"Defeat with all one's heart..."Bruder uttered a hoarse voice.

After he finished speaking, he slowly died.

Looking at the completely dead Bruder, Lan Yufeng shook his head and collected his body.

"Ding, congratulations to the author for recycling the descendant of the dragon slayer and obtaining 5,000 exchange points."

The voice of the system sounded in his mind, which surprised Lan Yufeng a little.

Sure enough, the blood of the dragon slayer is very valuable.

After a slight sigh, Lan Yufeng's Sharingan condensed slightly, and he suddenly looked up and looked into the distance.

There, a large area of movement appeared, and a dark gray giant snake appeared. Standing on it was Wattola.

"Haha, I'm late. You're worthy of me, you actually killed the descendant of the dragon slayer." Wattola stared at the battlefield here and laughed.

Without seeing Bruder's body, Wattola thought Bruder was burned to ashes.

"Can you tell me what kind of magic eyes you have?" Then, Watora stared at Lan Yufeng's three-magatama Sharingan and grinned.

"There's no need to tell you."Lan Yufeng snorted coldly.���, his pupil power suddenly burst out.

Although he did not understand illusion, relying on the pupil power of the Sharingan, it was enough to form the power of illusion.

Instantly, Wattora's body shook, and he felt like he was trapped in a quagmire.

"Illusion?" Wattola's eyes narrowed, and the magic power in his body surged out. The beast in his body screamed, directly breaking the illusion.

"It seems that this level of illusion will not have much effect on a high-ranking vampire."Lan Yufeng looked at Wattola calmly, without any surprise.

"Using illusion on me, does that mean you want to declare war on me? Come out, Sagara!" Wattola grinned, his arms turned red, and he summoned a giant blue snake again.

""Oh, if you want to fight, I don't mind killing you." Lan Yufeng ignored Wattola and snorted coldly.

Wattola's eyes flickered slightly after hearing this. After staring at Lan Yufeng for a few seconds, he spread his hands in a nonsensical way.

"How could I possibly want to fight you? Rather, I am grateful that you helped me solve a problem." Watora said hypocritically.

Although he wanted to attack Lan Yufeng now, the sense of fatal danger that had just appeared made him hold back the urge to fight.

"Hehe." Lan Yufeng sneered, leaving the state of Eight Gates Ninjutsu, and quickly left here."Remember to send the 50 million quickly."

"What a troublesome fellow. Isn't the speed of growth a bit too fast?"Watola smiled playfully."However, I'm also at the critical moment of breakthrough. I'm looking forward to what level I can reach by fusing with one more beast."

"At the same time, summon a new beast."Watola looked directly at the big pit below and murmured.

Vampires are strong in their beasts. If the opponent's speed can avoid the beasts and go straight to the vampire of the beast's owner, it will undoubtedly be very troublesome.

Most people can't do this, but Lan Yufeng can. This kind of power and speed is a bit troublesome even for him to deal with.

When he was far away from Watola, Lan Yufeng's eyes turned back to their original light red color, and a feeling of weakness came over him.

Sure enough, the sixth door can't be opened casually.

Lan Yufeng shook his head

"Of course, the harvest this time is really good."Lan Yufeng smiled slightly and directly clicked on the silver red envelope in front of him.

It would be great if other red envelopes were like Bruder and Marcus, and the conditions for opening were to defeat him.

Thinking of the conditions for opening Yuejiang, he felt depressed.

However, if he defeated Yuejiang, the difficulty seemed to be even greater?

Abandoning the distracting thoughts in his mind, Lan Yufeng waited for the red envelope to be opened.

A silver light suddenly appeared, and a white light flew out.

The voice of the system also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the silver red envelope and getting an invisibility talisman."

Invisibility talisman: can make the owner enter the invisible state for one hour, and can ignore the detection of the barrier!

"Hey, this thing is pretty good."Lan Yufeng's eyes lit up and he stopped on his way.

Although it is a disposable item, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the success rate of completing the task of kissing Na Yuejiang.

"Wait, why did my mind become so dirty? No matter how I think about it, it's all the dog system's fault!" Then, Lan Yufeng pouted again and said


"Five thousand points, do you want to exchange for a big red envelope?"Lan Yufeng touched his chin and thought for a moment.

"Tsk, forget about this, the so-called big red envelopes are all scams."Lan Yufeng thought of what he got last time and smacked his lips in disgust.

Compared with the so-called small and big red envelopes, it is better to save up 10,000 exchange points to open a fine red envelope.

If even the fine red envelopes open rubbish, then Lan Yufeng is really desperate for the recycling system, it is too scam.

Then, Lan Yufeng quickly left the War King Domain.

Lan Yufeng directly ignored Watara's request to entertain him warmly.

Staying around such a dangerous guy casually is completely ignoring the safety of life.

Although Lan Yufeng's trump card can kill this guy, Lan Yufeng will not do it unless it is a one-time event. Killing this guy easily will have too much impact, and exposing the trump card will also cause serious injuries, which is not cost-effective.

After leaving the War King's Domain, Lan Yufeng did not return to the String God Island immediately, but came to the main island of RB.

The red envelopes refreshed in the War King's Domain are also large ones, such as the diamond red envelope on the First True Ancestor and the platinum red envelope on Watora. There is also a platinum red envelope on Bruder, and other than that, there is nothing else.

For this reason, there is no need to stay in the War King's Domain.

There are still some red envelopes on the main island of RB, although most of them are bronze red envelopes.

The area with the most red envelopes is the Lion King Agency! In the Takami Forest located in Oeyama, Kyoto Prefecture, the number of red envelopes accounts for more than half.

One gold red envelope, two silver red envelopes, and five or six bronze red envelopes.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng plans to take a trip to Takami Forest.

Lan Yufeng is very interested in the Lion King Matchmaking Agency.

Well, in the original work, not only did they send psychic harems to Akatsuki Kojou crazily, but they also wiped his ass. Just wanting to rely on the power of the fourth true ancestor to maintain peace and stability, this is too good.

Of course, this is just Lan Yufeng's own understanding based on anime.

In addition to wanting to go to Takami Forest, Lan Yufeng There is also another mission.

It is a mission entrusted to her by Na Yuejiang. To kill an old generation vampire.

By the way, it is clearly within the control of the Lion King Agency, and he still needs to take action. Lan Yufeng guessed that this is Na Yuejiang stealing her job.

After all, Na Yuejiang and the Lion King Agency are equivalent to business rivals?

However, Lan Yufeng is not interested in knowing the deep meaning of this matter.

If he really has to choose who to help, it is undoubtedly to help Na Yuejiang. After all, Na Yuejiang is his benefactor. And can she help him take on tasks and make money?

Oh, so, he is also a business rival of the Lion King Agency? This is a question worth pondering.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, and votes to support, QAQ~)

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