"......"Lan Yufeng looked at the girl in front of him with a jumpy mind, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Thank the other party for the active assist?

"Actually, I have a request."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the two girls in front of him, and said seriously

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Kirasaka Sayaka and Kamikawa Nami both looked over.

"I'm very curious about the High God Forest, so I want to go and have a look."Lan Yufeng touched his nose and made his request.

Originally, he was going to ask Na Yuejiang for help. But, asking Na Yuejiang to negotiate with the old rival, the Lion King Agency? He always felt that he would be scolded by Na Yuejiang and thrown out of the house.

Now is a good opportunity. He is very eager for the red envelopes in the High God Forest.

"Um, you're going to Takagami Forest?" Kirasaka Sayaka was shocked.

"So that's how it is, so that's how it is."Uekawa Nami smiled and glanced back and forth between Lan Yufeng and Huangsaka Sayaka, as if she understood something.

So, what did you misunderstand?

Lan Yufeng was speechless.

"Leave this matter to me." Kamikawa Nami clapped her hands and said with a smile."I will report it to Master Yuantang Yuan. I believe she will definitely let it go."

"I see. Thank you."Lan Yufeng smiled.

"By the way, Huangsaka, let me help you heal." Then, Lan Yufeng looked at the injuries on Huangsaka Sayaka's body and said softly

"Um, do you know any healing techniques?" Kirasaka Sayaka was surprised.

"Of course, I know a thing or two." Lan Yufeng grinned."Although I can't cure life-threatening injuries, I can still easily treat your injury."

""Great." Kamikawa Nami gave a thumbs up.

Lan Yufeng's impression of her deepened. Well, her personality is too masculine.

This kind of girl is the type that you can't treat her as the opposite sex, but instinctively treat her as a good buddy.

"But, Lanyu-kun, you can't call her Kirasaka. You have to call her Sayaka." Then, Kamikawa Nami said with a smile."Sayaka, you have to call her Kaede-kun."

"So, what are you misunderstanding?" Kirasaka Sayaka was angry.

Lan Yufeng looked at Kamikawa Nami and Kirasaka Sayaka strangely and shook his head.

Kamikawa Nami, I recognize you as my good brother who is the king of assists!

"Sayaka, calm down, I will treat you."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief, called out Huangsaka Sayaka's name calmly, and came behind her.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng's palm was also wrapped with spiritual power.

It was the first time for him to use B-level medical ninjutsu, just in time to try out the effect...

"......!"Being called by name directly by Lan Yufeng, Kirasaka Sayaka's expression paused, and her face became more rosy. After glaring fiercely at Kamikawa Nami who was smiling, she tried to calm herself down.

She was also very curious about Lan Yufeng's treatment method.

At this time, Lan Yufeng put his palm on Kirasaka Sayaka's back and probed his spiritual power into her body.

This made Kirasaka Sayaka feel itchy, and at the same time, she also had a strange feeling that she was seen naked, which made her almost lose her temper.

However, when she was extremely embarrassed and angry and was about to explode, she was surprised to find that her injuries were getting better. For this reason, she could only purse her lips and endure this strange feeling and continue to receive treatment.

Lan Yufeng did not mean to take advantage of her.

On the side, Kamikawa Nami touched her chin, looked at this side with a smile, and was also lost in thought.

She had never seen this kind of treatment method before.

As Kirasaka Sayaka's predecessor, she knew much more than Kirasaka Sayaka. However, she still had no impression, as if it was a brand new method.

"Interesting boy."Nami Kamikawa muttered.

After a while, Lan Yufeng completely cured Huangsaka Sayaka.

Although this also almost exhausted his already limited spiritual power.

However, it was not without gain, at least he got a small advantage. It seems that Huangsaka Sayaka's favorability has increased a bit, illusion?

In this case, it would be best to have two guides to go to the Takami Forest. In this way

, Lan Yufeng exchanged email addresses with Huangsaka Sayaka and Nami Kamikawa, and then after a day of rest in the small town, the three of them went to the Takami Forest in Kyoto together.

Well, it is worth mentioning that the silver red envelope opened on Huangsaka Sayaka opened the medium spell resistance.

Lan Yufeng is also quite satisfied with this thing. In the future, it can resist curses, curses and other techniques.

For example, the technique that could originally curse him, with the blessing of medium spell resistance, now at most makes him break his arms and legs, which is a cause for celebration.....

However, when Lan Yufeng was about to step into the Forest of the Gods, Na Yuejiang called.

"When will you come back?"Nangong Nayue's voice sounded with a hint of concern.

"Um, maybe after a while, I want to travel. For example, go to the High God Forest or something like that."Lan Yufeng said with a wry smile.

He couldn't hide the fact that he was going to the High God Forest from Yue Jiang, so he might as well tell her directly.

"What are you doing in the High God Forest?" Nangong Nayue put down the teacup in her hand, the red tea was surging, and she frowned and said

"I am a little curious about the Lion King's organization. At the same time, I want to talk to the Three Saints about Akatsuki Nagisa."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief. On the one hand, he went to the High God Forest to open the red envelope. On the other hand, he wanted to directly make it clear about Akatsuki Nagisa.

The medium that Akatsuki Nagisa needs must be a cute girl. He was really a little afraid that the Lion King matchmaking agency would stuff a bunch of male mediums in because Akatsuki Nagisa was a woman.

When the time comes, Lan Yufeng thinks he will beat all these male mediums half to death and send them back.

"Do you think it's safe to go to the High God Forest alone?" Nangong Nayue said coldly.

"You have to know that you are walking into a tiger's mouth. In the eyes of those guys, you are the mastermind behind the powerful force of the Fourth True Ancestor."

"I can protect you on Genshin Island. If you go on a magic attack mission, they won't dare to attack you blatantly, but if you take the initiative to die, that's different."

""Na Yue-chan, are you worried about me?" Lan Yufeng said with a smile."I am very touched."

"I'm not worried about you." Nangong Nayue snorted."I'm just worried that if you die, there will be no one to run errands for me."

"Tsundere is not likable. I don't think Na Yue-chan has the tsundere attribute."Lan Yufeng teased."Well, don't worry, I'll be fine. The Lion King Dating Agency is not that cruel, nor that stupid."

Without waiting for Na Yue-chan to get mad, Lan Yufeng hung up the phone

"This disobedient bastard." Looking at the phone in her hand, Nangong Nayue's face darkened.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes and support, QAQ~)

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