"Let's have a fight."What Nangong Nayue could see, Marcus, an old generation vampire who had lived for who knows how long, could also see.

But because he could see it, he accepted it. Anyway, a fight would not hurt him. If he won, he could get the so-called intelligence, and he could also teach this suspicious student a lesson.

In that case, the Void Witch would have nothing to say.

As for losing? He felt that he could not lose. As an old generation vampire with a powerful beast, how could a mere high school student beat him?

"Just accept it." Lan Yufeng grinned and looked at Nangong Nayue.

"Then Yue-chan, could you please move us to a suitable battlefield? An erased area or an uninhabited deserted island will do."

"I suddenly feel that coming here with you is a very bad choice."Nangong Nayue glared at Lan Yufeng unhappily.

No matter how you look at it, this guy deliberately called her to become a free teleporter.

Although she said so, Nangong Nayue still unfolded the magic circle. The huge purple magic circle wrapped around the feet of the three people.

The next moment, the figures of the three people disappeared from this office and appeared on an uninhabited deserted island where Lixian Shendao was competing.

"Spatial ability is really convenient."Standing on the beach of the deserted island, Lan Yufeng looked at the distant Xianshen Island, which turned into a dot, and muttered."It actually crossed a distance of at least tens of kilometers in an instant."

Marcus looked at Nangong Nayue with fear. This kind of spatial ability is indeed extremely difficult to deal with. Whether it is chasing the enemy or escaping, the enemy has no way.

Even the True Ancestor can't deal with Nangong Nayue.

It's not that he can't beat him, but that he can't kill him. Nangong Nayue wants to leave, and the True Ancestor can't stop him

"The venue is ready, let's play quickly." Nangong Nayue said calmly."I have something else to do."

"Well, since Yue-chan said so, let's get started."Lan Yufeng nodded and slightly distanced himself to show fairness.

Marcus Lapolia also had amazing magic power on his body, and his arms turned dark red.

The next moment, a hissing sound was heard in the sky, and a huge flaming bird appeared in front of everyone.

"The old generation vampire's familiar, its deterrent power is indeed not comparable to those small fish in the erasure area."Lan Yufeng glanced at the firebird and praised it slightly.

Although Marcus was killed by Astraluti in the original book. But Astraluti can only be stronger. After all, the familiar"Rose Fingers" in the body of Astraluti, an artificial life form, is more powerful and has the characteristic of absorbing magic power.

""Melcano, go!" Marcus quickly retreated and gave the order in a deep voice.

Instantly, the Moltres screamed, spread its wings, and ejected a large number of flame bombs from its mouth, bombarding Lan Yufeng.

""The fourth gate, the wound gate, open!" Lan Yufeng did not act rashly and directly opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia. The dark green flames enveloped Lan Yufeng, which improved his body functions comprehensively.

The next moment, Lan Yufeng rushed out like lightning and dodged all the flame bullets.

"What!?"Looking at the disappearing Lan Yufeng, Marcus' pupils shrank.

"Come out, my second beast!" With his rich combat experience, he summoned his second beast without hesitation.

A crustacean beast stood in front of him.

""Bang!!!!!!"At this moment, Lan Yufeng also appeared and punched the carapace.

A huge roar appeared, the beach collapsed, the wind was blowing, the carapace was dented, but it still defended firmly.

Just when Lan Yufeng was about to continue the attack, the crustacean followers closed directly and protected Marcus.

Under normal circumstances, Marcus would not want to use this method of self-protection. Because the restrictions are too great. If he does not move, he will be a living target.

But Lan Yufeng's speed is too fast, and his eyes can't keep up. If he doesn't do this, he will be killed in seconds.

"A familiar beast that didn't appear in the original novel? You really can't trust anime completely."Lan Yufeng's eyes narrowed.

As an old generation vampire, how could he not have a way to protect himself.

Lan Yufeng guessed that the reason for the disastrous defeat in the original novel was that the magic power of the firebird was completely devoured by Astraluti's [Rose Fingers], resulting in insufficient magic power and being knocked down directly.

At this time, the firebird in the sky screamed again, and the fire bombs fell like raindrops.

It fell on the beach and formed a shocking explosion, rolling up a large amount of flames

"It's overwhelmingly unfavorable, what are you going to do next?"Nangong Nayue's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked calmly at Lan Yufeng who was dodging the fire bombs on the battlefield.

""Tsk, there's nothing I can do." Lan Yufeng frowned.

Now he only had two ways to break the impasse. Open the fifth or even the sixth door and destroy the turtle shell. Or kill the firebird and then slowly deal with the turtle shell.

Unfortunately, he had no fire resistance, and being burned was no joke. Killing the firebird was quite risky.

"However, there are ways to deal with the firebird."Lan Yufeng's mouth curled slightly.

The firebird's followers are made up of magic power. And he just happened to have a way to restrain them.

The next moment, a red spear appeared in Lan Yufeng's right hand. It was the red rose that could break the magic.

At the moment of holding the red rose that could break the magic, Lan Yufeng naturally became familiar with the spear skills, which surprised him a little. He didn't expect there would be such a benefit.

But it's good this way, otherwise, he would probably have to use the treasure as a stick to smash it.

"Unknown weapon?"At this time, Nangong Nayue also noticed the treasure that suddenly appeared in Lan Yufeng's hand. She couldn't help but be surprised. She didn't understand how this weapon appeared. There was no spatial fluctuation, but it appeared out of thin air.

"Lan Yufeng, you have so many secrets."

Nangong Nayue's eyes lit up and she muttered.

Suddenly, Lan Yufeng jumped into the sky and rushed straight towards the firebird like a rocket.

This made Nangong Nayue stunned. This was too arrogant. The air was not as flexible as on the ground, and it was easy to be hit.

Just as Nangong Nayue expected, the firebird sprayed a huge flame bomb again, and it blasted straight at Lan Yufeng.

Marcus saw this scene through a tiny gap in the shell, and shook his head, thinking that Lan Yufeng had too little combat experience.

However, the next moment, he and Nangong Nayue were both stunned, their eyes widened a lot, and their faces were full of astonishment.

Facing the huge flame bomb, Lan Yufeng directly shot it in half, and actually split the flame bomb in half!

And Lan Yufeng took advantage of the gap to rush straight to the firebird and fired another shot.

The magic-breaking gun directly cut off the head of the firebird!

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, and votes to support, QAQ~)

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