"You've been soaking in the water for long enough, let's go out." Lan Yufeng stretched and stood up.

However, when he was about to go out, the bathroom door was opened, and Lan Yufeng was stunned.

Not only Lan Yufeng was stunned, but also Lan Yu Qiancong who had just walked in was stunned.

It was such a hot day, and she was sweating a lot after returning home, so she planned to take a cold shower, but she didn't expect that someone would come in.

"Um, light green onion..."Lan Yufeng's mouth twitched, and he quickly covered his 18 cm Dark Flame Dragon

"......!"Lan Yuqian's pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thinking back to the scene that just appeared in her mind, her heartbeat quickened a lot.

"Idiot! Why didn't you lock the door when you took a bath?"Lan Yu Qiancong gritted her teeth and said angrily.

"forget..."Lan Yufeng admitted his mistake decisively."Sorry."

He had never locked the door before, but he had never encountered such an embarrassing situation. After all, he never took a bath at this time.���Too much, after all, she is a girl who likes cleanliness

"Stupid Feng." Lan Yu Qian Cong glared at Lan Yu Feng and then closed the door.

"so big...Obviously, he was so small when he was a child...."Lan Yu Qian Cong leaned against the door, his eyes flickering, and he muttered something.

Then, Lan Yu Qian Cong patted his face and left.

"What's the big deal?"Lan Yufeng also sighed speechlessly.

After shaking his head, Lan Yufeng also put on his clothes. The most convenient thing on hot days is to wear fewer clothes.

After Lan Yufeng left the bathroom, Lan Yu Qiancong rushed into the bathroom with her clothes, making Lan Yufeng touch her nose.

Then, the atmosphere between the two was a little strange, which made Lan Yufeng a little helpless.

Although they took a bath together when they were young, this was the first time they were so frank with each other after growing up.

Time passed, and a week passed in a blink of an eye.

During this week, Lan Yufeng attended classes as usual, and if he had time, he would open the refreshed bronze red envelopes.

Unfortunately, the bronze red envelopes are still so pits, and you can't get any good things at all. The best of them are snacks, which saved Lan Yufeng a lot of pocket money....Congratulations! Congratulations!...

Today is the day when Princess La Fulia arrives at Genshin Island, and for this reason, Lan Yufeng was granted leave by Nangong Nayue to protect La Fulia.

When Lan Yufeng saw La Fulia, his eyes lit up.

She was wearing a black military uniform, with long straight silver hair, delicate facial features, and her pupils were as blue and delicate as those of Yeze Natsune, and her skin was fair.

However, compared to the still growing Yeze Natsune, La Fulia is undoubtedly a mature apple, with a graceful figure that makes people's heart beat.

And her temperament gives people a feeling of nobility and maturity, worthy of the identity of the first princess of the Kingdom of Aldikia.

Of course, this is just an initial impression. When La Fulia saw Lan Yufeng, her noble temperament in diplomacy disappeared directly, and she became very amiable.

"Feng Jun, hello, I am La Fulia Lihawain, you can just call me La Fulia."La Fulia held Lan Yufeng's hands and said with a smile."I'll leave the rest of the day to you."

""Yeah." Lan Yufeng looked at the girl in front of him, smiling, and nodded calmly.

He didn't have any extra thoughts about La Fulia calling him by his name when they first met.

After all, La Fulia was basically very enthusiastic about people who were interested in her, and her maid always instilled some strange knowledge in her, which made her have some subtle differences in Japanese culture.

At the same time, La Fulia was the most suitable woman to become the harem master of a man who dreamed of having a harem.

It's not about ability or appearance. In terms of these two aspects, there are still many girls in this world who can compare with La Fulia. The reason why it is suitable is the concept.

Lan Yufeng remembered that La Fulia was a girl who highly respected the harem system....This alone is enough to please countless men, not to mention the status of the first princess.

If you marry her, you can imagine how happy it would be.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng also looked at the conditions for opening the silver-level red envelope on La Fulia.

After seeing it clearly, Lan Yufeng's eyes twitched slightly. The condition was to let La Fulia confess to him.

Although Lan Yufeng was confident that he could do it, it was definitely not something that could be done in a short period of time.

"Next, let's go play. I'm very curious about Genshin Island."

At this time, seeing that Lan Yufeng didn't show any strange expression because of her identity as a princess, and treated her with a very peaceful attitude, Lavlia's eyes lit up and her face was full of smiles.

""Okay. Then I'll take you around, La Fulia." Lan Yufeng smiled and said calmly.

This scene was seen by the guards of the Kingdom of Aldikia, all of whom frowned. They couldn't understand why the princess would be so enthusiastic about a magician. And she was a high school student who had just become a magician....

"By the way, you don't have to follow me."La Fulia seemed to remember something and said to her guards

"Princess, this won't do...."Hearing this, the guard's face changed.

"Don't refuse, or I'll complain to you when I get back." La Fulia snorted.

"......"The guard's face darkened.

The title of"Black-hearted Princess" is really correct....

Seeing this scene, Lan Yufeng couldn't help but look strange.

"Don't worry, Feng Jun is here, and I'm not weak, nothing will happen."La Fulia said softly."Besides, this is the Demon Special Zone, very few demons dare to mess around on the street."

These words blocked the guards' mouths, leaving them speechless.

""Let's go and have a look around." La Fulia led the way with a smile. Lan Yufeng walked side by side with her.

Then, La Fulia went to wherever she thought was interesting, which made Lan Yufeng fully realize how curious the princess was.

A few hours later, Lan Yufeng and La Fulia sat down at a stone table with a parasol, eating ice cream.

"This city is pretty good, but it's a little too hot, Feng, what do you think?"La Fulia took a bite of ice cream and sighed.

"Maybe." Lan Yufeng shrugged and didn't answer directly.

There are too many conspiracies and secrets on Xianshen Island, and there is also a lot of darkness behind it. The brilliance on the surface cannot be taken seriously.

"However, La Fulia, your purpose of coming to Xianshen Island is not just for inspection and tourism, right?" Lan Yufeng changed the subject and asked casually.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes and support, QAQ~)

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