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Not to mention Serafall, even Gurefia, who had amazing self-control, had a ruddy face and trembled slightly, feeling that she had no face to see anyone.

"Okay, another bomb, two requests."Lan Yufeng clapped his hands and reminded with a smile.

"You, you must have cheated!" Serafall pointed at Lan Yufeng, stood up and questioned the angry Lan Yufeng."There are bombs in every game. When we have bombs, your bombs are always bigger."

God knows what she has been through. She was so excited that she finally had a bomb, but Lan Yufeng always suppressed her bomb.

Moreover, 2 bombs suppressed A, and the king bomb suppressed 2 bombs.

Who would believe that this is not cheating!

Not to mention Serafall, even Gurefia couldn't help but look at Lan Yufeng suspiciously.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop slandering me." Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and pouted."Don't forget, I listened to your request. It was you and Gurefia who shuffled the cards every time. I didn't use any strength, so how could I cheat?"

"......"This made Serafall speechless, and she could only stare at Lan Yufeng unwillingly.

After losing more than a dozen games in a row and being asked all kinds of weird requests, she had probably already abandoned most of her shame in front of Lan Yufeng. So even if someone questioned her so openly in front of Lan Yufeng, she didn't react much.

Compared to this, she cared more about Lan Yufeng's card game!

"But if you don't cheat, how can you always get such good cards?" Seraphel gritted her teeth and continued to question

"Haven't you heard of it? How can a person with bad luck be compared with a person with good luck?"Lan Yufeng spread his hands and grinned."I am a God Slayer, with the bloodline of a lucky European emperor, so it is normal for me to have bombs. And you are a non-African with bad luck, so your cards are bad."

This is not a lie. Lan Yufeng himself is a person with great luck, not to mention the blessing of luck. If Lan Yufeng plays the card drawing game now, he can draw SSR ten times in a row.

"......."This made Serafall's mouth twitch, and she began to doubt her life. Is this really the difference between good luck and bad luck?

""Okay, we've played till now, don't go back on your word." Lan Yufeng waved his hand in front of the dazed Serafall and made his request with a smile."The first request is to hug Gurefia in this position."

While Lan Yufeng was saying this, he also used magic to draw a 3D picture in the air.

"————!"This made Serafall's eyes widen, her eyelids twitched wildly, and her body trembled. It was unknown whether she was angry or embarrassed.

Even Gurefia's pretty face blushed a little more.

In the end, Gurefia still had no plans to complete the request as soon as possible, pulling Serafall and perfectly reproducing the posture in 3D.

In response, Lan Yufeng silently paused time, took out his mobile phone and clicked it.

Well, today is a great day, and the various sources are easily credited. Ten yuan per copy, first come first served.~

"The second requirement is that when the two of them eat this chocolate bar, they must not break it."Lan Yufeng took out a chocolate bar from the system storage space, handed it to the mouths of the two women who were temporarily free to move, and said with a smile.

In response, Seraful glared at Lan Yufeng fiercely, bit one end, and Gurefia bit the other end, and they ate tacitly. After being teased by Lan Yufeng for so long, Seraful and Gurefia's tacit understanding was amazing, and the two of them were not ordinary people. So they didn't accidentally break the chocolate bar like ordinary people. Instead, they finished eating it perfectly, and after their lips touched, they quickly separated.

Well, the two of them are now good friends who share weal and woe, and those ideas of fighting to the death have long been thrown to the horizon. Seraful now just wants to take revenge on Lan Yufeng.

Okay....After being teased for so long, she couldn't even think of revenge.

"Still playing?" Lan Yufeng picked up the poker cards and gestured.

"I'm not going to play with you anymore!" Serafall yelled in frustration, regardless of her image.

Well, she has completely lost her image now.

"It's a pity not to play anymore."Lan Yufeng shook his head and took the playing cards back.

""Okay, it's getting late. You guys go wash your bodies in the lake. I'll go fishing and prepare dinner ingredients." Then, Lan Yufeng looked at the gradually darkening purple sky and said softly.

The sky in the underworld is purple, which is quite strange.

""Hmph." Serafall breathed a sigh of relief, hummed, and jumped directly into the lake, diving quickly like a flexible mermaid.

Gurefia also jumped into the Jingling Lake. Of course, she was much more reserved than Serafall.

Lan Yufeng watched this scene with a smile, cleaned up the debris and dirt on the white stone, and then conjured up a fishing rod, humming a little tune, and started fishing leisurely.

"This guy, if he were quiet, he would be a handsome guy with strong strength. But his personality is so bad."Swimming in the lake, Serafall occasionally poked her head to glance at Lan Yufeng who was fishing leisurely, and curled her lips.

Because of the cool and spiritual water of Jingling Lake, her irritability and shame subsided strangely.

However, on second thought, Serafall also felt that she was so stupid.

Although she became a temporary maid as an apology, Lan Yufeng did not force her to do anything.

She could refuse the Landlord game, but she couldn't help jumping into the pit.

In the end, she wanted to win back after losing, and it turned out like this.

While playing, she even got subtly excited?

For a moment, Serafall felt a little complicated and tangled.

Is she really a masochist ?

Otherwise, it would be hard to explain why she could come to Jingling Lake with Lan Yufeng and get excited while playing games....

Gurgle Gurgle...

Thinking about all kinds of strange things, Serafall sank to the bottom of the lake again.

Gurefia didn't have as many thoughts as Serafall. After calming down, she just took a bath seriously and helped Lan Yufeng catch fish.

What a qualified maid.

As time passed, Lan Yufeng had caught more than a dozen beautiful fish that she had never seen before.

The ingredients for dinner were obtained, and the bonfire was lit. In the quiet and beautiful night, there was a touch of beauty.

At least, Serafall, who was already wearing a maid outfit, couldn't help staring at the bonfire in a daze.

(ps: ps: Filo has been bombing for a day, and it's finally over...)_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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