"————!"Seeing Lan Yufeng cut off the head of the firebird with one shot, Nangong Nayue and Marcus' pupils shrank.

The whole body of the firebird is made up of magic power, and ordinary guns can't do this at all.

"Demon-Breaking Spear..."Nangong Nayue opened her pink lips slightly, her face was subtle."Where did this kid get this high-end stuff?"

The world's most famous Demon-Destroying Spear is the Lion King's Seven-Type Assault Demon-Destroying Machine Gun and the remaining Demon-Destroying Soldiers.

This red spear may not be as good as the Seven-Type Assault Demon-Destroying Machine Gun, but other weapons are comparable.

After being cut off the head by the Demon-Destroying Spear, even the Firebird can only turn into magic power and dissipate in the air, returning to the other world.

Lan Yufeng fell from the sky, intending to knock over the turtle shell below.

"I give up."However, before Lan Yufeng could make a move, Marcus came out of the shell beast, raised his hands, and quickly expressed his position.

Without his only output beast, it would be a death wish to continue fighting. Not to mention, the magic-breaking gun in Lan Yufeng's hand made his scalp numb.

Being stabbed would definitely be fatal.

"Then I win." Lan Yufeng smiled and took back the magic-breaking red rose, and at the same time left the state of the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

""Yeah." Marcus nodded depressedly.

Are all the high school students in Genshinjima so awesome? Any random person would beat him up.

"Done."The moment Marcus finished speaking, the silver red envelope on his body flew towards Lan Yufeng.

In response, Lan Yufeng lightly nodded.

Instantly, the silver red envelope lit up, and an item flew out.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver-level red envelope and obtaining the medium-level gene enhancement liquid."

Medium-level gene enhancement liquid: after taking it, it can eliminate impurities in the body, optimize genes, and greatly improve physical strength.

The system's voice also sounded.

""Hey, medium gene enhancement liquid? This stuff is good." Hearing this, Lan Yufeng's eyes lit up. With his current physical fitness, opening four doors is already the limit. If he opens the fifth door, his body will collapse.

Although he has the ability of super-speed regeneration and can open it hard, it still means that his body can't bear it. Not to mention the sixth door.

It is obviously very good to be able to improve his physical fitness again now. That means that his strength limit will be greatly increased again.

"Lan Yujun, what is the information you are talking about? I am willing to trade with you."Marcus exhaled lightly and said in a deep voice.

Acknowledging Lan Yufeng's strength, he naturally believed what Lan Yufeng said before.

"Well, the so-called deal is just a joke. I just want to fight with you."Lan Yufeng waved his hand and said casually

"————!"Hearing this, Nangong Nayue and Marcus' faces darkened, feeling that they had been tricked.

"However, since we had a good fight, I will remind you."Lan Yufeng suddenly became serious and said slowly

"In the next two months, you'd better not walk at night, or you'll be killed."

"......."Hearing this, Marcus' mouth twitched, and he felt a pain in his balls. Do you think I will still believe you? And what you said is totally unfounded, it's just a threat to me.

"I see..."Marcus said with a dark face. He was tricked into a fight for no reason and lost. How could he be in a good mood?

Seeing that Marcus didn't believe him, Lan Yufeng shrugged and said nothing more.

He kindly reminded him for the sake of the silver red envelope. If he didn't listen, it would be none of his business if he was chopped by Rudolf Ostach, the teacher from the Western European Church.

""Okay, let's go back. Nayue-chan, I'm counting on you." Lan Yufeng smiled and waved at Nangong Nayue, who looked unhappy.

In response, Nangong Nayue glared at Lan Yufeng with murderous intent and transferred all three of them back.

"Tell me, what do you know?"Nangong Nayue asked after returning home.

""What do I know? I don't know anything. I just want to fight with Markas and test the power of the Demon-Breaking Spear." Lan Yufeng asked in confusion.

"Just keep pretending...."Nangong Nayue sneered

"So, where did you get your Demon-Breaking Spear?"Nangong Nayue asked in a deep voice.

Although she knew that Lan Yufeng would probably not tell her, she still wanted to ask. After all, this matter was too important. Not to mention at such a delicate juncture.

If it was exposed, the Lion King Agency would probably be interested in this strange Demon-Breaking Spear.

"I picked it up. In the toilet of Yue Jiajiang."Lan Yufeng said seriously.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Nangong Nayue crossed her arms across her chest, with murderous intent in her eyes. She even summoned the Chain of Discipline."Or do you want me to discipline you recently?"

"No one believes the truth these days."Lan Yufeng pressed his brows, feeling a little distressed.

The red rose that broke the magic was opened from a red envelope in the toilet of Yue's family. It's not wrong to say that it was picked up in the toilet.

"Forget it. I can see you are just making up all sorts of excuses. I don't want to ask anymore. Go away. I feel uncomfortable just looking at your face."Nangong Nayue snorted coldly. She was used enough by Lan Yufeng today and acted as his errand boy. She was in a very bad mood now. If Lan Yufeng said something that deserved a beating again. Nangong Nayue felt that she would turn on some strange switch and tie up Lan Yufeng and beat him.

Seeing that Nangong Nayue was angry, she sent the guest away directly. Lan Yufeng didn't say much and left here with a smile.

In the past few years, Nangong Nayue helped him a lot and saved his life several times. He always remembered it in his heart.

When he is able, he will repay her well. For example, he will settle the prison barrier.

Lan Yufeng's eyes flashed slightly.

After returning home, Lan Yufeng went directly to the bathroom and drank the medium gene strengthening liquid.

In an instant, Lan Yufeng felt hot all over his body, and black impurities appeared all over his body.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, turned on the shower to wash his body, and then took a nice bath.

When everything was done, he found that his strength had indeed increased significantly.

If the original physical strength is compared to 1, then his current physical strength is estimated to be 3

"This feeling of becoming stronger is really refreshing."Lan Yufeng was lying in the bathtub, sighing comfortably.

Of course, after using the medium gene enhancement liquid, his skin became white, making Lan Yufeng suspected of becoming a gigolo. However

, there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, with the temperature of Genshin Island, he will be tanned into a healthy wheat color again after a while.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flower, vote, support, QAQ~)

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