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's going on outside now?

Serafall's eyes were hazy, and she was a little worried about the situation outside.

As one of the leaders of the Reformists, she was one of the strongest fighters. If she disappeared like this, the Reformists would panic.

However, considering that Gurefia, the top fighter of the Old Demon Faction, was also here, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The two of them disappeared at the same time. In a sense, the combat power of the Reformists and the Old Demon Faction is still balanced. The situation is not that bad.

""Ah!" Suddenly, Serafall felt her pretty face go cold, and she screamed instinctively. Her twin ponytails rose up against gravity.

Then, she looked at Lan Yufeng beside her, her face full of shame and anger.

"Asshole, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to tease you because you were in a daze." Lan Yufeng said what he was thinking frankly, took out an opened bottle of frozen Sprite and shook it in front of her eyes.

"Drink from the future. Drink it."

"Humph, don't think you can buy me off with a bottle of drink..."Seraph turned her head and snorted.

However, she still took the Sprite in her hand.

To her, the drink from the future was undoubtedly very attractive.

"Whoever bribed you just felt sorry for you." Lan Yufeng curled his lips, and then slapped Serafall on the head again."Also, you are my temporary maid now, remember to call me master!"

"you...!"Serafall glared at Lan Yufeng like an angry kitten, but finally gave in....All right?"

"That's good."Lan Yufeng nodded with a smile.

Looking at Lan Yufeng's smiling face, Serafall was so angry that she really wanted to take a bite. However

, since she couldn't win, she could only vent her anger with Sprite, and drank it all in one gulp.

The frozen Sprite was refreshing and refreshing!

This made her feel a little better.

"Let's get down to business after we finish drinking." Lan Yufeng clapped his hands, took out a bunch of seasonings, looked at Serafall and Gurefia, and said with a chuckle.

"Tonight, we will have a picnic and grill fish. Gurefia, you will be the chef, and Serafall will be the assistant."

"Picnic...Grilled fish...?"Gurefia looked at the pile of seasonings, the fish in the bucket, and the few iron thorns, and nodded."Master, I understand."

"Picnic...Grilled fish...!"Seraphel, on the other hand, put aside her worries for a moment and muttered with interest. Picnic and grilled fish are two new names, which she had never done before.

For this reason, she was very interested and full of novelty.

"I have something to do, I'll be back soon." After nodding, he walked calmly towards the Jingling Lake, stepping on the water with brisk steps.

"Gurefia, how about that?"After seeing Lan Yufeng disappear, Serafall's eyes turned and suggested

"If you want to escape, you have to get past me first." Gurefia frowned, her eyes sharpening.

"Forehead...Why are you on his side? He's the one who bullied us like this."Serafall was stunned, and then asked back in frustration.

"I don't know what to do after I go out, so I might as well just live with my master." Gurefia's eyes flickered, and she said slowly."Although it's shameful, this kind of life is very happy."

Her previous life was a black and white picture. In addition to practicing to become stronger, she just obeyed orders to kill. The experience in Jingling Lake made her forget her troubles and the past, experience new games, and feel different things. It was very fulfilling and happy. For the first time, she felt that she was still alive and she was still herself, not a killing machine.

So Gurefia didn't want to leave Lan Yufeng's side, she wanted to be Lan Yufeng's real maid. Whatever Lan Yufeng said, she would do it.

"...Very happy...?"Serafill stared at Gurefia blankly and fell silent.

As an old enemy, she knew about Gurefia's past experiences. Indeed, as an old enemy who had known Gurefia for so long on the battlefield, it was the first time she discovered that Gurefia also had so many expressions, showing a shy expression, but with a faint smile of enjoyment.

What about her? She was born into a pure-blooded demon family, the Sidi family. She also practiced hard since she was a child, aspiring to change the underworld, and she had never enjoyed anything. Since she became an adult, she has conspired with Sirzechs and others to reform the underworld.

To be honest, this is her first time to experience such a life.

When playing poker, although she was so embarrassed that she exploded, she completely relaxed her mind. All the negative emotions and troubles that had been suppressed in the past were thrown out of her mind, and the whole person was in a strange state of floating.

"Really, why is this happening?...He was the one who bullied us...."Serafall smiled helplessly and sat back."Even with all the dark history today, he makes us too embarrassed to get married...."

"No matter what, I won't run away, and even if I let you go, I don't think you can escape." Gurefia added a knife

"......"These words made Serafall's pretty face fall. Thinking of Lan Yufeng's weird methods, she couldn't refute.

Forget it, since I can't escape anyway, I'll just relax and try my best to satisfy that guy, make him happy, and then let me go.

In the meantime, I'll just take it as a holiday.

Serafall's eyes flickered, and she persuaded herself in her heart.

"Gurefia, let's grill some fish. I'm starving after a day of hustle and bustle."Serafall's face once again showed the same unremarkable smile as before, and he picked up the iron thorns swiftly.

"Okay. Done before the master comes back." Gurefia also picked up the fish in the barrel.

For a moment, the relationship between the two was not like that of enemies at all, but like best friends.

While Seraful and Gurefia were chatting, Lan Yufeng also came to the depths of Jingling Lake.

To be honest, Lan Yufeng could sense that there was indeed a kind of strange life in Jingling Lake that made people feel relaxed and happy.

This should be the elves in the legend of the underworld.

However, Lan Yufeng did not think of calling them out. He just came to the front of the diamond-level red envelope and stretched out his hand to open it.

In an instant, the light was bright, the red envelope was opened, and the sound of the system also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the diamond-level red envelope and receiving the blessing of the elves’"

Blessings from the elves: The owner will have a very good luck in love, and the opposite sex that the owner is connected with will be loyal and never forget their love. After the connection is established, you will also be very lucky.

"Blessing of the Elves...This is simply a necessary ability to open a harem."Lan Yufeng smiled slightly.

"Thank you." Then, Lan Yufeng whispered a thank you to the spirit in the depths of Jingling Lake.

Of course, Lan Yufeng didn't know whether this was the ability created by the system through the spirit in Jingling Lake, or some other ability.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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