

"Originally, it really had nothing to do with you, but La Fulia specifically asked you to be her temporary guard, so I'm sorry to bother hiring you." Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yufeng with a subtle look."The hiring fee is 1 million per day."

(ps; please collect, reward, flower, vote, support, QAQ~)

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