After finishing the call with Yue Jiang, Lan Yufeng reunited with Huangsaka Sayaka.

Before, they also reported Lan Yufeng's situation. They emphasized that Lan Yufeng was the one who saved Huangsaka Sayaka this time.

However, the two did not expect that the Three Saints would directly agree to this request without any hesitation.

To be honest, they were quite surprised. They thought that they would need to argue for a while, and it was likely to fail.

"Is this the High God Forest? The environment is really nice." Lan Yufeng walked on the marble floor, looking around at the combination of retro and modern architectural styles, and exclaimed

"Of course." Kirasaka Sayaka's face was full of pride.

Takami Forest is the headquarters of the Lion King Agency. On the surface, it is a girls' boarding school, but in fact, it gathers a large number of outstanding psychics from all over Japan for training.

At the same time, there is also the Magic Disaster Management Bureau, referred to as SDC, in secret.

So Lan Yufeng met many girls who were curious about him along the way. Well, it's great that a boy has sneaked into the girls' school.

In addition ,���Lan Yufeng clearly felt that someone was watching him. It was obviously a master of the Lion King Agency.

However, Lan Yufeng didn't care. He didn't come here to cause trouble anyway....I guess so...

Led by Kirasaka Sayaka and Kamikawa Nami, Lan Yufeng calmly greeted various girls along the way, while relying on the virtual map to open red envelopes.

Most of the red envelopes in the High God Forest are of the pickup type, which really makes Lan Yufeng very relieved.

Finally, he doesn't have to face those opening tasks.

An hour later, Lan Yufeng opened two silver red envelopes and three bronze red envelopes.

Well, as expected, the bronze red envelopes returned to its original pitfalls, and all the things opened were garbage.

The first bronze red envelope, an apple that had been bitten once. What the hell. This thing can't even be eaten.

The second bronze red envelope, a mantis shrimp...The shell of a new one. What a rubbish.

The third bronze-level red envelope, the fat of a middle school devil. What is a middle school devil? Damn, how much do you like to steal people's fat! ?

Lan Yufeng felt very tired. Fortunately, the two silver-level red envelopes he opened did not open any rubbish, otherwise he would really be angry.

The first silver-level red envelope opened the observation Haki of the world of"One Piece".

The second silver-level red envelope opened the air dance of the world of"Dragon Ball".

These two skills are still very useful to him.

However, the observation Haki is only at an ordinary level, just like the opening of the instant step. The advanced observation Haki that can peek into the future like Katakuri is obviously not something that can be opened by a silver-level red envelope.

Well, there should be a chance to open it, but the probability is too small.

Of course, Lan Yufeng is not too obsessed with the advanced observation Haki. After all, there are many abilities in the two-dimensional world that are more powerful than the advanced observation Haki.

For example, take the sword wizard of the Lion King Organization. There is a skill called [Spirit Vision]. Can predict the future in a short period of time!

Yes, it is such a bug, and it is much easier to practice than advanced observation Haki.

After all, there are very few people with advanced observation Haki in the world of One Piece.

"The location of the remaining red envelopes is a bit difficult to figure out."Lan Yufeng glanced at the virtual map and raised his eyebrows.

Many of the remaining bronze-level red envelopes are in the girls' dormitory. As a man, he can't go there no matter how much he wants to travel.

As for the gold-level red envelopes, one is on Yuantang Yuan, the master of Jidong Xuecai and Huangsaka Sayaka.

In addition, there is another one who is suspected to be Xian Guyong who just returned. The gold-level red envelope on Xian Guyong is too troublesome, and Lan Yufeng didn't expect to open it.

As for An Bainai, one of the three saints, he is not in the High God Forest. To be honest, Lan Yufeng was quite surprised that the last of the three saints didn't refresh the red envelope.

But remembering that the last three saints didn't show their faces in the anime novels, Lan Yufeng calmly classified them as soy sauce characters.

At this time, a cat-shaped shikigami appeared in front of Lan Yufeng and the other two.

"Lan Yufeng, come with me to the High God's Du Shengting. The Three Saints want to see you."A lazy voice came from the cat-shaped Shikigami in front of him.

"Master!" And Kirasaka Sayaka and Kamikawa Nami hurriedly greeted and saluted.

"Oh, I see."Lan Yufeng glanced at the black cat shikigami in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Yuantang Yuan, her control over demons and shikigami is extremely terrifying. The appearance of the shikigami under her is no different from that of humans, and she can reproduce the beating of the heart and body temperature. I can control the shikigami to talk to people on Genshin Island in the High God Forest. It's awesome.

Then, Lan Yufeng calmly followed the black cat shikigami away, leaving Kirasaka Sayaka and Kamikawa Nami in doubt.

The three saints wanted to see Lan Yufeng, which was really beyond their expectations.

In a retro courtyard, Lan Yufeng stood calmly on the wooden board and glanced at the bamboo curtain in front of him.

With his dynamic vision, he should have easily seen through this obstruction, but Lan Yufeng only saw a hazy shadow.

Obviously, there is a spell engraved on it

"What do the three legendary saints want from me?" Lan Yufeng asked naturally.

"About the fourth true ancestor Akatsuki Nagisa."A cold female voice sounded

"Nagisa." Lan Yufeng put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at the female shadow meaningfully."You should have observed the matter between Nagisa and me very clearly. Xian Guyong, no, should I call you Senior Feidao?"

"......!"Lan Yufeng's words made Xian Guyong's pupils condense.

"So you found it just by looking for it?" Xian Guyong said slowly.

"Of course. After all, every time I look at you, I feel a sense of oppression. At that time, I thought that this beautiful senior must be extraordinary, so I asked Na Yuejiang."Lan Yufeng shrugged and said casually.

Of course, the above is pure nonsense. Xian Guyong's identity was naturally known when he watched the anime. Well, even if you don't watch the anime, there are virtual maps that indicate

"So that's how it is." Xian Guyong nodded slightly.

"What do you think about the Fourth True Ancestor?"Xian Guyong said slowly.

"What can I think? Nagisa is my friend, a cute schoolmate, and I want to protect her. If possible, I just want her to go to school peacefully."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and said softly

"This is impossible."Xiang Guyong said in a deep voice."The significance of the Fourth True Ancestor is more important than you think. As the Fourth True Ancestor, even if you don't have any thoughts in that regard, you will be involved in various things."

"I know more than you think, and I know very well that the days ahead will be very turbulent."Lan Yufeng shrugged and said in a deep voice."So I came to find you, Senior Feidao."

(ps: Please collect, reward, flower, vote and support, QAQ~, the power is out, it hurts...)

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