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"Ann, no....Probably." Lan Yufeng said seriously.

"What does 'probably' mean? Probably!"Serafall leaned forward, crawled over, and grabbed Lan Yufeng's arm frantically, her emotions were extremely excited."Promise me a good promise."

"How about taking back what I just said?"Lan Yufeng smiled at Serafall who was approaching from a close distance and said slowly.

"......"This made Serafall's expression stiffen. After struggling for a few times, she gave up resisting and sat back silently.

Well, it's better to have an unreliable promise than no promise at all.

Serafall didn't realize that because of the photo shooting, she didn't care about taking off her clothes.

So, everything is afraid of comparison. Because she felt that taking pictures was more serious, most of her mind was focused on that.

Then, Serafall took a deep breath and acted quickly, regardless of shame. She planned to learn from Gurefia to take off her clothes quickly in a few seconds and not give Lan Yufeng a chance.

However, when her expression collapsed to the extreme and she took off her skirt, Lan Yufeng calmly used the Star Cup to stop time for a short time, leisurely took out his mobile phone, and with a click, took the best picture.

Well, in order to save Serafall's shameful expression and movements, he didn't mind playing a little trick.

Then, when she was taking off her clothes, Lan Yufeng stopped time and took a picture with a click, and calmly threw the phone into the system storage space.

When Serafall saw that Lan Yufeng did not move, she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she felt a little uneasy and thought something was wrong,

""Tsk tsk tsk, what a stunner." Lan Yufeng glanced at Serafall and Gurefia, who now only had some simple decorations, with a proud look on his face.

Serafall was so proud that she wanted to punch him.

"The fourth requirement is to act like a cat and meow ten times." Lan Yufeng stroked his chin, thought for a moment, and said slowly.

""Learn, learn to meow!" Serafall stared at Lan Yufeng blankly.

The scene of making a meow punch and a cute"meow~" appeared in her mind.

Ah! No, I want to die! I want to die so much! I want to die immediately!

Serafall covered her face and could no longer look at herself.

What was she like before? Why can't I remember?....


At this time, Gurefia tried to make a cat move and meowed. Because the voice was cold, it looked a bit like a cold cat.

However, after meowing, even the serious Gurefia was shaken. Her fair face turned red and her body trembled.

I can't take it anymore. It's really embarrassing....

"What? Don't you want to do it?"Lan Yufeng just felt his heart was electrocuted because of Gurefia's meow, and he urged with a smile."Hurry up. Gurefia has nine more, Seraphel has ten more."

"......"This time, even Gurefia was shaken. She wanted to strike that pose again and imitate the meow, but she still couldn't do it.

"Hehe, hehe, you killed me. Laful looked at Lan Yufeng with lifeless eyes and smiled strangely, giving Lan Yufeng a feeling of being broken.

"Forehead..."Seeing this, Lan Yufeng coughed lightly.

"Forget it, this request is invalid. How about you kiss me on the cheek instead?"Lan Yufeng shook his head and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Yufeng's face was pecked.

Well, it was not the serious Gurefia, but Serafall.

Gurefia kissed Lan Yufeng on the cheek after Serafall.

In response, Lan Yufeng smiled and looked at Serafall with a smile.

""Hmph." Serafall snorted and turned away.

Compared to learning to meow, kissing the face was nothing to her. It was acceptable.

It must be said that Serafall was completely caught in the trap.

"Do you want to continue?" Lan Yufeng shuffled the cards and said with a smile on his face.

""Go on!" Serafall glared at Lan Yufeng fiercely and answered without hesitation."However, let me shuffle the cards. At the same time, the condition for our victory is changed to allow you to fulfill one request after winning."

Revenge, revenge must be taken, let Lan Yufeng leave behind a lot of black history, so that the hatred in my heart can be relieved!

"I have no objection."Lan Yufeng spread his hands and handed the cards in his hand to Serafall.

So far, everything has been in Lan Yufeng's plan. Naive Serafall, you are destined to become our rbq

""Hmph." Serafall shuffled the cards angrily and dealt them.

After a while

""Pair of 2, single report!" Seraphel threw out two cards again, looking at Lan Yufeng with pride and a little nervousness.

This time, both the big and small kings were out, and there was no way that the A bomb could be possible. She didn't believe that Lan Yufeng had any tricks.

"3 bombs."Looking at Serafall calmly, Lan Yufeng smiled and silently threw out four cards.

"Poof, another bomb?"Serafall was stunned, and she felt terrible. The 3 bomb was the smallest bomb, and she didn't even notice it.

Then, Serafall looked at her peasant ally Gurefia with a pitiful and expectant look, hoping that she could have a bomb to suppress Lan Yufeng.

Well, now, Serafall and Gurefia have been through thick and thin together, and they have long forgotten the hostile relationship before.

She just wants to defeat Lan Yufeng together with Gurefia.

"Can't afford..."Gurefia glanced at Serafall and shook her head, which made Serafall feel a little desperate.

"4. I win again." Lan Yufeng smiled and played the last two cards, looking at Serafall teasingly.

"......!"Suddenly, Serafall's body began to tremble, and she wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

"You, you cheated! Why don't we have any bombs, but you have both?" Serafall accused Lan Yufeng in a self-destructive manner.

""Don't slander me. If I cheat, I will be lonely for the rest of my life." Lan Yufeng swore solemnly.

This oath scared Serafall. It was really cruel. He even said that he would be lonely for the rest of his life.

Serafall was so depressed that she could only believe Lan Yufeng. Maybe...

"Ah, I'll admit defeat. Tell me, what do you want?" Serafall slumped on the stone, looking at the azure sky, and yelled in a frenzy.

"If you request..."Lan Yufeng said his request with a smile.

After a while, Serafall and Gurefia both blushed and their eyes were moist as they backed away from the hug.

God knows what she had been through.....After today, find a place to bury yourself.

Serafall crossed her arms in front of her, tears in her eyes.

"Are you coming again?" Lan Yufeng raised his poker cards and asked.

"Come!" Serafall came back to her senses, gritted her teeth, and glared at Lan Yufeng fiercely.

She still didn't believe in evil today!...........

"Are you coming again?" After a while, Lan Yufeng asked with a happy face.

"...Come!" This time, Serafall's answer was a little weak, and he continued to play cards stubbornly.

This is what happens when a gambling addiction strikes.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ)_Fulu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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