The target of the mission is Sandy Dora, a registered demon who escaped from the Iruvas Demon Special Zone after wreaking havoc.

She is known to be a female old generation vampire with three familiars.

One is a thunder-attributed familiar, one is a water-attributed familiar, and the other is a possessed familiar that can form armor. She also has a way to change her appearance.

"No wonder this guy dared to show up on the main island of Japan after escaping. If I hadn't caught him, I wouldn't know where he went."

Walking in a small town in Japan, Lan Yufeng recalled the target information and pondered for a moment.

"The target didn't refresh the red envelope, which is a bit troublesome."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's nothing. This task is secondary."Lan Yufeng shrugged."Open the red envelopes that can be opened first."

The reason why he stayed on the main island of RB was not because of this task at all. The task was random, the main purpose was to open the red envelopes first.

"The person who carries the silver red envelope in this small town is Kirasaka Sayaka?"Lan Yufeng called up the virtual map and enlarged it, with a subtle expression on his face.

Kirasaka Sayaka is undoubtedly one of the heroines of this world, Wu Weiyuan of the Lion King Agency. But her personality is still very twisted. Because her father often used violence when she was a child, she suffers from male phobia and hates men.

"It's a bit troublesome." Lan Yufeng shook his head slightly."But let's go and take a look."

Thinking about these things, Lan Yufeng relied on the virtual map to find Kirasaka Sayaka.

On the rooftop of a certain building, a beautiful girl with brown hair, green eyes, slender and tall, white skin, very light hair, gorgeous and beautiful facial features, which can remind people of blooming cherry blossoms, stood there.

"Damn, I lost her again, what a troublesome guy."Kurosaka Sayaka looked at the crowd, clenched her teeth, and felt a little depressed.

She was sent by the Lion King Agency to track down Sandy Dora. But the target was too cunning and had thrown her off many times.

And in such a dense crowd, she couldn't make a big noise at all. She was also afraid that the other party would mess around. That would affect many ordinary people.

"————!"Suddenly, the door to the rooftop opened, startling Kirasaka Sayaka and she quickly looked over.

"Men?" Kirasaka Sayaka frowned, her face full of disgust.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't jump off a building when you're young!"Lan Yufeng pretended to be horrified and ran over.

""Huh?" Hearing this, Huangsaka Sayaka was completely confused and didn't react for a while.

When she reacted, Lan Yufeng hugged her waist and pulled her back from the edge of the rooftop.

"What are you doing! Bastard!!!" Being suddenly hugged, Kirasaka Sayaka exploded with anger, and at the same time, because of her male phobia, her delicate body trembled.

"Hmm?"At this moment, Lan Yufeng suddenly felt his palms go numb, and a strange force drilled into his body and bounced him away.

Is it Wu Weiyuan's curse?...It's a bit annoying.

Lan Yufeng looked at the dark palm and raised his eyebrows.

Wu Weiyuan of the Lion King Organization is one of the types of magicians under the Lion King Organization.

Proficient in curses and assassinations, usually not good at close combat, most of the spells used are long-range and have a large range, as well as most of the defensive spells. Of course, Kirasaka Sayaka, who is strong in both close combat and long-range combat, is a genius exception.

Back to the topic, Wu Weiyuan's curse is not only actively cast, but also casts a special curse. People with bad intentions will be maliciously retaliated after touching Wu Weiyuan.

And Lan Yufeng just touched Kirasaka Sayaka casually, and was directly backfired by the curse.

"I'm just afraid that you might jump off the building and commit suicide." Lan Yufeng said with a look of regret on his face.

"Only a ghost would jump off a building!" Kirasaka Sayaka said with gritted teeth.

"I was trying to save you with good intentions, but you cursed me. That's too immoral." Lan Yufeng spread out his palms and said with a depressed look on his face."Who knows you are a magic attacker?"

"You deserve it." Kirasaka Sayaka's eyes twitched, and she looked at the man in front of her who had bad intentions, snorted coldly, and jumped directly to the next floor, and quickly left here.

"Troublesome curse."Lan Yufeng glanced at the dark palm, shook his head, and expelled it from his body with his powerful spiritual power.

However, expelling the curse consumed nearly half of his spiritual power, which surprised him a little.

So, unless it is someone Wu Weiyuan approves of, it is impossible for others to do something unspeakable to them.

Unless they are proficient in the spell to remove the curse. Therefore, Wu Weiyuan of the Lion King Agency does not have to worry about being captured alive and humiliated, and can die pure.

Sure enough, the Lion King Agency still has something. Although Wu Weiyuan is mostly beautiful, she is a poisonous hedgehog.

"However, my goal has been achieved."Lan Yufeng muttered, looking at the silver red envelope in front of him.

The condition for opening it is to let Huangsaka Sayaka rest her head on his lap for ten minutes?

"Damn, you want me to die, right?"Lan Yufeng frowned.

If I touch that, I'll be cursed. If I touch it for ten minutes, I'll die.

Not to mention, I have to use my knees as a pillow.

So, the premise for opening this red envelope is that I can capture Kirasaka Sayaka?

Lan Yufeng pressed his brows.

"Forget it, let's just do the strategy, it will be done sooner or later anyway."Lan Yufeng shook his head and looked at the crowd below.

Next, Lan Yufeng wandered around the small town and took the only two bronze-level red envelopes.

The first bronze-level red envelope opened the"Appetizer Big Knife of Meat", which made Lan Yufeng miss this crappy junk food a little.

However, the system's products must be fine products, not dirty, and quite delicious. The second bronze-level red envelope was a bit interesting. It opened something useful after a long time.

An energy crystal that can withstand a blow from an old generation of vampires.

Although it is a disposable item, it is not bad as a thing opened by a bronze-level red envelope.

After Lan Yufeng collected these two things, Lan Yufeng suddenly discovered through the virtual map that Kirasaka Sayaka, who had been moving all the time, had stopped moving in large amplitudes and had been moving in small amplitudes.

This made Lan Yufeng raise his eyebrows and feel it calmly.

"The powerful magic fluctuations are a bit far from here."Lan Yufeng narrowed his eyes, opened the third door, the Gate of Life, and quickly rushed over via the roof....................................

When Lan Yufeng rushed over, in a deserted industrial area, Huangsaka Sayaka looked at the figure opposite solemnly, holding a bow and arrow.

Opposite her, an old woman had a cruel face and burst out with amazing magic. In front of her

, there was a thunder-attributed beast that looked like a leopard, but was intertwined with lightning all over its body and was as big as a tank!

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, and votes to support me, QAQ~)

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