"I came here for you, too." La Filia said softly, holding her hair lightly."I am very curious. I am very interested in you, a boy who shines so brightly at the Flame Feast."

"So after really getting to know each other, are you a little disillusioned?" Lan Yufeng said jokingly.

"No, it's the opposite. I'm becoming more and more interested in you." La Fulia shook her head and smiled.

"At the same time, I felt relieved. Then, La Fulia added meaningfully:

"......"Hearing this, Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered.

He could naturally hear the meaning of La Fulia's words. It meant that he was trustworthy, and she was more confident in Yeze Natsune.

"To be honest, you look a lot like a girl I know. Her name is Yeze Natsune. She also has silver hair, blue eyes, and even her facial features are somewhat similar. But her personality is very different."Lan Yufeng said meaningfully.

"Xia Yin, she is my aunt. La Fulia did not hide it, but said it directly."She is my grandfather's illegitimate daughter. Because her identity is too sensitive, it will bring shame to the royal family if it is spread out, so the public does not know Xia Yin's identity."

"Why are you telling me these secrets?" Lan Yufeng smiled playfully."Aren't you afraid that I will spread it?"

"Anyway, you can guess it even if I don't tell you." La Fulia ate the last bit of ice cream, licked the cream on her fingers, and said casually

"You are a princess, don't you pay attention to your image?"

Looking at La Fulia's slightly erotic actions, Lan Yufeng rolled his eyes.

"Why pay so much attention to it? Life is so tiring."La Fulia muttered

"Let's get back to the original topic. The reason I told you so much is just to ask you to take good care of Xia Yin."La Fulia said seriously.

"Xia Yin is now adopted by a man named Kensei Yeze. Although Kensei Yeze is the brother of Xia Yin's mother, I personally think he is very dangerous and may do something to hurt Xia Yin."

"......."Hearing this, Lan Yufeng really admired La Freya. She had a very accurate vision of people and things. She had already guessed some things by intuition even though she didn't know about Kensei Yease's plan. It wasn't just that Natsune Yease was in danger, but La Freya would also be in danger in the future. Kensei

Yease's angel-making plan was targeting the royal bloodline of the Kingdom of Aldikia. After all, the women of the royal family were powerful mediums from generation to generation.

"Xia Yin is my friend and my proud junior. I will protect her well without you saying anything."Lan Yufeng touched his face and said softly.

Although the words were light, the weight of them made La Fulia feel it.

""Thank you." La Fulia blinked and thanked him with a smile.

Sure enough, she was right. Xia Yin felt much more at ease with such a reliable man by her side.

"You're welcome. Would you like to continue shopping instead of this?" Lan Yufeng asked

"Of course I am going shopping." La Fulia stood up and stretched lazily.

"Hey, hey, hey, look over there, there's a pretty girl!"

"Really, very beautiful! Come on, let's go chat up."

Suddenly, two voices sounded, causing Lan Yufeng and La Fulia to frown and look over.

Under their gaze, two bad guys came over. From the demon registration bracelets on their wrists, it can be seen that the two people's race

"I didn't expect to be hit on." La Fulia giggled, feeling very amused."Feng Jun, I'm counting on you."

"There are so many idle demons in this city."Lan Yufeng sighed.

He had some impression of these two demons. Aren't these the two extras who were courting death at the beginning?

"I'll give you a chance. Leave here immediately, or you won't be beaten by me."Lan Yufeng said slowly.

"Hey, who do you think you are?" The yellow-haired vampire sneered.

"Hey, woman over there, we are much better than this bean sprout, let us go shopping with you."The orc companion beside him also said loudly.

Hearing this, Lan Yufeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with them. He punched the two guys away in an instant. Instantly

, under the exclamations of passers-by, the orc was directly hit on the telephone pole, revealing his original form.

As for the vampire, he fell to the ground and vomited blood. Compared with the orcs, the vampire's physique is undoubtedly much weaker.

"You, you really dare to do it!"The yellow-haired vampire struggled to get up, his face full of anger.

At the same time, there was a fluctuation of magic power on his body, his right leg turned dark red, and he directly summoned his beast. A beast with flames all over its body, as big as a commercial vehicle, and shaped like a horse appeared in front of him.

When he summoned his beast, a shrill alarm sounded. All the surrounding shops opened their protective doors. Passers-by also screamed and stayed away from this side.

"These demons are really messing around."Lan Yufeng curled his lips. In the past few days, the demons he encountered often used magic power on the street. They were stupid.

So there is a reason why ordinary people don't want to mix with demons. Because if you are not careful, you will get hurt.

"superior...!"At this moment, when the vampire was about to order an attack, Lan Yufeng's figure disappeared in an instant and appeared a little in front of the beast.

"Phew————!"The next moment, the red spear in Lan Yufeng's hand flashed a red cold light in the air and directly pierced through the body of the beast.

""Woo!!!!" The beast was shot through, and it could only let out a mournful cry before disappearing into the air. It was killed instantly.

After killing the beast instantly, Lan Yufeng pointed the red spear in his hand directly at the throat of the yellow-haired vampire, with a cold look in his eyes.

"————!"This made the yellow-haired vampire tremble all over. The murderous intent in Lan Yufeng's eyes was real. And this red spear made his hair stand on end.

For this reason, he sat down on the ground with a face full of fear, and Lan Yufeng's pupils suddenly enlarged as if in a nightmare.

On the other side, La Fulia watched this scene with great interest, her eyes shining.

Lan Yufeng's speed just now, and this red spear that obviously had the property of breaking magic, aroused her strong curiosity.

"Next time I see you flirting with a girl, I'll kick your thing to pieces." Lan Yufeng said coldly. Before he could nod, Lan Yufeng swept his gun across and directly knocked him out. He spit out blood in the air, his bones shattered, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

After dealing with these, Lan Yufeng put the red spear back into the system storage space.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, and votes to support me, QAQ~)

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